
Some of the "living corpses" hiding in the dark, looking for opportunities to shoot at any time, saw Zhao Yi's flames. It's like seeing something terrifying. With a scream, he quickly ran away in fright.

The air around me left because of them. The unpleasant corpse smell also disappeared in half.

"Brother, what's the matter with those corpses?"

Although Zhao Qin has also seen many weird things, seeing the scene just now, he still feels a little hairy in his heart.

"They have wisdom, not like being manipulated by a manipulator."

Zhao Yi said slowly. Now his injury has healed a lot under Zhao Qin's treatment, but the weird situation just now reminded him of the Thousand Corpse Gate of the Wuji Continent.

They can use the dead to refine puppets. Fight for yourself.

"Don't worry about it. This tomb of the **** king is full of weirdness. Get the energy needed by the spacecraft as soon as possible."

Zhao Yidao. He took out a map from his body, and it marked the burial place of the fallen king!

"it is good!"

Zhao Qin nodded. Followed closely behind Zhao Yi, and at the same time, everywhere in the tomb. It seemed to smell some anger. Rows of rotting bodies. It was weirdly crawling out of the ground and quietly following.

In other corners of the tomb of the gods, the various forces who were touched by Zhao Yi and forced into the tomb. At this time, these corpses were chased everywhere, with a desperate expression on their faces.

"This is the team led by Hao Yuanzong a few months ago. I didn't expect it to be like this now!"

"Gosh! Isn't this the god-strong man who disappeared in the previous paragraph?"

"Why did they all become the living dead?!"


Many of the various forces who were hunted down by the corpses were able to recognize the corpses, with a look of surprise on their faces.

It's no wonder that many powerful bosses entered the tomb of the gods and did not come out, but they have already become this ghost.

"Humph! Once this mausoleum is today, you will lose your way. If you don't get a trace of the ashes of the **** king in the tomb, you will never be able to leave here!"

Although this tomb of the **** king is strange and scary, many masters are also very aware of the special features of this tomb. Obviously, they have worked hard before coming here.

There are also those who don’t believe in evil and plan to go out with their own power. As a result, not only the entire team is disrupted, but also food for the dead...

"By the way... go find that kid and settle this account properly!"

Zhao Yi's figure appeared in the minds of many power leaders involuntarily. If the latter hadn't touched the organs, they would not have come to such a place to kill them!

"Is this the cemetery of the Tomb of the King of Gods? It's so big!"

Under the guidance of the map, Zhao Yi brothers and sisters quickly saw that at the end of their sight, an unusually huge mountain appeared in front of them. It was very lush, and it seemed to be a completely different world from the dim surroundings.

"Brother, be careful!"

While Zhao Yi was secretly delighted, Zhao Qin seemed to have noticed something, and exclaimed, she furiously threw the whip and knocked out a dart that had come.


The joy on Zhao Yi's face immediately converged, pulling Zhao Qin back again and again, her dark eyes glanced around sharply.

"Boy... for bringing us to this ghost place, only your life can solve the hatred of my waiting!"

Zhao Yi's words fell, and those people in the dark didn't seem to intend to hide anymore. In every corner, there were figures appearing, with a little tacit understanding, they quietly surrounded Zhao Yi's brother and sister.

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