Supreme Demon God System

Chapter 488: Grab money


I don't know how long I have been practicing, a knock on the door suddenly sounded outside the door, and Zhao Yi frowned slightly, so he stopped practicing, waved his hand, and removed the barrier.

"Come in."

After Zhao Yi finished speaking, a girl of about 18 or 9 years old slowly walked in, her eyes raised slightly, and there seemed to be flames rising in her lower abdomen.

The girl should have just finished taking a shower, her whole body exuding bursts of fragrance, covering the whole room, she was wearing thin pajamas. It is an infinite reverie.

"Well, I can bring tea. Is it convenient for you?"

As the girl said, a cup of hot tea was slowly handed to Zhao Yi.

"Just put it on the table."

Zhao Yi's eyes slowly retracted from the girl. Although she looked pretty, she was far from Ling Qiu Zhuye Ling Yao's level.


The girl brought the tea, seeming to be deliberately stirred by her feet, her body immediately tilted towards Zhao Yi, and directly rushed on Zhao Yi.

"Help! Someone wants to strengthen me!"

Before Zhao Yi could react, the girl held Zhao Yi tightly.


As soon as the girl's voice fell, there was a sound of kicking the door open. A series of sturdy figures immediately blocked Zhao Yi's door, among them the hotel owner.

"Zhao Yi?"

At this time, Teacher Gu heard the movement and walked over and saw a group of people surrounding Zhao Yi's room. Suddenly a little angry.

"What are you doing!"

Teacher Gu also saw the scene in front of him, and instead of questioning Zhao Yi, he glanced at them, his face pale.

"What are you doing, old man, you can't miss it, this brat, thin and beautiful girl, if you don't spend one million eight hundred thousand dollars, don't want to leave today!"

"I remember you seem to be with this kid, give me money quickly!"

A brawny man couldn't help but yell, and when he said that, he walked directly to Teacher Gu.

"do not move."

However, before the strong man took two steps, a voice that was so cold that there was no emotion suddenly sounded in his ears, and Zhao Yi didn't know when he suddenly appeared next to him!

"Boy, if you are acquainted, hand in all the money quickly, otherwise, my brothers, don't be polite!"

After finishing speaking, the strong man beckoned behind him, each of them rubbed their hands, and a grin appeared on their faces.

"If you want to grab money, just come here directly, why take such a big curve and let a woman come over."

Zhao Yi sneered, not giving them any face, and the man's face turned red. Obviously it was guessed.

"Hurry up with the person with you, otherwise I can't guarantee what will happen next." Zhao Yi reminded.

"Boy...Don't be so arrogant if you don't want to pay, brothers, give it to me! Disable this kid!"

The big man yelled and said that the people behind him were eagerly eager to rush towards Zhao Yi with a loud shout.

"Zhao Yi, be careful!"

Teacher Gu, who specializes in archeology in his life, encountered this kind of thing for the first time, and his face was pale in fright. Looking at them with a serious face.

"Teacher, don't worry, they can't hurt me."

Seeing that Teacher Gu was in danger and standing beside him without hesitation, Zhao Yi was moved in his heart and stepped forward, instead blocking Teacher Gu behind him.

The girl who pretended to give Zhao Yi tea, saw the tense atmosphere in the field, and immediately slipped out of the chaos.

"Hurry up, everyone! They must have a lot of money, whoever grabs it will get it!"

The big man gave an order, and everyone rushed to them like a hungry wolf encountering food.

"court death!"

Zhao Yi's eyes were cold, and he dealt with these rookies with the highest innate level. He didn't even bother to use his spiritual power, he took a step with his feet, and with only the powerful physical strength, he directly beat them into the water.


Zhao Yi put his foot on the big man's knee fiercely, his legs suddenly knelt down in a strange twisted state, and he screamed in pain.

"Big brother! We knew we were wrong, it was the hotel owner who asked us to do this!"

The big man looked pale, and when the pain eased a little, he immediately said to Zhao Yi in tears.

"So it's this guy..."

When Zhao Yi heard the words, his eyes swept away. The hotel owner who was standing among the crowd didn't know where he went.

"You all kneel down here, and you are not allowed to leave before dawn!"

Zhao Yi said domineeringly, everyone saw his strength, and they didn't even dare to let go of the fart.

"Thank you brother for not killing!"

Zhao Yi glanced at Teacher Gu, who was a little dazed. I couldn't help saying: "Mr. Gu, it's not very safe here. Let's continue on our way."

Teacher Gu nodded, and this time is enough.

"But before I leave, I have to settle an account with the hotel owner!"

Zhao Yi's eyes were cold. If they were not looking for him this time but Teacher Gu, something might happen.

"Teacher Gu, wait for me."

After Zhao Yi brought Mr. Gu out, he immediately walked towards the hotel. His consciousness secretly moved and found that the hotel owner was hiding in a room, sneaking his head out.

"You called those people here."

Zhao Yi's voice was like a ghost, and he immediately frightened the hotel owner and knelt down. Obviously he had seen the whole process clearly just now. Zhao Yi was a hundred times more fierce and dangerous than those desperadoes!

"My lord, I am blind to Taishan and offended you. These are the money I robbed in the past few days. I will give you all!"

The hotel owner trembled and took the initiative to take out all the golden banknotes.

"Reflect on what happened today. If you let me discover it next time, it's not as simple as a warning. Kneel here for the whole night!"

Zhao Yi didn't even look at the banknotes, his voice fell, and his figure had already disappeared.

The hotel owner was taken aback, trying to stand up. But found that I couldn't move my whole body, and suddenly remembered what Zhao Yi said.


"Zhao Yi, the defensive heart is indispensable, I blame the teacher for inability. I didn't protect you."

Seeing Zhao Yi's return, Teacher Gu said with some regret that he originally wanted to help Zhao Yi this time, but he was taken care of all the time.

"Teacher. Don't say that. You will be needed when you dig out antiquities."

Zhao Yi smiled and took out a porcelain bottle from Najie. Pour out the pill.

"Teacher, there is still a long way to go. We can only walk on foot tonight. Take this pill. You will be more energetic."

"it is good!"

Teacher Gu glanced at Zhao Yi, and without much hesitation, immediately took him down.


Beijing, Murong's house.

"Father, the news from the Lin family says that even if their Lin family is dead with us, they will never hand over Lin Ya!"

In a secret room of Murong's house, Murong Su heard the report from Murong Ba, his brows suddenly wrinkled slightly.

"Unexpectedly, their Lin family would not hesitate to fight our Murong family for a little Lin Ya..."

Murong Su stopped working, and a cruel look suddenly flashed across his eyes.

"It seems that my Murong family hasn't moved for too many years, causing some other small families to think they have the ability to challenge us!"

"In addition, if the news is spread out, Zhao Yi will come to us when he learns about this, and he will definitely return the capital and bring him back!"

Murong Su said coldly, an invisible killing intent began to radiate from his body, even Murong Ba felt a tremendous amount of pressure.

Obviously Murong Su was really angry this time.

"If the order goes on, all the Murong family members are ready to fight against the Lin family. Since they are so ignorant of good and evil, let this small family stay in history forever!"

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