
Mo Hengtian stared at the figure standing in front of him, it was pitch black, and it looked like a person built of stones. No feelings. Even the depiction on the body is very rough.

"What? You want to taste it?"

A chill came. Two more men in black robes appeared in front of Mo Hengtian, fighting side by side with the puppet. The black robes and masks could not see their identities.

"Huh! Give me the Mo family to remember!"

The air solidified for a few minutes, and Zhao Yi had already dripped sweat from his neck. In the end, Mo Hengtian broke the quiet situation and left with a crowd of people.

Although I don't know who these are. But the defense of the puppet just now was absolutely extremely strong, and with the full blow of their two gods, it was actually difficult to shake!

"Fortunately. Scared them back."

Zhao Yi breathed a sigh of relief. The two black-robed men were obviously Zhao Yi brothers and sisters. And that puppet was the sacred item "War Puppet" presented to him by the Demon God System when Zhao Yi broke through the realm of the gods.

Because one million points are deducted every minute it takes, it is the first time that Zhao Yi took it out. It's so useful that it's unexpected.


When Zhao Yi drove the Mo family away. The black-robed man behind him blinked. While the siblings were not paying attention, they fled behind them.

"Hey... I was saved by us, at least say thank you politely."

Zhao Yi was the first to discover his movements and sneered. The sole of the foot slams on the ground, a formation originally hidden in the ground. He was tampered with in an instant, and the thin red lines came out again.


These thin red threads no longer have any attack power, like hemp rope, instantly entwining the black-robed man's body, and he can't go no matter how he wants to escape.

"What's this? Let go of me!"

The black robe man was shocked. The red line was obviously the formation he used the blood sacrifice technique to use, but it was used by Zhao Yi in a blink of an eye.

He had never heard of such a method!

"This sentence... I should ask you."

Zhao Yi said lightly, lifting his fingers, and the thin red thread tightened the black robe man tighter, making him unable to move.

"What is the relationship between you and the Scarlet Eye Demon Emperor?"

Zhao Yi stared at the black-robed man, and when the latter performed this trick, he noticed a strong blood evil force.

And with this kind of power, apart from the blood evil clan who attacked the Wu Ji continent back then, no one has ever seen this kind of power!

"What pupil, what devil emperor's, I don't know him!"

The black-robed man yelled, there was no change in his eyes, maybe he really didn't know the Scarlet Eye Demon Emperor Zhao Yi said.

"Really... Since that's the case, then I need to know your true colors even more."

Zhao Yi sneered, and as he spoke, he wanted to take off the mask of the black robe man.

"Brother... why is a kid?!"

However, when he took off the black robe man's mask, not only Zhao Yi was stunned, but even Zhao Qin felt a little weird.

Because the black-robed man in front of him was actually a child less than ten years old, with huge black eyes and childishness on his face.

This is not a face-changing technique, but a real child!

"I'm not a kid!"

The black-robed man was taken off his mask, yelled in panic, and kept wriggling his body, trying to break free.

However, the more he struggled, the tighter the restraints on his body became tighter and he couldn't even catch his breath.

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