Supreme Demon God System

Chapter 575: Xu Mang

"Master, white smoke suddenly appeared on Master, what is going on?!"

Just halfway through, white smoke suddenly appeared on Zhao Yi on Qin Qi's back, which frightened Qiuxia.

"No, even mental power can't stop it!"

Qin Qi used his mental power to detect Zhao Yi's body in the first place, but found that he could not stop the white smoke on his body.

Bai Yan came quickly, and went quickly, just as the two of them were at a loss. The white smoke on his body quickly disappeared.

"What's going on with Brother Zhao."

Qin Qi checked Zhao Yi again and found that there was nothing serious, but his brows couldn't help but frowned.

There are so many weird things every year this year. This has happened since the mysterious guy kidnapped Zhao Yi just now.

"Let's take the young master home first."

There was no expression on Qiuxia's face, she said softly, her eyes flickering and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"we can only do this."

Qin Qi also nodded, speeded up his pace and walked to the courtyard, and added a few more charms to protect Zhao Yi layer by layer.

"Damn! How did that power disappear again."

Haven't waited for Xu Mang to enter the college. But found that the power that affected him has disappeared again, and couldn't help but scream in secret.

"No! I've already arrived here and I must check it out!"

Xu Mang clutched his chest and recognized the direction. Then walked quickly.

Somewhere in the Ligong Academy, this is a quiet bamboo forest, but it has been listed as a forbidden area by the Academy a long time ago, and neither students nor tutors are allowed to enter.

There are countless talismans outside this bamboo forest, even if the talisman master wants to enter it, it will take a lot of trouble.

The bamboo forest is deep underground. There is a research institute with a small area here. Many people come and go inside, wrapped up like zongzi.

And on the table in front of them, there were reagents one after another, which seemed to be studying.

"Everyone, hurry up! The time Zhao Bi has given us is running out. Everyone must speed up the process. If the energy inside is successfully extracted, the Zhao family will give us countless benefits!"

Although this sentence has been heard many times, everyone is still trying to test the golden stone the size of the head in front of them as if they were beaten with blood.

Use runes, spiritual power, and special secrets. As a result, there was no reaction to that golden stone.

"It turns out that it was this strange stone that affected my strength."

When everyone was engrossed in studying this golden stone, a thief-minded man quietly poked his head out of the research institute and took the situation inside into his eyes.

"who is it?"

Although these people are studying gold and stone, there seems to be a lot of masters hidden in the research institute, with sharp eyes penetrating out of the dark.

"No, I was found!"

Xu Mang was startled, and ran away hurriedly with all his strength.

"Is it wrong?"

The person in secret muttered to himself, and then the tense atmosphere of the institute became quiet again.


"Senior, you haven't helped me get revenge yet. How can I just fall asleep?"

"Since I have sacrificed my life, please seniors must complete the commission!"

"Senior, wake up!"


The white smoke on his body gradually disappeared, and Zhao Yi, who was lying on the bed, did not know since when, these voices have been echoing in his mind.

"Yes, I can't sleep yet, Zhao Qin is still waiting for me, Ye Lingyao is still waiting for me!"

I struggled countless times in my heart, and the already dry Dantian seemed to be stimulated at this moment. It was a little bit of automatic supplementation.


Not knowing what irritation he was subjected to, Zhao Yi's body once again emitted thick white smoke, as if a flame was burning on the surface.

"Master! Master, don't scare me!"

Qiuxia, who was asleep by the bed, suddenly sensed the abnormality on Zhao Yi's body, and was immediately startled.

But no matter what she did, she couldn't stop the white smoke from Zhao Yi's body.

"Why is Zhao Yi doing this again? It must be the guy who stole Zhao Yi before!"

Qin Qi was also guarding Zhao Yi at this time, looking at him in pain, frowning, and immediately remembering Xu Mang who stole Zhao Yi before.

"Qiuxia will leave it to you!"

Qin Qi gritted his teeth, waiting here is no way.

"Oh, isn't it just taking a peek? Doesn't it need to kill you like this?"

Haven't waited for Qin Qi to cast a spell to find Xu Mang. A figure suddenly flew in, and fell heavily to the ground.

"It's you? A thief!"

Seeing that the fallen figure was exactly the Xu Mang that Qin Qi was looking for, he was glared and greeted the latter with a killer move.

"Big Brother, spare your life! It was mine to steal Zhao Yi last time!"

Xu Mang was shocked by the sudden killer move, and he kneeled to Qin Qi directly in spite of the slightest dignity.

"Huh! Where are you going, the thief trespassing in the forbidden area!"

Then another figure rushed in, holding a long sword, and wanted to cut it down at Xu Mang!

"Senior, please wait!"

The one who caught up with Xu Mang was an old student who was stationed in the forbidden area of ​​the bamboo forest. Xu Mang was discovered by the old student when he left the forbidden area and he was chased down to this point.

"Miss Sister, please help me, I just passed by accidentally, but this senior will kill me indiscriminately!"

Xu Mang saw this. Hastily detoured behind Qiuxia.

"This senior, I have a relationship with this student, I believe he is not the kind of person who trespasses on the forbidden area."

Qiuxia's words made Xu Mang a sigh of relief, and she almost didn't kneel and lick her thanks.

"But the senior, don't worry, if he has the intention of conspiring in this aspect, I will definitely hand him over to the tutor. Punish him in the most severe way!"

"No, no such thing!"

Before Xu Mang could breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly felt that his soul was going to disperse when he heard these words.

"All right, I hope you keep your promise."

The senior looked at Xu Mang waiting. After thinking twice, she finally left with her fists. Qiuxia was an excellent student of the academy. I still believed her a little bit.

"Hey, thank you both for your life-saving grace, then I won't bother you both."

With the seniors leaving. Xu Mang gave a dry smile, hugged Qiuxia's fists, and wanted to slip away directly.


However, two steps have not been taken yet. A fist shadow with a strong sound of breaking through the sky passed by his ears, and finally swept across the ground heavily, and immediately appeared a pit of tens of meters.


Xu Mang secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, if the punch hit him just now, he might end up just like a watermelon.

"This grandma, I was wrong, I shouldn't kidnap your young master, I damn, please forgive me!"

Although I felt something was wrong, I knelt down again shamelessly, begging Qiuxia for mercy frantically.

So shameless, Xu Mang dared to say first. I'm afraid no one would dare to say second.

Points balance: 5.465 million. Spiritual value: zero.

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