"You... what do you want to do?!"

Seeing the little tiger who suddenly changed his appearance, Mo Feng finally flashed a trace of fear in his eyes. He yelled and began to struggle frantically.

"Remove limbs first."

Little Huzi sneered, raised the knife and dropped his limbs immediately. Sinking into the pool of blood, the screams echoed endlessly.

"You killed me... Tian Xianzong will never let you go!"

Mo Feng's eyes were red. With his limbs removed, he has become a useless person, a pair of eyes staring at the little tiger, constantly cursing.

"Bull my aunt. It's not over yet."

Little Huzi turned a deaf ear to Mo Feng's threat, his fingerprints changed, and the quiet blood pool was tumbling strangely at this moment. I don't know what's in it, and it's strangely emerging!

"Ah! Kill me, kill me!"

Mo Feng looked disdainful. When the red insects got into his body from his severed limbs, he immediately yelled in pain. At this moment, he just wanted to kill himself!

"In your next life, don't mess with people you can't afford."

Little Huzi said slowly, not at all like a ten-year-old child. Like a killer with no emotions, he raised his sword and fell to end Mo Feng's life.

At the same time, in the outside world, countless people looked at each other, and they all wanted to know. How is the battle between Mo Feng and Xiaohuzi going.

"Don't worry, Mo Feng is an inner disciple of Tianxianzong. Not only is his cultivation base strong, he also has many magical skills inherited from Shenzong. That young man will definitely die!"

"It's just a pity. I can't see Morvon fighting with my own eyes."

"The overall situation has been determined. Before Mo Feng returns triumphantly, if we can take those two down..."


A long time has passed since the battle between Mo Feng and Xiao Huzi. The people began to be a little suspicious.


When everyone was planning to surround Zhao Yi's brother and sister, a new situation finally appeared in this space. In the air, like glass shattered, there were actually a strange drop of fragments.

"Look! Morfeng's battle is over!"

Perceiving the movement, everyone immediately raised their heads. But when he saw Xiaohuzi alone and Mo Feng who had turned into a scum, they felt that their brains were hit hard with a hammer.

Not only did Mo Feng lose. And it was done so thoroughly!

Another level of Mo Feng's identity is the inner disciple of Tianxianzong!

"This kid."

Zhao Yi saw a safe little tiger. It was also a little helpless, although he was small, he was not much more than his father when he started.

"Who else is going to stand up for that man?"

The little tiger patted his hand domineeringly, glanced around with fierce eyes, and countless people were afraid to look at him and bowed their heads.

"Brother, something happened to my sister-in-law. I want to go back to Tian Xianzong as soon as possible!"

Zhao Qin also looked at the domineering little tiger in a daze, but then she thought of something, her face changed slightly, and she quickly stood up.

"What's wrong? Let's go with you too."

Zhao Yi frowned slightly. I couldn't help but become nervous.

"Okay, follow me!"

Zhao Qin nodded, without any hesitation, strode towards Tian Xianzong's direction, Zhao Yi and his son followed closely behind him.

"It turned out to be the two thieves who made a sensation in the Northern Territory. They even dared to kill the people of Tianxianzong."

"Isn't it? If you steal some little sect treasures, you will be at ease in the heavens, but they are so bold and move the heavens!"

"Tian Xianzong will chase them to the end of the world, they are dead!"


Everyone looked at the back of Zhao Yi and his party, and kept lamenting, it looked like they were sure they were the last Zhao Yi they saw.

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