Supreme Daddy

Chapter 956 Leisurely

Seeing the power of the frozen air coming, Queen Yaoyue couldn't help but play a string. Qingyi Jiang Lao's move was immediately broken.

The surrounding ice flowers are like snowflakes falling, just like a scenery.

Beibei clapped her hands and applauded, and kept saying keep up the good work. The little guy fell in love with the lady's piano because she discovered that it was an ancient artifact, and she didn't know it was a fake.


Mr. Qingyi Jiang was a little surprised. He also recognized Queen Yaoyue's Lady Qin, but he also didn't know whether it was true or false.

Old Song, come here quickly, don't chase me, the ancient artifact is here!

His voice was full of excitement!

Ancient artifact?

Beibei scratched her head and suddenly thought of it. Looking at Queen Yaoyue, her eyes were filled with stars.

My, my!

Beibei said excitedly, she was planning how to get the lady's piano into her hands.

Bad old man, don't look. The little guy shook his head and pursed his lips.

Ziran frowned, she couldn't tell.

Black-robed Song Lao captured three immortal emperors in a few seconds, including Tang Pincheng. They all covered their hearts and were injured.

I want the blood of the ancient gods, and I also want the ancient artifacts. Black-robed Song chuckled, his eyes extremely evil.

Queen Yaoyue sat cross-legged and snorted: Come and get it if you have the ability.

Qing Yijiang's eyes narrowed slightly, he looked at Zi Ran and said: Lord of Star Reaching City? Are you with them?

Zi Ran shook her head and said she didn't want to explain. There was no need. These two old men were considered dead in her eyes.

Brother Jiang, don't ask, just kill him. We have never been afraid of anyone in the Blood Realm.

What Lao Song said is absolutely true, haha, I made a lot of money this time, tsk tsk.

The two of them began to plan their future plans, which really left Ling Yun speechless. He didn't know what they were talking about. He couldn't even tell that they were pretending to be a lady. They were so rubbish that their lives were in vain.

Ling Yun said: Kill them.

I don’t know who was talking about this tone, but after Qixian heard it, he relaxed his muscles and immediately started fighting with Mr. Qingyi Jiang.

The first confrontation between the two destroyed everything around them, and Qixian was no match.

Let's get another one. Ling Yun frowned, are you playing? It’s not like there’s no one around, so why challenge them!

Peppa Hell's blood boils again, and she joins forces with Qixian.

The black-robed Song Lao yelled: You are shameless, three of you will hit one.

He discovered that there was demon blood in Peipei's body, and with the addition of Ziran, Mr. Qingyi Jiang was no match. They all began to fall into disgrace. He was punched in the face and in the stomach.

Old Song, help, let's fight quickly. Qingyi Jiang Lao really couldn't resist such an offensive.

Black-robed Song Lao nodded, and just as he was about to take action, the sound of Queen Yaoyue's piano sounded.



No, you hold on, I'll get the lady's piano first. Black-robed Song Lao turned his head and dug out, trying to take away the lady's piano from Queen Yaoyue's leg with a black claw.

Ziran came back and kicked him. Black-robed Songlao did backflips repeatedly and was almost kicked. His body was still out of balance.

Such a situation is very unfavorable to the two old men.

Ling Yun slowly walked up to Tang Pincheng and said, You are plotting against me. Tell me, how do you want to die? I will help you.

Your Majesty, there is nothing we can do. As you can see, those two old men are very strong.

Tang Pincheng smiled bitterly and said that he did not expect that he would lose in two rounds. The gap was really not that big.

You are just rubbish, and you still say your opponent is strong, ha! You are all ants. Ling Yun sneered.

Tang Pingcheng felt uncomfortable hearing these words. His eyes were burning and his anger was not weak: You!

Hand over that drop of blood, and I will let bygones be bygones. It was rare for Ling Yun to be kind-hearted.

If you weren't here with me, you would never get it in your life.

Tang Pincheng's eyes flashed, and Ling Yun smiled, not crying until he saw the coffin!


The two immortal emperors next to him trembled violently. Ling Yun put the divine light on Tang Pincheng and tortured them to his heart's content.

Little Eileen pulled Ling Yun, and then she took out the ancient god's blood!

What? How is that possible?

Tang Pincheng's eyes widened. Damn it. Didn't he hide the ancient god's blood on his body? How could it be taken away.

Aha, I got the baby. Little Eileen started to chirp, waiting for Ling Yun to praise her.

Yes, well done.

Little Irene is so awesome? Beibei opened her mouth wide.

Damn it. A certain Immortal Emperor immediately stood up and grabbed it regardless of his injuries.

Ling Yun's sharp eyes condensed, and he vomited a mouthful of blood. Don't be so excited if you are seriously injured.


It's a cerebral hemorrhage!

Ling Yun shrugged. He accepted the ancient god's blood. Tang Pincheng was furious and shouted: Old man, I gave the ancient god's blood to my elder brother. What can you do to me?


Ling Yun destroyed Tang Pincheng with one kick, and the latter screamed repeatedly.

The black-robed Song Lao was fighting with Yaoyue Queen and Peipei, who was so angry that he turned away to look for Ling Yun.

Qingyi Jiang Lao was even more unable to pull away and was beaten to the point where he could barely hold his hand. Peipei understood the true meaning of hell blood and became stronger as he fought.

The remaining Immortal Emperor of the Twelve Domains has self-destructed...

That little bit of power dissipated with a wave of Ling Yun's hand, and he looked at the battlefield on both sides.

Qingyi Jiang Lao was defeated. He relied too much on the armor he was wearing. Qixian crushed it directly. He had no good defense and died in the hands of Peipei and Qixian.

His death was also attributed to little Irene and the little guy. One of the two children was breathing fire, and the other was messing around. They were all disturbing him, and they died in a very miserable way.

When the little guy and Beibei saw Qingyi Jiang Lao being beaten to death by Peipei's fists, they immediately hugged each other and secretly said that Peipei turned out to be a violent woman.

The black-robed Song Lao was furious, and the sky was filled with cold air. His strength was not at the same level as before.

Queen Yaoyue was slightly corroded, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth. Ziran was fine, she could still resist, Qixian came to help, and the three of them fought again.

The sky was dark as they fought, and Zi Ran was anxious, fearing that the other men of the bloodthirsty maniac would arrive.

So is the fact!

The black-robed Song Lao crushed the jade slip, and the other three waiting near the secret realm were rushing here in a hurry, with their brows furrowed all the way.

Where is Ling Yun?

Just because the little guy said he was hungry, he actually made soup on the spot and used local ingredients. There were many elixirs nearby that were very replenishing.

The little guy didn't care and helped Ling Yun look after the fire. His face was covered in black coal, and Beibei even made fun of her.

Zi Ran said with a solemn expression: Master, what should we do? They are here to help.

They're here when they come. Can I still treat them to a meal? Ling Yun rolled his eyes and stirred the soup with a big spoon in his hand, looking aloof from the incident.

Papa, what is this? the little guy asked, pointing to a certain medicinal ingredient in the soup.

She felt like a million-year-old purple Ganoderma lucidum, but because it was chopped into pieces by Ling Yun, she didn't feel like it.

Phew! Ganoderma lucidum! Beibei recognized it immediately because she looked at what Ling Yunqie had just released.

The corner of Zi Ran's mouth twitched. How many people dreamed of this soup? There were so many precious medicinal materials, basically all of which were rare. One sip would at least strengthen your physique by at least ten times.

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