"you sure?"

Zhao Yi couldn't help but stunned for Hu Mi's request. Leaving the native Chi Luoxing, he would face unknown dangers in the future.

"And I!"

Caring for Hu Mi's side, Chi Nahu also followed over to join in the fun, but with a serious expression on his face. It didn't mean joking at all.

Zhao Yi and the two looked at each other for a long time, and finally shrugged helplessly.

"This is your own decision. I can't guarantee your safety after leaving Chi Luoxing at that time."

"Brother Zhao Yi, don't worry, we can take care of ourselves. It's just that the world has experienced too much, and its sweetness should be enjoyed by **** fighters."

Hu Mi said, with a sophisticated appearance, like an old man who has experienced hardships, Zhao Yi was a little bit dumbfounded.

"That's all right, you guys don't give me all these things, so hurry up and get on the boat."

Zhao Yi rolled his eyes. If they didn't get on the boat, they would probably be able to figure out any reason.


Hu Mi was overjoyed and followed Zhao Yi on the boat, their eyes facing each other. Some sparks flickered faintly.

"Brother, where are we going?"

After hurriedly bidding farewell to the Chiluo Empire, Zhao Yi controlled the plane spacecraft, and the displacement disappeared instantly at a speed that his eyes could not keep up with!

"You'll know when you go."

Zhao Yi touched Zhao Qin's little head, a pair of dark eyes flashed with indescribable fluctuations. Then input an instruction to the spacecraft.

"Planar spacecraft, positioning, heaven!"

Heaven, the world that countless lower, middle and upper planes are very yearning for, this world has countless unimaginable superpowers, and it is also the center of the universe.

Able to step into heaven. It is tantamount to being a strong player on one side, and such titles are naturally squeezed.

But the conditions for going to the heavens are extremely harsh, except for being selected by the heavens himself. Apart from building a bridge to the sky, it is very difficult to travel to the heavens by one's own strength.

After all, between the planes, there is a cosmic air separation, and ordinary people will be wiped out with a little touch, not to mention crossing the planes to the heavens.

Even so, the world still tried its best. Going to heaven one after another.

"Is this the world outside Chi Luoxing? It's amazing!"

Plane spacecraft. Hu Mi looked at the spaceship that was constantly whistling and flashing outside the window, with indescribable excitement in his eyes.

Chi Nahu looked at the images constantly flashing outside the window without saying a word. Instead, he fell silent. Such a scene seemed to have been experienced.

"Besides the Red Falling Star, there are several lower planes, two of which have no life born, and the last plane is a primitive world."

Zhao Yi said slowly, controlling the plane spaceship. Toward a huge planet, slowly landing.

Before going to the heavens, Zhao Yi had to release these Zerg people, after all, they existed in their own demon nuclear world. It was like an untimely bomb that made Zhao Yi feel restless.

"Where is this? What are you bringing us here for?!"

Zhao Yi's plane spacecraft landed on this primitive planet, without saying anything, directly freeing billions of Zerg people, and the huge world instantly became the figure of Zerg people.

Looking at this unfamiliar world, the Mother Worm screamed at Zhao Yi immediately, and there was even mucus on her body exposed out of her body. This was an expression of the Mother Worm's extreme anger.

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