
The huge meteorite slammed into the hull of the spacecraft, with a low and dull sound. The entire spacecraft presents a twisted posture. Finally, it swept in a certain direction uncontrollably.

In desperation, Zhao Yi mobilized the spiritual power in his body. Try not to be thrown out by the spacecraft.

It is a pity that Zhao Yi's power is as small as a sea boat in front of the universe. A terrifying force invades the spacecraft and instantly destroys everything inside the spacecraft. Zhao Yi and his party are directly stunned by this terrifying force.

The shattered spacecraft did not stop flying because of the impact of the meteorite. According to Zhao Yi's last instructions, it staggered and flew in the direction of the heaven.


The coma, do not know how long it lasted. Zhao Yi seemed to be able to feel the noise around him. He wanted to open his eyes, but he couldn't.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations on your arrival at the God Realm Heaven Realm. The system will be improved. 4. Version upgrade, please wait..."

The voice of the Almighty Little Demon is almost pervasive. Even Zhao Yi, who was in a coma, still kept this voice echoing in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yi seemed to see the Almighty Little Demon stretch out his little hand. Gently stroked his head. A warm current quietly poured into the whole body from Tian Ling Gai.

I don't know how long it took. Zhao Yi's five senses gradually recovered. He raised his eyes with difficulty and found that he was still in the plane spaceship, but at this time the plane spaceship was almost disintegrated. Become broken.

Zhao Yi opened his mouth slightly and wanted to call Zhao Qin and the others. The throat couldn't make a sound, and severe pain swept through the body.

Zhao Yi was a little worried at first, although at the last moment all his power was used to protect them, but this degree of injury, he walked through the gate of Lord Yan.

"Dingdong! Congratulations on your successful upgrade to 4. Full version! The Almighty Little Demon will have the same power for you!"

Next to Zhao Yi, the petite figure of the Almighty Little Demon suddenly appeared, and then, a special force poured into his body, the feeling was very strange, there was a feeling of mastering all things in time.

"My spiritual power!"

Zhao Yi soon discovered that the spiritual power he had been cultivating had begun to change, and the vast spiritual power transformed into a trace of golden mist, enveloped inside the dantian.

And these golden mists, if they were placed on a certain lower plane, they might be able to instantly destroy a city with millions of people.

"Is this the divine power of celestial cultivation?"

Zhao Yi muttered to himself, these divine powers seemed to have special abilities, and they were actually gradually repairing Zhao Yi's nearly paralyzed body.

In the process of repairing, the all-pervasive voice of the Almighty Little Demon also reverberated beside him.

"Congratulations to the master of the same source of divine power, opening a new realm, the **** platform is a great heaven!"

"Through the master's efforts to cultivate to the stage of the gods, the omnipotent little demon will give you: the exercise "Cang Shendian", the super magical power "Mie Shen Jue", the holy thing "War Puppet"!"

The voice of the Almighty Little Demon fell, and three things were immediately added to the inventory. At this time, all the spiritual power in Zhao Yi's body was successfully converted into divine power.

Zhao Yi estimated his own cultivation level, and I am afraid that he would be able to meet a strong person like the Big Insect Mother.

After successfully converting his divine power, Zhao Yi can be regarded as regaining his mobility. He stood up with difficulty, and his divine consciousness quickly enveloped the entire plane of the spaceship, only to find that Zhao Qin, Hu Mi, and Chi Nahu were all gone!

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