Supreme Daddy

Chapter 692 Acquaintance

Farewell to the two empresses!

The two gods took them to the main hall. The main hall of Shenfeng was majestic, with several dragons carved on the golden pillars, as if they were lifelike.

The plaque on the door of the main hall reads: Palace of Eternal Life!

In the Palace of Eternal Life!

The three little guys were curious about this and that, asking questions about everything.

I brought them here originally because I wanted the little guy to review the memorial. However, there is no need for it now. The latest emergency report from outside the God Realm is that Dugu Yidao is attacking again. Where can I have time to care about the affairs of the lower realm? Even the Northern God Lord left because of this incident.

The little guy looked at the tall and majestic statue in the Hall of Eternal Life: Ah ha, it's my daddy! He said and hugged him on his lap!

Long Yanran touched the little guy's head angrily: Yes, it's your father's statue. Let it go!

The little guy still reluctantly let go, thinking to himself, why her father hasn't come back yet, so he can't have fun anymore.

Almost all the temples were visited by the three little guys. The little guy curled his lips and asked Dongshenzun: Grandpa, are there any luminous gems?

Dongshenzun didn't even think about it and replied directly: Yes! There are quite a few!

Glowing gems?

Certain forging materials will glow, and so will some beads, countless of them.

Really? The little guy's eyes turned!

Dongshenzun didn't think anything, nodded, and didn't care to give her some gems. Speaking of which, he didn't say anything during this meeting.

Then they took a luminous stone. The little guy and Beibei took a closer look and immediately started mumbling.

It's not like the Tianzhu that her father told her about!

Not even green...

Ling Yun told her that the Sky Bearing Pearl is green light!

The piece in front of me was shining with gold, but the little guy still accepted it. They were all treasures and all hers!

Her eyes were still looking at those golden pillars, and she didn't know what they were made of. In her eyes, they were just gold.


Dongshenzun frowned when he heard the people outside shouting!

Come in!

Urgent report from the gods, Maple Leaf Tianzun died in battle. The visitor was sweating profusely, and he was obviously shocked.

Repeat it once. Dong Shenzun suspected that he heard wrongly.

Even if Maple Leaf Tianzun is defeated, there is no problem in escaping. If he fails, there will be only one Nascent Soul left. How could he die? So he kept shaking his head in disbelief.

My subordinates just received a secret report that Maple Leaf Tianzun is indeed dead. He was killed by the man in black robe, but he also killed one of the other generals.

I know, I'll make arrangements right away. Dongshenzun sighed, looking very weak.

The little guy asked: Is it fun?

Beibei said: Grandpa, I will arrange it for you, hehe.

These two little guys didn't know what they were talking about.

Dongshenzun smiled and told them to let them take a closer look here while he had something to do.

The little guy was fine, he had no use here anyway, so he picked up a playbook from the ground and opened it gently.

The content above made her eyes wide open!

Sister, look, there are so many babies! Babies! The little guy cried out excitedly.

Beibei ran over to take a look!

Wow, ancient artifact? Is it powerful? Beibei looked at the description above and was very curious.

Including Long Yanran, she stood behind and watched when the two of them were so excited.

Ji Wuxue frowned. She felt like she had heard it somewhere. It seemed that her brother Ji Wushuang had told her about it. It seemed very awesome and many people were looking for it!

That memorial records the ten ancient artifacts and is used to fill the database of the divine peak.

After reading it, Beibei rolled his eyes: Sister, let's let Shuai Shu find it!

These two children are beginning to prepare for Ling Yun's idea!

Yeah, daddy loves me the most. The little guy nodded in disbelief, his eyes sparkling.

Taking this book with them, they returned to the other courtyard. They didn't go out again and didn't know what was going on outside.

Until night, Empress Hanyue came!

Send them snacks!

Sister Fairy, is this delicious? the little guy asked in a milky voice.

The little finger points to the cakes in the flower basket!

Ji Wuxue had already eaten it, but she was still asking. Seeing Ji Wuxue wolfing it down, she knew it was delicious.

It's delicious, it's delicious... Beibei also chewed on it, slurring his words!

It seems chaotic outside? Long Yanran asked tentatively.

Eldest Princess, don't worry. It's safe here. The Divine Master and the others have something to do and have gone out. Although Empress Hanyue concealed her situation well, her face was still a bit unnatural.

Long Yanran saw this immediately.

It's more than just something, right? Long Yanran asked again.

Her cultivation is about to pass the tribulation period, and her spiritual consciousness is not weak. There are almost no people on the divine peak. Could something have happened?

Oh, to be honest with you, the door to the God Realm has been broken. Empress Hanyue said that she was not in good condition at all, and she no longer tried to hide it, her eyes were filled with sadness.

What will happen? Long Yanran asked!

I don't know yet. Now that the gods have rushed over, I, Empress Linglong, and Lu Yao are left to protect you.

If the situation is serious, you don't need to stay. We still have some life-saving measures.

No, no, no! Empress Hanyue shook her head. This is the emperor's daughter. How could they leave so casually? The god told him that the Tiandao planning army was searching for the little princess in the lower world.

The world of gods is in chaos at this moment...

The divine guards are dispatched to suppress the lower realm!

While eating the cakes, the little guy said, Sister Xiaoxue, do you eat so much?

Ji Wuxue didn't speak, so he had no time to chat with her.

Long Yanran looked at the sky and asked strangely: Don't you feel anything?

Empress Hanyue's consciousness is much stronger than Long Yanran's, how could she not feel it!

Don't worry, Linglong is here!

You guys have a good rest! After saying that, he wanted to leave!

Sister Fairy, I want to go out! The little guy grabbed her battle armor restlessly.

Little princess, you stay here, don't go out if you hear anything.

Don't... don't... Uncle Xin came to play with me. Sissi wants to go out. The little guy shook his head and refused to let go, acting cute.

Beibei's eyes lit up!

Uncle Xin, haha, you are rich!

Beibei still hasn't forgotten this idiot Xin Zhao, who would he cheat if not him?

The little guy used Blood Dragon Yuangang to sense that Xin Zhao was yelling under the divine peak!

Long Yanran smiled happily and asked the little guy: Qianxi, is it true?

Yeah, you're here to play with me! The little guy nodded seriously, very surprised why her Uncle Xin was here? Could it be that this is the Blue Mercury?

Empress Hanyue was confused after hearing this...

The little guy was anxious. Under her induction, Xin Zhao and Empress Linglong fought. How could they fight? So she was anxious, and kept shaking Empress Hanyue's battle armor with her little hand.

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