
As soon as the jet of lightning swept across the man, a sturdy man suddenly stood in front of him, and with a wave of his hand, he directly knocked the lightning into the air!

"This guy."

The sudden change also caused Zhao Yi's eating movement to stop slightly, his eyes slightly raised. In front of Cifei, there was a brawny man with naked torso.

He is full of flesh. Between the gestures, there is a kind of brute force that seems to be endless. Under the measurement of the Almighty Little Demon, it can be known that this brawny man's cultivation is infinitely close to the late stage of the gods!

"Little Po Boy! Are you looking for death?!"

Although the attack was stopped. Ci Fei was still so scared that he sat on the ground. If there weren't bodyguards to protect him, I'm afraid that it would have made his body strange!

"You should be the one looking for death."

A slight disappointment flashed in Xiao Huzi's eyes, and then as if nothing had happened, he spared the big man and strode away.

"What an arrogant kid, Ruoming's bodyguard, take this kid who doesn't know what to do!"

He didn't hit one place every time, he grew up so big, he had seen arrogant, he had never seen such arrogant!

"really interesting."

The brawny man called Ruoming. He looked at the little tiger who was leaving in great strides, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. At a young age, not only was he cultivated, but with such a mindset, he was also far away comparable to the young master in front of him.

"Ruo Ming! Can't you hear me when I speak!"

Seeing Ruo Ming indifferent. Ci Fei was so angry that he kicked the table on the side. Unexpectedly, the table was made of a special material. The force of the counter-shock shook his footsteps in pain and his complexion turned red.

"Master, I'm just here to protect you, not your follower."

Ruo Ming said lightly. He didn't even give Ci Fei a look.

Ci Fei's complexion was stagnant, and Ruoming stared at some hairy, so he had to swallow the resentment into his stomach with a numb scalp.

"Look at what you look at! Look at it and you will get your eyes out!"

After eating the deflation of Xiaohuzi, there is nowhere to release the anger of Jifei. The people around who were eating were scared to leave, leaving only Zhao Yi and the trembling boss who were still eating.

"Boy, do you take my words as the wind?!"

Tsing Fei quickly noticed Zhao Yi who was eating, his face was gloomy, and when he saw that the latter was only my late stage, the corner of his mouth immediately evoked a cruel arc.

The voice of the second flight fell. He strode to Zhao Yi, his palm wrapped in divine power. Facing Zhao Yi's face, he beat him fiercely!

"Guest officer, be careful!"

The restaurant owner saw this scene. His complexion turned pale immediately, but Zhao Yi didn't seem to hear the reminder, and he missed the best time to escape.

At the moment when Zhao Yi was in the fan of the second Fei, a powerful hand suddenly came out, without any hesitation, grabbed the arm of the second Fei, and gently pinched it.


The crisp sound of broken bones sounded, and the whole arm flew away. Presenting a weird distortion, a pig-killing roar, resounded abruptly at this moment.

The people who were originally afraid of the fish disaster immediately stopped and saw that amazing scene from a distance.

Flies. Was beaten!

"Oh my god! This is too crazy, except for the kid just now, there are really people who dare to do something to Ci Fei!"

"It's not that this time the flight was too arrogant, because he had a father of the Tianxianzong elder, he acted nonsense, now he has been punished!"

"Shhh! Keep your voice down, although it's a pity to see Ci Fei eating flat, it's a pity that man."


There were mixed feelings in everyone's hearts. Although the picture was very exciting, but after offending it, it was difficult for Zhao Yi to retreat this time.

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