"Xiaoqin, you came just right, and you must strictly investigate at this time. You have a very good relationship with Moyan, so it's better to help persuade one or two."

Seeing Zhao Qin, Hei Ling's eyes were joyful. To be honest, he didn't want to take a shot at Mo Yan either.

"Elder Heiling. I'm sorry, I must be on the side of Demon Flame at this time."

Zhao Qin said slowly, he knew very well that the person they wanted to arrest was his sister-in-law Qiuxia. After the accident in the Red Eye Demon Prison, Qiuxia was brought here to protect her secretly.

But I didn't expect it to be discovered by them.

"Zhao Qin, you are so courageous, you have just come to Tian Xianzong for a month, you are so strong, if you can kneel down and shout brother, I will spare you this reckless move."

Ci Jia sneered, and the words were only a humiliation to Zhao Qin.


Before the smile on Jiao's face spread, a crisp sound was heard abruptly. Under the divine power, half of the face of the second Jiao was swollen into a cyst!

"Gan! Who is it!"

Second Jia was furious, and someone dared to attack him in public, and he couldn't see the other party's shot at all.

"Your grandfather me!"

Zhao Yi yelled coldly, at the moment when Second Jia raised his head. Another slap was slapped, and there was another shocking, crisp sound, and the other face of Tiao Jia was also swollen.

It seems that the faces on both sides are finally symmetrical.

"This man..."

Seeing a scene that suddenly appeared in front of him, the always strong magic flame. I was also stunned at this moment. I didn't expect someone to slap the face in public without hesitation. This is a declaration of war with the opponent!

"Good boy! I'm going to kill you!"

Tsing Jia touched the faces of the cysts on both sides, and was completely awake. He shouted angrily, the power in his body was running, and he actually shot Zhao Yi directly!

"Work on my territory, I will never allow it!"

When Zhao Yi planned to sacrifice the war spirit puppet, Mo Yan also shot, he sneered coldly. Divine power is continuously poured into the secluded pagoda in his hand.


There was a crisp buzzing sound, and the pagoda exuded gloomy light. It was spewing out like flowing water, filling the air.

"So heavy!"

Ji Jia's complexion changed drastically. His body seemed to be carrying a mountain, and his whole body was compressed and bent, no matter how the divine power was operated, it could not be resolved!

"This black light, I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Zhao Yi frowned slightly, and his divine consciousness sensed this black light, quite like his gravitational genome activated on the red star.

"Hei Ling, you are the deacon elder. Still not doing it?"

Tsing Jia's expression was painful, he saw the indifferent Hei Ling next to him, and immediately angered that he had been bullied like this. Still not out for justice.

"How offended."

Hei Ling sighed slightly. Although he didn't want to do anything, he symbolically attacked Zhao Yi and others because of his identity!

"War Puppet!"

Zhao Yi never thought that Hei Ling would stand on their side. With a thought, the Spirit Puppet appeared in front of him and stopped Hei Ling!

Hei Yan looked at the war spirit puppet who stopped Hei Ling and was a little surprised. He couldn't help but look at Zhao Yi twice. This man seemed to be a man with only the initial cultivation of gods, and he was much stronger than he thought.

"go away!"

Controlling Hei Ling, Hei Yan was able to make a full move. He gently patted the pagoda in his hand, and layers of black light flew out like ripples, and swept across Ci Jia's body fiercely.


Although Ci Jia had the strength of a half-step God King, he still couldn't handle this kind of impact, and the blood spurted out, directly in a state of serious injury!

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