Supreme Demon God System

Chapter 545: Credit point

With the capture of the stone demon, the change in the forest of Ligu finally came to an end.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Zhao Yi repeatedly warned other candidates not to disclose the battle with the stone demon.

It was too late to be grateful for being able to pick up a life, and they took vows again and again, and even used "forbidden talisman" with each other to not reveal the news.

Zhao Yi just casually mentioned the reactions of these people, but he didn't expect them to be so serious.

"Zhao Yi..."

Looking at Zhao Yi, who was supported by everyone, Haoxuan clenched his palms, and his face showed unwillingness and helplessness.

Because of his brother Haoyun. After being killed by Zhao Yi in a month and a half, he followed the trail left by the latter to this college.

But he really did not expect that Zhao Yi was so unfathomable, and the fighting power of the blood demon. It was defeated in Zhao Yi's hands.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have never believed it.

"Are you all right?"

At this moment, after the stone demon was imprisoned, the teacher Bai Zang rushed over, looking at the students in the bronze ruins, a little worried.

"Teacher Bai Zang, we are all right. A master passing by here just appeared. He drove the stone demon away, but many people were killed by the stone demon."

Yang Qing stood up, took a peek at Zhao Yi, and made up a lie.

"A master passing by here?"

Bai Zang frowned slightly. To be able to abolish the arm of a stone demon with the power of one person, at least one must have the cultivation base of a Tier 4 talisman.

"Yes, Teacher Bai Zang, we are all fine now, I don't know about this assessment..."

Lin Daosheng stood up for fear of revealing his stuff, and quickly changed the subject. Zhao Yi was kind to them, but could not betray him.

"If something like this has happened, the assessment will be temporarily terminated. Those who have reached the assessment criteria in the past half month can directly enter the academy."

"Of course, those who have not yet reached the standard will be rescheduled for your assessment after the academy finishes handling the matters here!"

Instructor Bai Zang said slowly, those who did not pass took a sigh of relief, those who met the standards were all masters, and no matter how the remaining people sift, the chances are greater than before!

"Let the college arrange it!"


To appease the students, Li Gong Academy was immediately busy dealing with the death of the students. In order to restore the image of the Academy, it had to issue a lot of funds to appease the parents of these children.

"Hey! I really didn't expect a stone demon to do such a big thing."

In a pavilion. Instructor Bai Zang lifted up the poured tea and drank it.

"This is not bad. With the help of that expert, I'm afraid we won't be able to capture the stone demon so easily."

Instructor Baihu drank his own wine gourd, and was full of admiration for the mysterious master.

"Don't worry about the stone demon for now, this dean will handle it. The most important thing now is to make the academy run normally. Those newcomers have just arrived today. Don't let this affect their practice." Instructor Mei Ling said.

Several people exchanged greetings again, all of them were busy with their own affairs.

"Is this the Ligong Academy? It's somewhat similar to the Beiling Academy on the Wuji continent."

Zhao Yi was taken into the academy, looking at the towering buildings around him, he unconsciously remembered the past.

"Sky Demon Tiger. Are you sure that this is the magic weapon that can find people?"

Zhao Yi remembered the most important thing, and repeatedly confirmed with the Tian Yaohu.

"Oh, you can put a hundred minds on it. As long as the dean does not change, he will not give away the magic weapon. He is determined to be in this academy!"

The Sky Demon Tiger was a little impatient, Zhao Yi had asked no less than ten times from the Forest of Li Palace to the present.

"That's good."

Zhao Yi looked at the towering buildings in the distance. Now that he has just arrived, he should settle down first, and then find a chance to meet the so-called dean.

"Master, I have helped you get back the key to the dormitory. There is also this rune card, the rune beast spirit we hunted before, he automatically converted it into a'credit point'."

"However, we won't be able to sleep together anymore. Our dormitory is a bit far away..."

When Qiuxia rushed over and passed the key to Zhao Yi, she was a little sad.

"Girl, although we are not under the same roof, we can still meet every day."

Zhao Yi looked at Qiuxia pouting, smiled, and subconsciously rubbed the latter's head.

"No, I recognize the bed even more the young master, if you are not around, I can't sleep at night!"

Qiu Xia was still a little unhappy when Zhao Yi touched her head.

"What do you want."

Zhao Yi said irritably, why this girl is more clingy than his sister.

"Hee hee. Master, I heard that you can buy a house with the academy's "credit points". Let's buy a small yard together!"

"I also watched the dormitory just now. I don't want a dozen people crowded together.

Qiu Xia said she felt wronged.

"Buy, buy, buy!"

Zhao Yi had a terrible headache. He shouldn't have taken her with him at the beginning. Now this girl is more sticky than brown candy, and she can't get rid of it.


As if waiting for Zhao Yi's words for a long time, Qiu Xia was so happy that she was about to jump up, as if she had already inquired about the good news, pulling Zhao Yi, and rushing to the college fair.

In the bazaar, the students are all operating independently, but the transactions between them can only be replaced by "credit points."

The so-called credit point is a kind of "virtual points" rewarded by participating in tasks sent by the college or participating in some activities organized by the college.

Although you can't do anything outside of the academy, it is very useful in the academy. To exchange for exercises, tokens, practice places, etc.

Of course, if you want to buy a yard in the academy, of course you can’t lose credit.

"Hey, this young man, I have a picture of what kind of yard you want to choose. Of course, I can take you to see it directly. The price is affordable."

Zhao Yi was dragged to a small shop by Qiuxia. There were various small models on the table, which were some model courtyards. There are also delicate drawings attached to the side.

"Master, this yard is good! This one is also good, quiet and atmospheric!"

Before Zhao Yi could speak, Qiuxia immediately began to choose. She seemed to want to live in every yard.

The one who sold the courtyard was the previous senior, named Qin Qi. He was slightly delicate in appearance, and his clothes were very clean and tidy. Like a nobleman's self.

Hearing Qiuxia's eyes on one yard after another, Qin Qi's eyes almost turned crooked, and he quickly introduced Zhao Yi to them.

"Just this yard, be quiet and practice well."

Zhao Yi looked dazzled by these things. When I bought a house at Bluestar before, I just picked it randomly, anyway.

"Hey, son, you are right about this courtyard. It is the limited edition of the limited edition in the academy. It is actually paid 1888 credit points. May I ask whether you pay directly or in installments."

Qin Qi rubbed his hands and did his job, either not starting work for three months, or starting work for three months.

Points balance: 2.541 million. Spiritual power value: 75.92%.

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