Supreme Demon God System

Chapter 498: Half frozen

"Could it be... is going to break through?!"

Zhao Yi practiced for less than half an hour, and he felt that the spiritual power in his body had reached its peak, and he was secretly happy.

He knew how difficult it was for Emperor Wu to improve his realm and strength, but he didn't expect this dragon energy to be so powerful.

"It's no wonder that in Wuji Continent, as long as there are traces of dragons, those people will fight for it desperately."

"But there are still more than half of the dragon qi here. If I choose to break through at this time, I don't know where these dragon qi will disappear after a while!"

Zhao Yi murmured softly, now his situation is not very ideal, and the ice hammer wolf wants to kill him in any way!

"If you don't get into the tiger's lair, you can use these dragon energy. Let me break through the realm of Wuzong in one fell swoop!"

Zhao Yi yelled, suppressing the desire to directly break through to the late Emperor Wu, and urged the devouring magic power even more crazily.

I don't know how long it has passed, Zhao Yi's lower abdomen. At this time, it bulged up high, like a balloon, and burst with a single poke.

The Ice Hammer Wolf at this time, knowing that the three stone men would stop it, had no choice but to stop his anxiety and begin to recover his strength.

"Kill without mercy!"

I don't know how long the ice hammer wolf's state has recovered a lot, and a pair of ice blue pupils stared at Zhao Yi closely. There was an angry roar immediately.


Seeing the ice hammer wolf showing signs of escaping, the three stone men seemed to cooperate very well and surrounded the ice hammer wolf in a triangular posture.

"Go away!"

The ice hammer wolf roared. The body rushed straight to the three stone men, and the extremely fierce wolf claws immediately stretched out and hit the stone men unceremoniously!

"Boom boom!"

The restored Ice Hammer Wolf was extremely fierce, and directly smashed the three stone men into pieces!

"it's your turn!"

Senran's killing intent came out from the ice hammer wolf at this time, and then the ice hammer wolf approached Zhao Yi step by step.

However, Zhao Yi still sat there without a trace of movement, as if he hadn't seen the ice hammer wolf, immersing himself in a certain mystery.

It seems like this, but Zhao Yi is really anxious. Now the spiritual power in his body has reached a peak saturation. If he absorbs it again, I am afraid his dantian will be burst!

"Damn it! The Ice Hammer Wolf got out at this time!"

Zhao Yi gritted his teeth and has already reached this point. It is better to make a breakthrough. Maybe after the breakthrough, Zhao Yi already has the strength to fight Ice Hammer Wolf head-on!


This thought flashed through Zhao Yi's mind, and directly cast off the worries in his heart and made a breakthrough with all his strength!


The vast spiritual power in the body gathered together at this time, and without a word, it swept directly into a barrier on the Dantian wall.

"Crack, click!"

This barrier faced the spiritual impact that could be called destruction. No matter how hard the barrier was, it was already completely broken at this time!

"And you!"

With one move, the corner of Zhao Yi's mouth rose slightly. Apart from anything else, he used the remaining vast spiritual power to bombard a barrier at the Wuzong level!

"We must catch up..."

Zhao Yi could perceive that in the outside world, the Ice Hammer Wolf was walking towards him step by step, a sense of crisis enveloped his heart.

Now at the most critical stage of breakthrough, he doesn't want to make such a long effort and be ruined!

"Can't it work?"

When the last wave of spiritual power hit the barrier, it was found that the barrier was intact, a little disappointed.

"and many more!"

Zhao Yigang wants to withdraw from his mind. It was keenly aware of something, a tiny crack began to appear on the barrier.

Although the tiny crack just appeared, but immediately after that, the crack spread and spread around at an astonishing speed, and finally cracked abruptly!

The barrier shattered, and an even greater spiritual power began to sweep through every part of the body, whether it was the flesh, bones, or cells, they all got an epic upgrade!


Ice hammer wolf outside. It seemed to be aware of Zhao Yi's subtle changes, and he was taken aback for a moment, and then endless anger surged into the ice blue pupils, and he rushed to Zhao Yi frantically.

Wolf's claws were already in front of Zhao Yi.

