Supreme Daddy

Chapter 689 Ice and Fire Body

The little guy couldn't hold himself back and was jumping around. In the eyes of Emperor Guapi, he didn't know why she was so excited.

Thunder snakes hit the body shield one after another, and Emperor Guapi suffered too many critical hits.

Emperor Munan really doesn't take him seriously? Emperor Guapi's eyes were deep and his expression became very evil. When the situation becomes dire, he plans to go crazy to stop Emperor Munan's madness.

After becoming mad, he was a man capable of fighting Ye Lingyun, but the danger would be great, and he didn't want to put himself in danger.

Looking at the land being destroyed below, Emperor Munan laughed heartily, and many of the people who attacked him were killed by him with a single blow.

After a while.

He couldn't laugh anymore and his face looked ugly.

The sky was suddenly clear and the sun was shining brightly. No matter how he gathered his strength and used the same move again, the sky remained unchanged.

The little one hated the darkness all around and the rumbling thunder, so she ordered the Heavenly Way of the God Realm again.

Emperor Munan's power is nothing more than affecting the weather. These thunder snakes are his thunder power. At this moment, Tiandao has to take action to send away these thunderclouds formed by Emperor Munan's power.

It is also obligatory to restore the beautiful weather.

Taking advantage of the lack of Thunder Snake landing, Beishenzun had already fought against Emperor Munan.

Both of them took out their weapons, and the scene became incandescent for a time. Beishenzun was a giant sword, and Emperor Munan was also a sword, very small, but extra long.


A crack opened in the void, and Emperor Munan's sword energy leaped into the red lin. The evil red sword energy was like an evil spirit, carrying a frightening and terrifying power, blasting into the void!

The sword energy was overwhelming, slashing through the void a hundred feet away, leaving terrifying knife marks, as if opening a broad road.

Aha! The little guy covered his smile. The weather is so nice now, and he can see everything clearly, even though it's a bit too sunny!

Good looking, haha!

Beibei finally took a photo and felt happy.

Emperor Guapi wanted to help, but he didn't worry about the little guy staying here and relying on the protection of his subordinates? He shook his head bitterly.

After the Sixth Guardian recovered some of his injuries, the transformed gourd flew back to Beibei's hand.

Emperor Munan's eyes were full of anger, he was the North God, otherwise he would have obtained the artifact.


The little guy laughed again and murmured to Beibei. She peeked at Emperor Guapi and found that he was not looking at her. Then she turned around and put all the spiritual stones in her pocket between her eyebrows.

At the same time, she kept smiling stupidly, realizing that something fun was coming.

After she releases all the spirit stones...

Change into a dragon, transform into a dragon! He has been imitating Lingyun in snapping his fingers.

She has never learned anything, and there will definitely be no dragons appearing, so she is unhappy and cannot be coaxed.

Sister, don't change. Let's use thunder balls! Beibei suggested.

There is no other way, since they can't transform into a dragon, they can only take out the magic wand and use their combined skills.

have no choice!

She can't use the combined technique, she needs magic core!

And what she swallowed for Blood Dragon Yuan was the spirit stone, but she was smart enough to think of it, Ghost Han Bingxin!

This uses true energy, the Blood Dragon Yuan can temporarily provide her with power, and Ghost Han Bingxin itself also has power.

Beibei's eyes are turning...

She also used white flames, insisting on attacking together with the little guy. The white flames in Beibei's hands were terrifying in themselves, but they were far from being able to devour the Immortal Emperor.

The two little guys mysteriously, under the secret guidance of the Sixth Guardian, an energy ball of ice and fire was born.

With the power of the Blood Dragon Yuan, this little thing can kill an entire Immortal Emperor.


The little guy was very proud and laughed very loudly.

Emperor Guapi was immediately attracted by her laughter. When he turned around to look, the corners of his mouth twitched in fright. At the same time, he looked at the ice and fire body and swallowed hard.

He didn't know where they got it. In short, that little thing was very dangerous, and the energy it contained seemed to destroy the world.

Where did the one in Sissi's hand come from? Emperor Guapi approached them cautiously. He still held such a dangerous thing in his hand? If there is a bang... his sin will be great!

Beibei hesitated and stuck out her tongue at him: I won't tell you, this is what we did!

Emperor Guapi couldn't laugh or cry, should he believe her? They said they wouldn’t tell him, and they said they did it themselves!


What did they do?

That's a lie to him. How can you two little ones create something so terrifying? Even bitches can climb trees!

Emperor Guapi immediately denied it in his heart and said at the same time: This is very dangerous, uncle, hold it for you.

Beibei said: You can't hold it, you have to throw it out, and then it will bang! As he said, his little hand made an exploding motion in the air, just to scare Emperor Guapi.

The little guy nodded and said, You have to throw it over, otherwise it won't ring! She even made it clear that Emperor Guapi wouldn't be able to use it.

After speaking, she held the ice and fire energy ball and looked at it with a burning face.

Okay, I'll throw it away for you! Emperor Guapi replied in a funny way.

That's what he meant!

How can we not let such a terrifying energy ball be released to its fullest?

Then he showed a cynical smile and took the ice and fire energy ball from the little guy's hand!

call out…

Emperor Guapi only took a few glances and immediately chose to throw it away, and its target was the Golden Saint Dragon.

The little guy and Beibei watched intently, for fear of missing any wonderful moments.

The Golden Saint Doulong was extremely sensitive and immediately noticed something flying towards it. He thought to himself, sneak attack?


There was a look in his eyes that said, Don't think I don't know.

No matter what it is, it opens its mouth and bites it...


This sound was very loud, and the sound reached into the sky.

No matter how strong the Golden Saint Dou Long's body was, his mouth was blown off at this moment, and he fell to the ground, dying, his eyes full of unwillingness.

Before death, it hurts!

My question is, what the hell did it bite?

My heart was full of regret, but it was useless, I was already dead.

The terrifying residual power spread to the surrounding areas. First, cracks appeared in Emperor Munan's trap formation, and then a thick layer of soil was rolled up on the earth.

The battle between Emperor Munan and Lord Beishen had already stopped with this loud noise!

And when Emperor Munan looked at the Golden Saint Dragon that was bombed so badly, he couldn't help but look up to the sky with grief and anger. He no longer had the gentle and elegant expression before. At this moment, in the eyes of the little guy, he was a vicious and evil person.

You, you all deserve to die!

He said this to Emperor Guapi and Lord Beishen, his blood-red eyes looking like he wanted to eat them alive.

The Golden Holy Dragon was his mount. Now that he was dead, how could he be indifferent? After getting along for a long time, the relationship between master and servant was very deep.

Emperor Guapi sighed slightly in his heart, how could Emperor Munan become like this? How is it like being in the devil's path? Fortunately, the opponent's Qi is not black, otherwise he would really think so.

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