Supreme Daddy

Chapter 697 Millipedes

The little guy smiled so happily...

Aunt Long, where is my sister?

Long Yanran shook her head: I don't know, I should play in the mud outside, otherwise I would study bugs with a magnifying glass in the grass.

The little guy laughed and studied bugs? What does it look like? A hint of curiosity appeared under his eyes, and his smart little eyes turned around.

Long Yanran took the little guy to search several times but could not find Beibei and Ji Wuxue.



This was Beibei's cry. Long Yanran panicked and immediately picked up the dumbfounded little guy and rushed towards the location of the sound.

From a distance, Ji Wuxue's voice was heard among the cries: It doesn't hurt, Beibei, don't cry. The tone was a little anxious!

When Long Yanran rushed there...

Beibei cried with tears all over her face, and she cried even louder: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Auntie hurts... Wuuu...

What's going on? Long Yanran's eyes widened and her tone was full of scolding. At the same time, she was very scared and panicked, and her expression slowly changed.

The little guy looked at Beibei's hand and was startled at first, and then started crying along with Beibei.

Can you not be surprised?

Beibei's hands are comparable to those of adults, but they are caused by swelling.

Auntie, Beibei was bitten by an insect. Ji Wuxue pointed to the insect on the ground that she had trampled to death.

What kind of insect can bite Beibei's hand like this?

Long Yanran looked at the bugs on the ground and stepped on them decisively. It was so hateful, and then cursed: Are you still curious? How many times have I told you, but you just don't listen? This is not Blue Star. There are dangers everywhere.

Beibei looked at her hand and felt it hurt, and then she burst into tears!

The little guy and Beibei hugged each other and cried...

Wow wow...

Someone has already come, it’s Lu Yao!

Lu Yao took a closer look and was shocked!

I knelt down and pinched Beibei's arm, feeling very scared in my heart.

Girl, why are Beibei's hands like this? Long Yanran asked worriedly.

Sister Fairy, help sister quickly... The little guy shook Lu Yao's body vigorously.

She was bitten by a millipede, and the swelling in her arm is caused by poisoning. It's normal, but it's the first time I've seen such a big swelling like the princess.

Lu Yao was secretly shocked!

Millipedes can't be that poisonous, right?

She had no way to solve the situation and could only shake her head!

What should I do? Long Yanran was running around anxiously!

The little guy looked unhappy and sniffed. Ji Wuxue blamed herself, if only she had held Beibei and stopped her from playing.

Don't worry too much, I think the gods have a way, I will take you there!

After saying that, he took them and hurried all the way to a certain attic in Shenfeng!

Beibei kept crying in pain, which made Long Yanran feel distressed. Lu Yao had no choice but to temporarily use his zhenqi to help her relieve her nerves, but she couldn't do more.

Along the way, she attracted many people who cared about her. After learning about the situation, they were all trying to figure out a solution!

After a while!

A group of people came to a place with Beibei with tears on his face!

A tall and magnificent pavilion, in front of the Zhenwu Pavilion, Long Yanran looked over and found that there were many people here. She didn't know what they were watching together, and the sound was very noisy.

But after hearing Beibei's cry, they all stopped talking and looked back!


There was silence in front of the huge Zhenwu Pavilion. They were all startled. At this moment, Beibei's hand swelled again, as if it was about to burst her little hand. And it was unusually red.

Dongshenzun quickly stepped forward to notice, and after a while, his expression became solemn!

Beishenzun shook his head. He knew that there was nothing they could do. The poison was not strong, but it was too difficult to remove, as long as there were no pills for mortals.

It's just because the poison is so common that it bites them like being bitten by a mosquito, so there is no need for any antidote or pills.

I want to use my true energy to help her, but I'm afraid that her body won't be able to bear it. Moreover, their true energy can't detoxify it, so it might be counterproductive.

The God of Fortune said: Let King Dan refine a relief elixir immediately. It can only be delayed for a while. In addition, I will check the information immediately to see if there is any record so that I can find a corresponding solution.

King Alchemy is a well-known alchemist in the Twelve Domains. He has been a member of the Divine Peak for hundreds of thousands of years. He is considered a loyal subordinate. He does not seek fame or profit, and only pursues his alchemy path throughout his life.

There are his students in the God Realm and even the Twelve Realms!

Okay, don't delay, do it now!

Dongshenzun immediately agreed. Seeing Beibei crying so hard, he knew it must be very painful!

He was a little worried. If the emperor suddenly came back, should he be happy or depressed?

For a moment, Dongshenzun felt that he was under the greatest pressure at this moment after having been in charge for so many thousands of years.

Early this morning, Yi Zhongtian launched a sudden attack and destroyed several cities. Just when they were upset, Beibei happened again.

Beibei didn't cry as hard as before. Now her body was twitching and she cried once or twice from time to time. She didn't say anything and just sat under a tree on the side.

The more Long Yanran looked at Beibei's hand, the more uncomfortable she felt. She still wanted to lecture Beibei, but after thinking about it, she decided not to teach her a lesson until her hand recovered.

Beibei probably regretted it terribly. What was this kid doing catching millipedes when he had nothing to do?

After a while, the God of Fortune came back, holding a white pill in his hand. The little guy didn't blink, thinking, What is this? Sugar? Is it sweet?

Beibei couldn't wait to take the medicine right away. Why was there any hesitation?

So after swallowing the elixir, it no longer hurts, but my arm keeps feeling like this, which is considered to be suppressed.

Haha, it doesn't hurt anymore. Beibei still smiled. It didn't hurt. But she immediately became worried again. What should she do with such a big hand? Will you be laughed to death if you go out?

The mood is still not beautiful, not happy, the kind that cannot be coaxed!

This could not be hidden from Long Yanran, who was becoming more and more thoughtful. She said, Beibei, my aunt will help you tie this hand. Don't move it for the next few days. It will get better slowly. She could only comfort Beibei in this way. Well, counting the days, Brother Ling Yun should be back soon, so she dared to say this.

The little guy rubbed his eyes and said in a sweet voice, Sister, when my daddy comes back, I can touch your head and you will become smaller in no time.

Yeah! Beibei was very happy when she thought of the omnipotent Ling Yun. A smile appeared on her face, but there was no laughter.

Ji Wuxue was not with them. She was looking at the huge playback crystal in front of Zhenwu Pavilion.

The above scene is on a battlefield in a certain city in the God Realm. At this moment, the heavenly soldiers are fighting with the first level of heaven. The scene is like destroying the world and destroying the earth. It is countless times better than the movie.

Bloody fights, splendid martial arts, flying swords flying everywhere, dazzling formations, heavy rain in the sky, blood rain all over the sky, and fighting in the void, flying monsters, and parked airships, all this adds up , gave Ji Wuxue a more macro side, so she didn't even blink.

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