"Damn! I look down upon someone!"

Xiaohuzi saw this kind of rhetoric in the middle of the gods, and suddenly became angry. It was clear that the two of them committed the crime, but in the end he never regarded him as an enemy!

"Then what do you want to do?"

Zhao Yi completely ignored the clamor of the gods in the middle stage, and the blood of the dragon clan in his body quietly surged, and the more terrible coercive force quietly spread. Instantly dissipated the coercion that swept over!

"Kill them!"

Although Xiaohuzi was young, he did not hesitate at all. Apart from anything else, the palm of his hand was blankly slapped on the ground, a wave of evil spirits, under the control of divine power. Spit out frantically.

"Okay, it seems that this can only be done."

Zhao Yi watched Xiao Huzi's action instantly, shrugged a little helplessly, his heart moved, the majestic divine power in his body, like running water, rushed wildly.

After a while, Zhao Yi slowly stretched out a finger and pressed it directly at the yelling **** Midterm.

"The third finger... Tianhong is broken!"

A finger condensed by divine power appeared out of thin air, pulling the moisture in the air crazily, and in an instant, it was several feet large. Suspended in the air, there is still a huge shadow.

"This...what is this?!"

The gods were stunned in the mid-term, but Zhao Yi and his son didn't think about martial ethics at all.

"go with!"

At the moment when the **** raised his head in the middle of the spirit, his fingers fell completely. There was a low and dull sound, and with the rolling water, it slammed on the body of the **** in the middle stage.


The painful screams resounded abruptly, and the falling fingers penetrated through his body without mercy, at the moment of penetration. It was like countless knives stabbed into the body of a **** in the mid-term, and finally fell into a pool of blood, unconscious.

"The breath of that lord... disappeared?!"

All this happened between the electric light and flint, when the master behind him reacted. Can't sense the mid-stage breath of the gods!

"Everyone, run! These two people are simply demons!"

It is unimaginable for them to kill a **** in the second stage in the later stage. At the moment when they can't sense the breath of the **** in the middle stage, they are like fleeing birds, fleeing!

"Yo... Uncles. I just want to go now, why did you go earlier?"

Little Tiger suddenly raised his head. He smiled slightly, seemingly harmless. Projected in the eyes of everyone, like a demon killing his life.

"The evil spirit formation, get up!"

Little Tiger yelled, and under everyone's feet, a hand protruded out of the ground abruptly. Even if someone fled into the air, the red palm could still extend indefinitely, firmly grasping their feet!


Countless people screamed. No matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't get rid of that weird hand, and were dragged into the ground abruptly, and finally there was no sound!

Except for some cruelty. The strong men who cut off their legs and were dragged into the ground will never survive!

"Is anyone else coming over to grab our card?"

Zhao Yi held the back of his head with both hands, but there was a card in his mouth. Those masters who had never taken a shot bowed their heads for something that seemed to go easily.

A joke, the two of them can kill the backbone of dozens of forces. If they make a move, they will probably end up no worse than those people!

"Let's go, now, there should be no one blocking our way."

The corner of Zhao Yi's mouth raised slightly, and he disappeared at the end of his sight under countless unwilling gazes.

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