Supreme Demon God System

Chapter 493: Withdrawal

"Baga! After walking for a long time, I turned around again!"

There was a noisy sound coming from far away, Zhao Yi narrowed his eyes, and a trace of spiritual energy gathered in his eyes.

"Islanders really came here."

Zhao Yi murmured softly, and it was not difficult to tell from the clothes they were wearing that they were from the island nation.

"This is the tomb of the ancestors of China, what are you doing here!"

Old Gu also recognized the identities of this group of people and immediately questioned them. Since the last century, Huaxia and the island country have had blood and deep feuds.

Now that the islanders stepped into the Chinese Forbidden Land and the ancestors' tombs with such great fanfare, Old Gu was naturally very angry.

And Old Gu is not stupid. I can more or less guess the corpses outside, and I can't get rid of them.

"It turned out to be from Huaxia. I didn't expect that there were still two rat **** that had not been resolved."

The one standing in the front was extremely arrogant, and they looked at Zhao Yi with slanted eyes. A look of aloft.

"what did you say!"

When Zhao Yi heard this, he, who had always been calm and calm, couldn't help but a touch of anger on his face. It was okay to insult him, but Zhao Yi would definitely not insult his teacher!

"Yo, Huaxia, you are so arrogant, you even talked to me in this tone..."

The island nation standing in the front finally turned his face down. Zhao Yi also thoroughly saw the opponent's appearance.

"It's you!"

The two said almost in unison, staring at each other steadily, and there was a gesture of violent fight if they didn't agree.

"Zhao Yi, do you know him?"

Old Gu was a little surprised. How did Zhao Yi meet the islanders?

"Teacher, this is a long story."

Zhao Yi gave a wry smile. The arrogant middle-aged man in front of him was Dazu Shiraishi, and he couldn't say that he "saw" it with the tracking array.

"Little bastard, I still remember you hurt my nephew last month. I didn't expect Yuanjia Luzhai, you also came to this place."

Baishi Dazuo let out a cold snort, wishing to get rid of Zhao Yi.


"Humph! You hurt my nephew when you were in school, and you were even forced to drop out. Now you think of nothing!"

Baishi Dazuo gritted his teeth bitterly, this Zhao Yi hit his island nation, and he still looked unknowingly!

"I really don't know who you are talking about? I'm sorry, let alone being beaten, there are more than one or two islanders who died in my hands."

Zhao Yi didn't bother to think about it, that kind of small role really made him uninterested.

"What? You killed people in the Empire!"

Shiraishi was completely shocked when he heard the words, his eyes flickered, and then suddenly raised his head after a while.

"It seems there is."

Zhao Yi couldn't remember clearly, so he nodded directly.

"Well...boy, you are too arrogant, you even killed the people of the empire, I will let you pay for it today!"

"I can see that your physical strength seems to have reached its limit now, I see if you can stop my soldiers!"

Shiraishi sneered. He clapped his palms, and the soldiers behind him immediately took a step, aggressively.

"Zhao Yi, what should I do now?"

Old Gu knew that Zhao Yi had used a lot of energy to subdue the stone men.

"Don't worry, we will be fine, they are the ones who should be unlucky."

Zhao Yi smiled and didn't even look at the soldiers.

"Boy, don't be too deceiving!"

They had seen them, and had never seen someone as arrogant as Zhao Yi, with anger on his face, holding weapons. Swept away directly to Zhao Yi.


However, before they attacked, a huge stone immediately blocked them, blocking all their weapons.

"This is a stone man?!"

The sudden appearance of the stone man immediately frightened everyone. They were a little confused. The stone man who was still motionless just stopped them!

"Baga! You guys don't hurry up!"

Seeing that his soldiers hadn't taken Zhao Yi for a long time, they immediately yelled in discomfort. The soldiers suddenly sweated out of their foreheads, trying to bypass the sudden appearance of the stone man and teach Zhao Yi a lesson!

"Want to go?"

The corner of Zhao Yi's mouth raised slightly. With a thought, the stone man stepped forward again and stopped the soldiers!


Although the soldiers were shocked by these moving stone men, they saw one after another stopping their steps, with anger on their faces, carrying weapons, and constantly attacking the stone men.

However, no matter how fierce their attack was, even the scars on the stone man had never appeared!

Zhao Yi sneered, these stone statues, even if he had to use all his strength to destroy one, how could the defenses on them be destroyed by ordinary soldiers.

"Fight back!"

Zhao Yi took a deep breath and didn't intend to consume them. These islanders came to the tomb and not only killed them Chinese, but now they are appearing here in a swagger. Killing them will not bring any psychological burden to Zhao Yi!


When Zhao Yi's voice fell, Shi Ren immediately raised his palm and slapped the soldier fiercely. With a scream, the soldier was shot flying and fell to the ground without knowing the personnel.

"Baga! What is going on!"

Hearing the painful screams of his soldiers, Shiraishi finally cast his sights on the field. When he saw that the stone man was killing his soldiers, his face immediately flashed with anger.

He also knew that his soldiers basically did not have much combat effectiveness. If this continues, his soldiers will be wiped out sooner or later!


This thought flashed through Baishi Dazuo's mind, knowing that he could no longer sit and wait for death, his figure moved, his figure appeared on the stone man almost instantly.

Zhao Yi saw Baishi Dazuo's movements, his eyes condensed, his speed is probably even better than Zhao Yi!

"He is at least a master of Wu Zong level!" Zhao Yi thought to himself.

"Go to hell!"

Shiraishi yelled, and did not know where to take out a long sword. The long sword reflected a cold luster under the light.


As Dazuo Baishi said, there was a certain power on the long sword that gathered and surged in it, which made Zhao Yi stunned.

"What is the power of Shiraishi Dazuo? It is neither like the internal power of martial arts, nor the spiritual power of the practitioner."

Zhao Yi whispered softly, his brows suddenly condensed, and his heart moved. Controlling the stone man, directly attacked Shiraishi Dazuo.

"Boom boom!"

Sword after sword continued to cleave, and there were many wounds on the stone man, but Shiraishi Dazuo attacked even harder. Can't directly break the stone man!

"Baga! All the remaining soldiers obey orders and take down that kid!"

Although Shiraishi was able to push the stone man back, he couldn't defeat it in any way. In desperation, Shiraishi had to give orders to his soldiers.


The soldiers nodded. The stone statue was stopped, and there was nothing to protect Zhao Yi's Gu Lao. When he thought of this, the soldiers immediately cast bad eyes on them.

"Oh? Are you planning to use these trash fish against me?"

Zhao Yi looked up. His body recovered a little bit of strength, and he reluctantly stood up, without a trace of panic in his eyes.

"Ba Ga! We even said that we are trash fish, I want to get rid of this bastard!"

The soldiers suffered a lot from Shiraishi Dazuo along the way. Seeing Zhao Yi actually said that they are miscellaneous fish, everyone's face showed a touch of anger, wishing to take Zhao Yi off!


Before the soldiers came to Zhao Yi, two huge figures immediately stood in front of them, it was the stone man!

"I never said that the stone man I can control is just one!"

Zhao Yi's voice fell, and the stone man blasted out with a punch, and the terrifying force immediately swept out. The screams continued, and the soldiers immediately scattered and fled.

"Baga! Retreat and retreat!"

Seeing his soldiers fell to the ground one by one, Shiraishi Dazuo had no choice but to make them retreat.

In just a few minutes, Shiraishi Ozu and the soldiers immediately disappeared.

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