"Dingdong! Congratulations on your successful promotion, cultivation base: Early Wuzong!"

At the moment when the barrier was broken, Zhao Yi's mind immediately echoed the sound from the system, and his information panel was also updated again.

Even though he knew he was still in dire straits, Zhao Yi still did not forget to glance back.

Name: Zhao Yi.

Level: Early Wuzong (Wu Emperor's soul is half frozen).

Race: Human, half-frozen dragon blood.

Method: "Canglang Code".

Martial Skills: Three Lives Incarnation, Great Dream Heart Code, Spirit Swallowing Magic Skill, Sky Demon Stick Method.

"Half-freeze? What is that?"

Before Zhao Yi had time to think about the meaning of "half-freezing" on the panel, he felt that the crisis was approaching, and Zhao Yi had to withdraw from his mind.

"Kill without mercy!"

The dewclaws swung down, and the air tore apart. Under this kind of strength and distance, Zhao Yi has no possibility of evading!

"Oh, how long hasn't seen you since then, just want to get rid of me soon."

Zhao Yi raised his hand lightly, and tightly grasped the wolf claws of the Ice Hammer Wolf, his eyes gleaming with darkness.

" could it be possible!"

The ice hammer wolf's pupils shrank. It knew Zhao Yi's strength very well. It was beaten up and down, but now it was caught with one hand!

"Thanks to the energy here."

Zhao Yi smiled, and the soles of his feet moved, and the spiritual power in his body swept out like a violent wind at this time. Although it was not as vast as before, it was much more solid, and it was vaguely accompanied by a certain pressure.

That is Longwei from the blood of the dragon!

Zhao Yi broke through Wu Zong, and the dragon bloodline originally buried in his body was activated!

The dragon is the lord of all things, even the powerful ice hammer wolf. At this moment, the eyes were also in a trance.

"Asshole, you actually absorbed the dragon energy. I have been here to guard for thousands of years. It turns out that I was waiting for the real dragon race to find it, but I didn't expect to be absorbed by you!"

Hearing Zhao Yi's words, the Ice Hammer Wolf was angry. Apart from anything else, the wolf claws kept swinging towards Zhao Yi, and the air was abruptly torn apart.

"Could it be in this world. There are other dragons?"

Zhao Yi was a little surprised when he heard the words of the Ice Hammer Wolf. Dragons are almost extinct in the world of immortality, here...

"Humph! Dragons are divine beasts. There is no other dragons standing at the top of the pyramid!"

The Ice Hammer Wolf snorted coldly, and the attack in his hand had not stopped, but Zhao Yi's strength rose greatly. Displaying the Heart of the Great Dream, no matter how the Ice Hammer Wolf chases, there is no way to hurt Zhao Yi.

After all, the Ice Hammer Wolf performed a special skill, although it recovered some physical strength. But it was still too far from the peak.

"Dragons are kind to me. If it weren't for them, I would have been wiped out. You swallowed and absorbed the power of the benefactor. You must pay for it with your life!"

The ice hammer wolf yelled, and the attack became fiercer.

"That dragon should be dead, right? You are here to guard for thousands of years. Are you not interested in its power?"

"Huh! I'm not a despicable human like you, by all means!"

Ice Hammer Wolf said contemptuously, and immediately looked serious, "Either you die today, or I die, otherwise no one can get out of here!"

"You are not my opponent."

Zhao Yi's strength rose to the realm of Wuzong, and his strength greatly increased, but the Ice Hammer Wolf was still in a weak state. In the long run, it would definitely lose.

"Even if I can't fight, I want to fight!"

Ice Hammer Wolf said persistently, as if he would never give up without breaking Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi shrugged helplessly: "In this case, I can only do it!"

Zhao Yi narrowed his eyes and shot with all his strength, the Xutian Demon Pillar waved angrily, bringing up a burst of cudgels.

However, after the cudgel touched the claws of the ice hammer wolf, it was instantly torn to pieces.

Although the Ice Hammer Wolf had entered a state of weakness, the lean camel was bigger than a horse, and Zhao Yi would not be able to defeat it for a while.

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