Supreme Daddy

Chapter 683 The Great Melon Skin

Beibei curled her lips and thought to herself, where is the point of the smile? Still staring at Long Yanran.

The female immortal emperor’s name is Lu Yao!

She explained: This is an ordinary bee, a big-headed bee. It likes to smell the fragrance of flowers, but it is poisonous! Don't touch it!

As she said this, she looked shocked and immediately grabbed the little guy's hand to catch it!

The little guy just wanted to see if she could catch it with her bare hands like little Eileen, because she felt that her magical skills were perfect.

This kid has only learned two tricks!

If little Irene sees this kind of bee, she won't dare to catch it, because it can sting the body of an immortal emperor.

If the little guy is stung once, his hand will definitely be disabled. The poison is beyond what her mortal body can withstand, so Lu Yao is so nervous.

Sister, does this bee like this? The little guy took out the royal jelly he gave her before from his pocket!

Lu Yao's expression changed. It was too late to stop her. The little guy had already opened the lid!

Don't open it!

It’s over!

How come such precious royal jelly is in the hands of the little princess? She didn't have time to think too much and took them away immediately.

Hurry, princesses, follow me! Lu Yao was so nervous that her back felt cold, and she took out the communication talisman at the same time.

The little guy was stunned!

Long Yanran also knew something was wrong, so she took the three little guys and ran away.

Buzz buzz!

The killer bees of the gods are coming!

The little guy seems to have gotten into trouble. He still has that cute expression and looks very innocent.

Looking at the killer bees in the sky, Lu Yao swallowed her saliva and raised a protective shield around them, covering them all, waiting for the god or others to come. She did not dare to leave the little princess without authorization.

So many... so big! Beibei's mouth opened wide!

Ji Wuxue said: Qian Qian, you can handle it yourself!

The little guys curled their lips, as if it was none of my business, as if they were greedy and wanted to drink royal jelly.

Densely packed killer bees kept flying down from the sky, crashing into the protective shield!

The little guy laughed loudly, so stupid? He also made faces at them, slightly...

Long Yanran got up calmly and wiped her sweat. How could she forget that Sissi could control these monsters?

Little God Lord, drive them away quickly! Long Yanran rubbed the little guy's brow.

Then...Okay! The little guy wasn't very willing. He hadn't seen enough or played with them, so he wanted to send them away... But she could only quietly press her eyebrows.

Great, let's fly away! Lu Yao's vigilance was relieved, and she didn't know that it was the little guy who scared him away.

The gods arrived and found that the crisis had been resolved and left. It seemed that they were having a meeting!

It’s almost noon!

The little one was hungry, so he started licking his mouth. He didn't even finish visiting half of the sacred peaks. He couldn't help but go too far. He was tired and hungry, so he acted coquettishly and refused to leave. Lu Yao offered to hug her, but she refused to force Long Yanran to hug her.

Lu Yao felt disappointed...

Fortunately, Beibei comforted her and let her hug her!

Ji Wuxue shook her head. She walked by herself. She didn't know why. There was enough energy here and she didn't look tired at all.

Give her to me!

A loud voice sounded...

Long Yan then took a step back and stared at the strange man in front of her!

This man has a handsome face, comparable to that of Ling Yun. He is as handsome as the stunning man walking out of the painting. His outline is like an ancient Greek sculpture, with sharp edges and corners. His expression is gentle and lazy, with a charming and charming smile.

Guapi, you're itchy, aren't you? Lu Yao frowned and said displeased!

Lu Yao, you have nothing to do here. After saying this, Emperor Guapi shook his head and smiled, very charmingly.


Emperor Guapi stretched out his finger in the air, but Long Yanran couldn't move and watched her take away the little guy.

Lu Yao put down Beibei and pointed at the skin of the melon angrily!

Be bold!

I'll send her back later... Emperor Guapi left these words and turned to leave with the cute little guy in his arms.

Lu Yao is angry!

This is a divine peak, let's be arrogant!

After she finished speaking, she beat up Emperor Guapi. She couldn't let him take away the little princess at will!


Emperor Guapi still kept smiling and was never afraid, even though Lu Yao said a lot of cruel things.

Then he turned around and struck a palm. The palm exploded the air around him and knocked back Lu Yao, who was in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor. The latter was shocked and secretly thought to himself that the strength of Emperor Guapi had greatly increased after he came out of seclusion this time!

Only then did the little guy realize that the other party was going to take her away. She couldn't leave Long Yanran. She had everything to eat and drink in her hands, so she struggled on Emperor Guapi.

Don't make trouble, uncle will take you to play! Emperor Guapi teased her cheeks, and the little guy's mouth bulged in anger, which was really cute.

Damn it! Lu Yao gritted her teeth. Suddenly her mouth started to bleed. She was shocked again. She was actually injured!

Aww, sister...

Beibei just watched the little guy being picked up by a stranger. He tried to attack him but failed. Emperor Guapi's movements were so fast that he was almost invisible to the naked eye, as if he disappeared out of thin air.

Long Yanran's face turned pale after she regained her freedom!

The little guy was kidnapped? What should we do!

Quick, call someone!

Long Yanran was so anxious that she shouted: Help!

Ji Wuxue's mouth twitched, that person just now didn't mean any harm, okay?

Lu Yao is embarrassed...she has neglected her duty!

Kneel down now: Elder Princess, I beg you to be punished!

Punishment! Punishment!

Long Yanran is angry and punishes her at every turn. Is this realistic? The most important thing at the moment is to find Sissy.

Seeing Long Yanran's worry, Lu Yao said, Don't worry, Emperor Guapi will not hurt the little princess. He is a good friend of the emperor. After saying this, she hated Emperor Guapi in her heart.

The fighting here cannot be hidden from the gods!

Lu Yao, where is the little princess? Dong Shenzun was confused. He couldn't see the little guy anywhere.

Beishenzun was trembling, praying in his heart that it was not what he thought!

Go back to the manager, Emperor Guapi took him away! Lu Yao said truthfully.

Ugh, give me back my sister! Beibei cried and grabbed Dong Shenzun!

Dongshenzun looked ugly and was angry in his heart!

This Great Emperor Guapi is too presumptuous. The divine peak comes and leaves at will, but taking away the little princess is too much!

I wonder if the emperor would take action on them if something happened?

Big Old Dong, let me go look for it! Beishenzun's eyes were cold and he said that finding the melon rind would definitely let him know why the flowers are so red!

After Dong Shen Zun nodded, Bei Shen Zun turned into a stream of light and flew away in an instant. Beibei wanted to follow, but he moved too fast.

Eldest Princess, don't worry, the little princess is fine, we will all help find her! Immeasurable Heavenly Lord comforted her.

Yeah yeah.

Several other people spoke one after another, and it was obvious that the eldest princess was very worried. Guapi was really worried. Why did she have to be taken away?

Long Yanran could only place her hopes on them. Beibei and Ji Wuxue were the only ones around her, and she herself was listless!

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