Supreme Daddy

Chapter 699 Helping out


Things that worry them still come, internal and external troubles.

The gate to the God Realm was damaged before, and a lot of people got in. Do you feel like you can’t catch them all? They still resisted desperately, and there were fighting everywhere.

Only then did Dongshenzun realize that the God Realm was already in such unbearable condition. Just as Emperor Guapi said, the God Realm was no longer the God Realm when the Emperor was there.

Chaos everywhere!

Who among the remaining Tianzun will go? Dongshenzun looked around at them all, and after much deliberation, he decided to send one of them. It would be best to kill all the troublemakers.

Bai Shen Zun is not here, otherwise he could send him there. Bai Shen Zun is very good at dealing with these casual cultivators. He was sent by Dong Shen Zun to monitor the Namo family in the Holy Land. This family has always been a hidden danger in the God Realm.

Finally, an old woman volunteered and asked to go with a Heavenly Lord, so that they could take care of each other. The people of Shenfeng were still so united, and Dongshenzun nodded with satisfaction.

After the crystal screen turned, the two generals from Zhennan and Zhenbei and the black-robed man were fighting with Dugu Yida, and two people rushed in!

The little guy rubbed his eyes, and walked closer to take a closer look, and found that it was Xin Zhao, and there was another one? She thought hard...

Ji Wuxue exclaimed: Brother!

That’s right!

It’s Xin Zhao and Ji Wushuang who are here to kill!

The little guy laughed and said, I thought of it a long time ago.

Don’t blush when you speak!

Aha, Uncle Xin is on TV!

Long Yanran slapped her on the back of the head angrily and said, This is not TV. How many times do I have to say it before you understand?

The little guy curled his lips: Why does this TV look so much like a TV?

Long Yanran is tired!

Beibei also said: Is Uncle Xin so awesome?

All the conversations between them were heard. They all knew that Ji Wushuang was the Twin Emperor, but Xin Zhao? The one who killed Hades before? How did you get to know the princess?

Everyone was shocked and at the same time looked puzzled!

Then they stared at the crystal with wide eyes. As expected, Pluto's sword, Han Bing, was in Xin Zhao's hand. He slashed out the nine-headed tiger with one slash, and forced Dugu back with one slash. That slash seemed to be splitting the void. As a result, many strange beasts died under the remaining power.

And Dugu Yida's sword and sword skills are slightly inferior to Xin Zhao's.

The little guy clapped his hands excitedly, and Long Yanran explained to her that this was not a TV show, but a live broadcast, not far away!

The little guy believed it decisively, but she believed in her uncle's acting skills? Can I be on TV?

Beibei shouted: Uncle Xin, fight quickly. There is a monster here. Wow, it's so big. It scares Beibei. His tone was careless, and his little finger pointed everywhere, not knowing her at all. Pointing to that one, it flew away and disappeared, and she pointed to another one.

This living treasure made everyone laugh, and the atmosphere was no longer as depressing as before.

Dugu was defeated with a sword, and the black-robed man and Ji Wushuang were temporarily tied!

Two versus six!

Not a good deal!

The man in black robe ordered a temporary retreat to find out the details.

The nerves of everyone in front of the Zhenwu Pavilion could be relaxed, and the heavenly soldiers on the battlefield could take a breath. They would not be able to bear it if they did not force them to retreat to the first level.

Outside the divine world, on the huge ark...

Who is he? He looks familiar! Demon Lord Leng said with cold eyes and a reluctant tone.

He almost let General Zhenbei fall into the trap, but Cheng Yaojin showed up halfway, and the landlubber he got flew away.

He wasted a whole morning of their time and a whole night of careful arrangements. No wonder he was so unwilling.

Him? One is a man of the hour in the past year or two, Zhao Xin of the Blue Water Star Temple, whose power is similar to that of the Star Palace. The other one is right, you think you are familiar with him, the Territory Lord of the Twin Star Territory!

Haha, Territory Lord? No wonder the strength is so abnormal! Demon Lord Leng smiled bitterly, Territory Lord? He doesn't seem to be an opponent. He certainly won't be that stupid if he fights alone. He must find helpers.

It’s just that he doesn’t understand why the Twin Stars came to help the God Realm? : What's their relationship?

Dugu spread his sword and spread his hands: I don't know, I haven't heard of it, what should I do now? He was secretly worried, and it was still very difficult to have two difficult problems at once.


Demon Lord Leng responded with one word.

It had been so long since they had invaded the God Realm. Except for the first challenge, which came out of a god, the faces of the other gods had not been seen since. It was always Tianzun. The general stopped them.

Is Yi Zhongtian so indifferent to the eyes of the divine world?

Thinking of this, they feel angry and angry. Do you look down on them? If you just retreat to the next level, where will you put your face?

Some of our demons are in the defense formation of the heavenly soldiers. Don't be afraid. The god is not as scary as you think. It's not certain who will win. Lord Leng thought very simply. There are many people on their side!

He didn't believe how many people in the divine world still supported the Supreme Lord? There should be no other forces. From what I learned before, many forces have withdrawn from the protection of the God Realm.

Jiuchongtian and the twelve domain masters have almost all gone out independently. Except for the support from the Twin Stars just now, they don't care about the actions of the gods at all. Or do they also disdain Yitian? Don’t even need support? Thinking of this, Lord Leng's face became gloomy and terrifying.

There is no need for the Territory Lord to come in person for support, Demon Lord Leng complained bitterly.


If you have anything to say, tell me right away. You don't have to report it next time you come in. It's so redundant!

Dugu Yidao was simply angry and irritable. Hearing his subordinate's words at this moment, he just found fault with others.

He came and wiped his sweat: My subordinates remember that the two people who just rushed into the battlefield have already left according to the report of our spies.

Oh? Lord Leng frowned, unable to figure out for a moment, what does this mean? Wasn't it support? Why did you leave like this?

I know, let's go out! Dugu Yida waved his hand and dismissed it, then said to Lord Leng: Is there a scam? To trick me into waiting for you to go out?

I don't rule out this possibility, but I don't think it will be like this. Territory Lords all have a certain degree of arrogance. From the battle just now, I can feel that he is dismissive of us. Demon Lord Leng said leisurely.

In this way, we can win a big victory today. Once the demon army arrives, the God Realm will be doomed. Dugu Yidao agreed with Lord Leng's words, and the smile on his lips became evil.

Divine Peak, in front of Zhenwu Pavilion!

Ji Wushuang muttered: Where is my brother?

Uncle Xin is also missing. Is he a human trafficker? Beibei asked.

The little guy added: It's so bad, even the big friends will catch it.

Long Yanran rolled her eyes: If you don't obey me, they will catch you all. Children, you have never heard of boiled water.

Don't catch me, Sissi is not naughty! The little guy shook his head, a little anxious.

Well, Sissi has been doing very well these days. She's very well-behaved. If I don't catch you, I'll catch your sisters! Long Yanran pulled her into his arms, kissed her cheek, and spoke leisurely.

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