Supreme Daddy

Chapter 685 Demon Core

The little guy replied with a sweet voice: I just know, you are too stupid, big white sorghum! After saying this, he looked arrogant!


Emperor Guapi didn't know what to say at this moment.

And the monk was secretly shocked, how could she know?

I do have a magic core, a ninth-level water magic dragon, but I don't want to sell it, and I hope fellow Taoist friends can forgive me. After saying that, he bowed his hands to Emperor Guapi and the little guy, and walked away.

Emperor Guapi reached out and stopped him!

Fellow Taoist, do you know me? Emperor Guapi looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, with an invincible and lonely expression.

Well, I know, Emperor Guapi's name is loud and clear in the divine world!

Since we know each other, why not give me face?

I hope Emperor Guapi won't buy or sell by force. It's unbecoming of an emperor!

The monk said sadly, asking himself if he could afford to offend him.

Not selling?

The little guy was in a bad mood, his eyes were turning around, while Emperor Guapi frowned, finally finding something to interest the little guy, the man in front of him really didn't know how to appreciate it.

How about that? Forget it? Emperor Guapi asked the little guy for his opinion. He couldn't steal other people's magic cores in public, right? He would be shameless if word spread.

never mind?


The little guy was rubbing his forehead and shook his head to reject the suggestion.

It can be seen from the expression that the little guy did not expect that he could only communicate with the Sixth Guardian quietly, but the latter was not in the gourd and could not be contacted!

The little guy touched his pocket with his little hands and took out a top-quality spiritual stone: Would you like to buy it? After saying this, his eyes furtively looked at the monk, as if to say, Look! It's money.

Oh? The monk smiled meaningfully: If you can come up with something to impress me, I will consider it!

Emperor Guapi was a little displeased: You want to seek death? His momentum suddenly dropped, frightening the other party's face to turn pale.

Don't dare, don't dare. The monk immediately gave up!

Wait a minute, Emperor Guapi is bullying an honest person too much.

This man had been beside them all the time. He couldn't stand it after hearing these words. He finally spoke. The little guy took a look. He was wearing a white robe and was a bit handsome.

Emperor Guapi had long known that he would speak, so he sneered: What are you talking about, Emperor Liang Wu? I and this kid are honest people, okay?

The little guy also said: Honest man.

Emperor Liang Wu's eyes were a little cold, and he said to the monk: Fellow Taoist, don't be afraid, I will be on your side.

The monk thanked him profusely!

The little guy took out a peach. The peach looked like a little man. He asked him if he wanted it. The latter shook his head. The little guy refused to be deceived and said, This is a ginseng fruit!

Ginseng fruit?

That monk had never heard of it.

The little guy said again: Ginseng fruit is delicious.

Little boy, please don't lie. Why haven't I heard of this fruit? Emperor Wu of Liang said. He had traveled to the twelve regions. What anecdotes and strange records did he not know?

The little guy shook his head and decided that this was ginseng fruit!

Beibei and the Sixth Guardian are here!

While holding back the excitement of seeing the little guy again, he said leisurely.

It takes thirty thousand years to bloom, it takes thirty thousand years to bear fruit, it takes another thirty thousand years to mature, and it takes another hundred thousand years to be eaten.

In a hundred thousand years, it only bears three fruits.

After Beibei finished speaking, she went up and beat the melon-pipe emperor. He was the one who took away her sister. This man was so bad!

Only three! The little guy nodded and followed Beibei's lead.

Emperor Guapi knelt down and pinched Beibei's cheek: Little one, I'll tease you later! Then he said to the monk: Are you satisfied with this ginseng fruit?

The monk's eyes were half-closed and he was thinking!

What's the origin? Emperor Wu of Liang was suddenly curious. Isn't the peach in front of him? Could it be that it is still a divine fruit?

Beibei said with a sweet voice: This is the Bodhi tree accidentally planted by Grandpa Calabash. The Bodhi tree is the spiritual root of the earth, and the fruit it bears is a rare thing. After saying this, he tapped his feet like a young adult. He knocked on the ground and raised his hands.

The little guy laughed, why is her sister so awesome? Can you still talk nonsense?

Don’t say it yet!

Emperor Liang Wu, the monk and Emperor Guapi were all deeply attracted by Beibei's words!

The spiritual root of the earth!

Thinking about it, they were all so excited that they had no doubt that Beibei was bragging.

Emperor Wu of Liang asked again: What's the use of eating it? Or what other uses can it be used for?

Beibei coughed twice: That's awesome, have you ever heard of Turtle Immortal?

Turtle Immortal!

Of course I have heard about the ancient mythical beast Xuanwu, but whether the two are related, even Emperor Wu of Liang could not figure out.

Let me tell you secretly, Turtle Immortal lived so long only by eating this ginseng fruit.

Emperor Wu of Liang opened his mouth wide and his face was filled with disbelief!

Yeah, yeah! The little guy said in agreement from time to time, as if we don't know each other well and we haven't told you this secret yet.

If Long Yanran were here, I wonder if all her teeth would fall out when she smiled.


Beibei continued to lie: Do you know Sun Wukong?

Emperor Liang Wu, the monk and Emperor Guapi looked down at Beibei like children: I don't know.

I knew you had long hair and short knowledge! Beibei said angrily, looking like he was disappointed in them, with a trace of helplessness flashing in his eyes.

The three of them blushed and were said to have no temper!

The little guy asked, Sister, do they have sores on their heads? After saying that, she touched the top of her forehead, as if she was worried that her head would too.

Don't talk nonsense, why do uncles get sores on their butts?! Beibei shook his head.

The faces of Emperor Guapi all turned dark. Did these two kids do it on purpose? One was talking about the head and the other was talking about the butt!

The Sixth Protector had a smile on his face from beginning to end and said nothing.

The monk couldn't help but ask: Who is Sun Wukong?

Monkey! the little guy replied in a milky voice.

Vomiting blood!

After talking for so long, even the monkeys looked bad.

No, no, it's not an ordinary monkey! the little guy added!

Why is it not ordinary? Emperor Guapi asked!

He ate ginseng fruit, uncle, you are so stupid! Beibei rolled her eyes at him.

Then he should be as famous as Guixianren. Why haven't we heard of it? Emperor Liang Wu was puzzled!

Emperor Guapi and the monk also nodded, indicating that they also had the same question.

That's because you are ignorant!

Beibei's words instantly left them speechless and unable to refute.

In short, the peach in the little guy's hand was blown away by Beibei, who led the three of them around!

Emperor Guapi touched his chin, looked at Beibei, and asked seriously: Who is Grandpa Calabash? He thought to himself that he must be a powerful person who possesses such a heaven-defying treasure.

Beibei was stunned for a moment!

She didn't expect Emperor Guapi to ask her this question, so she pursed her lips.

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