Supreme Daddy

Chapter 926 Plan

Ling Yun felt a little uneasy when he heard the Century Clock. After all, he knew where it was.

Unexpectedly, the Demon Emperor's Golden Lion arrived first. Will the little guy's dream of a magical weapon be shattered?

Xi Shenzun frowned slightly and said to himself: Is the Century Clock about to be born? That's right, the Tai Chi Seal has come out.

Speaking of the Tai Chi Seal, Lord Xi Shen still wanted to tell Ling Yun that although the Great Demon King had stepped down, he had to get the ancient artifact back. He had sent envoys several times to negotiate, and the price offered was also very high.

Emperor Guapi and Qianye also felt their scalps numb when they heard it. It was rumored that the ancient artifacts were heaven-defying existences. If they were unsealed, it would be okay.

The two of them didn't know that Tai Chi Seal was suppressed by Ling Yun and given to the little guy. If they knew, they wouldn't know how shocked they would be.

Emperor Guapi asked: Little Silly Tiger, do you know where the Century Clock is? Let's go and play together.

Ling Yun's mouth twitched...


You can't defeat a group of monsters, but you still want to face a golden lion?

Qianye rolled his eyes repeatedly and didn't look where he was talking. Emperor Guapi was not embarrassed. After two drinks, even the gods dared to say it belonged to him.

The Blazing Tiger looked with disdain and replied: I don't know, you think I am as foolhardy as you.

Emperor Guapi: ...

An Qing laughed loudly. This little puppy is so funny. No wonder he was so smart in Blue Star.

Xi Shenzun smiled and said: Emperor, do you want to consider it?

What he meant was that he wanted Ling Yun to seize the Century Clock to avoid falling into the hands of people like the Demon Emperor, which would only bring disaster to all living beings.

It is best for the emperor to get it, so that he can fight against Hades, Xi Shenzun thought in his heart.

Excluding the Sea of ​​Demon Gods, the most recognized person in the twelve realms is the Ancient Pluto. The Immortal Emperor's eighteenth level is limited in strength. In addition, his methods are weird and numerous, and everyone is afraid of him.

I want to go! An Qing said immediately, fearing that Ling Yun would say no, she even covered the latter's mouth.

Xishenzun smiled and said nothing, while Emperor Guapi and Qianye looked excited, preparing to form a group for adventure.

Ling Yun was speechless. He didn't have time. The day after tomorrow was the time for the opening of the Psychedelic Mountain. The little guy had been thinking about it, so he didn't want to break Qian Qian's trust.

You go ahead and bring more people with you. The Demon Emperor's Golden Lion can't defeat him with just two fists. Ling Yun shook his head and refused.

Aren't you going? An Qing curled her lips, lacking confidence.

Emperor! Let's go, it's fun. Emperor Guapi was fooling Ling Yun like he was lying to a child, and the latter and the Flame Tiger rolled their eyes.

Chiba didn’t speak…

An Qing said: If you don't go, I will go with my daughter. She planned that Ling Yun would come with her, but unfortunately she thought wrong.

As long as she is willing to follow you. Ling Yun shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Xishenzun said: Then who else should we send?

Meng Luo and you. Ling Yun said.

Ah... Xi Shenzun was a little dumbfounded. He seemed to have tricked him.

You will spread the word about the location of the Century Clock later so that more people know and completely disrupt the Golden Lion's plan. A sneer appeared at the corner of Ling Yun's mouth, and his eyes were as dark as bottom.

An Qing's beautiful eyes lit up, this method is good!

Emperor Guapi nodded secretly, this suggestion was amazing, and this gave the golden lion a headache.

Just do it!

Xishenzun immediately contacted the people at Shenfeng and tried to spread the news as soon as possible.

The location of the Century Bell is on Pisces, the deepest ocean underground of the Pisces Continent. This is what Lieyanhu heard, but Ling Yun's news is a little different. Its map is specific to the underground of a certain island in the ocean.

Anyway, they are all within the scope of the Pisces continent of the Pisces star.

The Blazing Tiger enjoyed bowl after bowl of Ling Yun's fairy wine. Emperor Guapi twitched his mouth when he saw it, what a waste!

Just when they were talking happily, the little guy came to rub his sleepy eyes. As soon as she came, she pinched Ling Yun's ears, and then patted the Flame Tiger on the head.

All I could hear was her milky voice saying, Bad dad, you didn't even tell me that little tiger was here, and there's this... stinky...

As she said this, she grabbed the flaming tiger and tried to pull it away. Emperor Guapi laughed so hard that his stomach cramped.

Woof woof woof...

The Blazing Tiger kept shouting, what it was saying was: Little master, let me go! I can still drink...

With that heartbroken expression, even An Qing couldn't help but cover her mouth and snicker.

The little guy could hear what it was saying, so she replied: No, no... She pouted and continued to pat the little puppy on the head!

Sissi, that's right, pull it away, haha. Emperor Guapi laughed so loudly that he couldn't stop.

The little puppy refused to leave, looking longingly at the bowl of fairy wine not far away, his mouth kept watering!

Emperor Guapi smiled and said: You stupid tiger, you haven't meowed anymore, who are you barking at?

The little puppy bared its teeth and looked down upon Emperor Guapi, who still didn't look at it.

The little guy is helpless!

She tied up the little puppy, threw it aside, and then hugged Ling Yun.

Dad, what are you talking about?

As soon as they hugged him, she let go of Ling Yun, and then pinched her own nose with her hands, a look of disgust on her face.

An Qing was so funny that she tugged on her pigtails and replied, It doesn't stink. Take a sip!

No, you are not allowed to drink, otherwise... hum! She waved her little fist, stared at An Qing with her beautiful eyes, and pouted her mouth, which was so cute.

Ling Yun replied: Your mother asked you if you would like to go on an adventure with her?

The little guy blinked and asked, Daddy, are you going?

Ling Yun shook his head!

Humph, if I don't go with you, who will be nice to you... I love daddy. The little guy immediately hugged Ling Yun, acted like a baby, cupped Ling Yun's waist, and kept chopping his feet.

An Qing's face turned dark. Who gave birth to this little heartless child?

Haha... Qianye smiled: Does the little princess feel it's not safe to be with the emperor and empress?

The little guy shook his head and continued to lie down.

Emperor Guapi was speechless, the little guy couldn't fool him.

I'll go with dad, it'll be fun. The little guy is so smart. Being with Ling Yun is exciting and has many treasures. It's also very fun and there's food.

Looking back at An Qing, the little guy curled his lips and was speechless. Her mother didn't know anything, so why should she be with her.

An Qing twitched the corner of her mouth, tapped the little guy's forehead, and said with a sad expression: Sissi doesn't love me anymore, no one wants her anymore.

Aha, I love you. The little guy replied to An Qing without even looking back.

Ling Yun touched the little guy's head and said, Qianxi, daddy, take a bite.

The little guy immediately raised his eyes and looked at Ling Yun. She shook her head vigorously and refused, saying that Ling Yun just drank wine and smelled...

An Qing joked: If you don't do it, I will do it!

As she said that, she stretched her head over. The little guy became anxious and pushed An Qing away, fuming and not letting An Qing and Ling Yun bang.

The couple couldn't laugh or cry in front of this living treasure!

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