Supreme Daddy

Chapter 735 Torture

Ling Yun was stunned for a moment, a cold and cold light flashed under his eyes, and he adjusted his black clothes.

After a brief pause, he said: The seal cultivator is imprisoned in the forbidden area of ​​​​the divine peak, the Ice-Cold Flame Cave.

Dong Shen Zun nodded. This idea was similar to what he had thought. That was it. Tai Shen Zun, who had been so decisive in killing before, was back.

The Ice Flame Cave is under the Divine Peak. It is a place of extreme cold and heat. The cold and heat make all prisoners numb with fear. It is simply one of the ten tortures. It is extremely cold for half a day and extremely hot for the other half. , which is unbearable.

Ling Yun's deep and shocking eyes were filled with coldness and a terrifying aura.

Several gods couldn't bear it, and they all asked: Any other instructions?

Use Drop of Blood Xing on him tomorrow. Ling Yun said lightly.

Dongshenzun swallowed his saliva and secretly thought, Isn't it too cruel?

However, they still obeyed the arrangement and pricked their index finger and let blood flow for ten days. The feeling was excruciating, comparable to being cut into pieces with a thousand cuts.

After everything had been explained, Ling Yun left happily. When Dongshenzun and the others later received the news about Tianmen Continent, they beat their chests angrily and warned them not to offend Master Xuankong, but they still did.

Striking while the iron is hot, they quickly promoted the Supreme God King. Who would dare to mess with the God Realm in the future? Don't want to die?


It's bright!

Ling Yun was waiting for them to wake up and open the door.

It was the princess who came out first with little Eileen.

Brother, brother, the baby has been hungry for a long time. Is breakfast ready? Little Eileen touched her belly, licked her mouth, and looked at Ling Yun, her eyes full of expectation.

Okay, okay, you are the first today, you can eat more. Ling Yun pinched her chin lovingly, with a smile on his face.

Little Irene must not be rude, Your Majesty the Emperor. I am sorry that I have indulged little Irene. The princess said angrily.

It's okay, I don't care about these things. Ling Yun knew the etiquette the princess mentioned, but he and little Irene didn't talk about it.

Little Eileen had already started running away. In front of her was a sumptuous breakfast, including more than a dozen egg rolls. The child even pulled the princess along.

After being scolded by the princess again, how could he not follow the rules? Ling Yun shook his head.

The little guy looked unhappy and didn't sleep all night. There was a voice in the bedroom.

Mom, is one ear disturbing Sissi when she sleeps?

An Qing replied: It's so clean here, how come there are rats? I didn't hear them last night. Are you dreaming?

Long Yanran shrugged, indicating that she didn't hear it either.

The little guy shook his head anxiously: No, no.

She just heard the sound. What was she dreaming about? She didn't even sleep.

Beibei rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned: I heard it, it was so noisy.

Yeah, yeah.

The little guy's eyes were turning and he was looking everywhere!

At this time, she heard it again. An Qing was startled: There is really a sound, but it's not a mouse.

Long Yanran even squatted down and looked around a few corners.

Several people looked around and finally found the culprit. It turned out to be a cricket.

Wow, so big? the little guy exclaimed.

This cricket from the God Realm is different, its body is as thick as an adult’s thumb.

Ha. Beibei immediately took out her magnifying glass, but Long Yanran teased her: Beibei is not afraid of being bitten?

I...have a handsome man here, Beibei is not afraid. She pouted her lips and patted her chest as she spoke, clearly showing a scared expression.

The little guy has caught this cricket a long time ago, where is the bite?

I lied to you kid, I'll ignore you.

Don't tease it, wash up quickly and have breakfast. An Qing urged.

The little guy pretended not to hear, and said again: Mom, eat first.

An Qing was so anxious to see Ling Yun that she really left her behind. She and Beibei were the only ones left in the bedroom.

The little guy muttered, this is the bad guy who kept her awake last night, how should she deal with it?

I saw Beibei drawing a big circle on the ground, and in the circle, he drew a small circle the size of his toe. In the big circle, he wrote a dead character, and in the small circle, he wrote a movable character.

The little guy scratched his head and couldn't understand what he was doing? Beibei whispered to her.

Aha, aha.

After the little guy understood, he smiled from ear to ear.

This is a life and death game, and it is for crickets. If they run into that small circle, they will let it live.

Ling Yun stood behind them without even noticing, looking at them curiously. Wasn't this a trick? Is that circle so small?

The little guy caught the cricket, pressed it outside the circle, and whispered to it: Don't say I won't give you a chance. His voice was milky.

Beibei also said: You decide whether you live or die. You are so old, why do you want to be naughty and disturb our sleep? After saying that, he pouted his mouth and spread his little hands, looking helpless.

The cricket seemed to understand, and it started walking towards the small circle!


In the end, the cricket was really in the small circle and stopped moving. Beibei's face turned dark with anger.

It's alive. Does it know how to read?

The little guy scratched his head, very curious.

Sister, how about we cremate it so that it doesn't suffer and euthanize it. Beibei immediately caught it again and couldn't let it run away.

Ling Yun can't stand it anymore!

It's very painful to be burned by that ball of white flames, but euthanasia?

You two, you must be trustworthy. If it actually makes a choice, you have to let it live. This is called keeping your word.

The little guy nodded happily: Daddy, I know.

Beibei also felt something was wrong and lowered his head: Beibei also knows.

Then he put the cricket on the ground and said, Let's go. Don't disturb other people's sleep in the future.

The little guy just knows to nod, um, um.

This is a good boy who keeps his word, boo. Ling Yun smiled and kissed each one.

Beibei rolled his eyes: Handsome Shu, we are all good boys, don't we have Wangzai?

Ling Yun laughed: Yes, get out quickly, otherwise there will be no more.

These two children were deceived again.

After breakfast.

The princess said she had something to do and left for a while. Ling Yun knew that she was absent-minded and was trying to find a way to restore little Irene's Dantian. At this moment, she should be going to the library tower in White Tiger City to check information.

Before collecting the medicinal materials, Ling Yun still planned not to tell them, what if the medicinal materials were missing? Didn't that give them hope and then disappoint them?

Daddy, let's go down there and play. The little guy began to yearn for the lower world again. He had never been there during the day, so there must be a lot of things there.

You guys go first, I have to be busy for a while. Ling Yun also wanted to go find those old men and ask if they had collected the medicinal materials and materials.

The gate to the divine world is still waiting for him to repair it!

No, daddy wants to come together. The little guy said coquettishly.

Ling Yun shook his head decisively. He was indeed very busy today. He had to at least take some time to check in and supervise their reorganization of the God Realm.

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