Supreme Daddy

Chapter 971 Melee (Third update)

The ancient magic technique was equivalent to that of the God of Death. He joined forces with An Qing and the others. It was a pity that he was beaten to death.

Emperor Guapi is seriously injured! !

Five divine guards combined with the Five Elements Formation to block Emperor Yanchi.

But there was also the most powerful ancient evil dragon Zhu Jiuyin. Their formation was broken, and the terrifying power wiped them out in an instant.

Qianye was captured by the ancient evil dragon Zhu Jiuyin, and An Qing agreed to Emperor Yanchi's conditions for the sake of everyone's lives.

The seal of the Century Bell was broken by a certain material in An Qing's artifact clothes and her physique. Emperor Yanchi got the Century Bell and became arrogant! It really surprised them.

An Qing gritted her teeth and was very unwilling to let the Century Bell fall into the hands of Emperor Yanchi.

Beishen Zun was also unwilling and resisted with all his courage, but was caught.

The rest, including Mengluo, escaped, but Emperor Yanchi set up a spy to kill them all. These days, dozens of them were hiding in XZ. Fortunately, they met allies, all of whom were dissatisfied with Emperor Yanchi's rule.

They planned to make a big fuss at the wedding banquet today, or else they would die!

In fact!

Mengluo Tianzun has united with many Immortal Emperors of the Twelve Realms in the past few days, and some of them are people who have long been dissatisfied with Emperor Yanchi's rule in the endless sea of ​​​​fire realm.


He saw Ling Yun, and now he could breathe a sigh of relief. With Ling Yun, his chances of winning were a little higher.

In his eyes, Emperor Yan Chi was too powerful and was not on the same level as them. It could be said that their making a fuss like this was no different than sending them to death.

Not to mention there is an ancient evil dragon Zhu Jiuyin, this person is the most terrifying!

Here, he is here, the person Emperor Yanchi wants, he is here.

A man in black clothes spotted Mengluo Tianzun and immediately shouted.

Ling Yun was just angry, and this man was seeking death.

Suddenly there was a thorn on the ground, and the man was startled. When he dodged it, there was another one behind him. It was like he was seeking his own death. As he retreated, he went to get his lunch box.

People around him immediately surrounded Mengluo Tianzun, who shouted: You are bullying people too much, I just came here to order something to eat...

He just didn't want to cause trouble to Ling Yun, let alone expose him.

Ling Yun shook his head, feeling that it was unnecessary. He wanted to take action, but the little guy held him back and wanted Wangzi.

Between hesitation!

On the other side, the Immortal Emperor of the Twelve Domains and the dissatisfied ruler of Emperor Yanchi rushed out immediately.

Haha, they are all here, it's you, the Sinful Rebellion Sect. A certain supreme subordinate of Emperor Yanchi said coldly, his eyes flashing with murderous intent, looking straight at the group of rebels.

The representative of the Sinful Rebellion Sect is an old man with gray hair. He is half a step closer to a true god and is quite impressive.

He was unconvinced, and his tone was cold and cold: Either you will die today, or we will die.

Ha ha…

Everyone laughed, as if they were laughing at Mengluo Tianzun and the others for being idiots.

Hitting an egg against a stone!

Now, surrounding Mengluo Tianzun outside the city, there are seven supreme beings under Emperor Yanchi. Each of them is the Eighteenth Immortal Emperor, and they are not vegetarians.

If Emperor Yanchi hadn't allowed them to go to the Century Bell Sealing Site, An Qing would not be alive at all.

Idiots are talking about dreams. It really makes me laugh to death. A certain supreme man laughed wildly. He couldn't help it.

Meng Luo Tianzun immediately jumped out of the encirclement and chose to stay far away, so as not to affect Ling Yun and the others when a fight broke out.

Beibei sat on the ground and ate an apple, a bite of fruit pulp, a bite of roasted chicken, and a can of Wangzi in her arms, still watching how they fought.

This kid knows how to enjoy it!

same time!

A huge roar and explosion sounded!

boom! boom! ! !

The air around him was hot, and overwhelming power spread out.

After several rounds of chaos, many people fell down.

There were too many people on Emperor Yanchi's side, and the seven supremes did not take action, but just stared coldly from the side.

Many people around him were knocked down, and almost all of them were seriously injured by the aftermath of the power.

They all spit out a trace of blood from their mouths, with overwhelming anger in their eyes. They wiped the blood from their mouths and immediately started fighting again.

Smoke and dust billowing...

Beibei clapped her hands and applauded!

The little guy had nothing to do. He ate quietly and even shared it with Ling Yun.

Tsk tsk!

Queen Yaoyue was speechless. She finished eating quickly, picked up the lady's piano, and played a song.

Zi Ran?

She had long since found the opportunity to enter the Endless Fire City to look for Qianye. She heard from Mengluo Tianzun that Qianye was imprisoned inside.

Qixian's eyes flashed, and he caught up with Zi Ran to help Queen Yaoyue find out what happened a hundred thousand years ago. Now that the latter has recovered her memory, she should know.

The sound of the piano?

A certain Supreme who had just come out of the Endless Fire City frowned, very familiar with his piano skills.

They, they are also enemies, come with me, kill... A certain man found out that Queen Yaoyue actually attacked her from behind, and he was immediately furious.

Queen Yaoyue snorted coldly, and quickly plucked the strings. Sharp green lights passed by, and bursts of smoke filled the ground.

These moves were enough for them, but they couldn't get into Queen Yaoyue's body at all.

The little guy listened quietly to this, this music is very nice.

Beibei was sweating profusely after eating. Looking at the little guy and little Irene, they were both fanned by Long Yanran.


A figure fell in front of them. The little guy and Beibei opened their eyes wide. It turned out to be Mengluo Tianzun, who had several cuts on his face.

Behind him was the person who felt that Queen Yaoyue's piano skills were familiar.

When he and Queen Yaoyue looked at each other, their bodies trembled.



Queen Yaoyue burst into tears immediately and stood up, her eyes flashing with excitement and an incredible expression on her face.

Ling Yun was stunned for a moment, did you admit your marriage?

Xiaoyue, you...why are you here? Su Kuangshi's eyes almost bulged out. He could hardly believe that his daughter was right in front of him.

My daughter is unfilial, and I have come to save you now. Queen Yaoyue burst into tears. Beibei saw Yuanyue's eyes and kept saying that she was so embarrassed that she was still crying at such an old age.

Come on, this isn't where you came from. Su Kuangshi's expression changed as she realized how terrifying this place was.

Father, father, I won't leave. I miss you very much. Where is mother?

Hearing Queen Yaoyue ask about her mother, Su Kuangshi turned pale and quickly urged her to leave.

Leave? Ha... stop joking, okay!! Old man, are you going to betray Emperor Yan Chi? The consequences will be serious.

A discordant voice sounded behind Su Kuangshi, it was a supreme being!

Shenpu! What are you talking about? It's nothing. I...I don't know them. Su Kuangshi gritted his teeth and kept winking at Queen Yaoyue.

Beibei said with a sweet voice, Uncle, what's wrong with your eyes?


Haha, I heard it all, old maniac!! Schenpu looked up to the sky and laughed, and he stood behind him for a while.

Mengluo Tianzun was in pain. He stood up slowly and stood in front of Ling Yun and the others.

Su Kuangshi's expression suddenly changed, she stopped Shen Pu's progress, and shouted softly: Shen Pu, give me some face and let her go!

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