"Elder, he estimates that he will not be alive for long, and he will be thrown into the'Wild Realm'. This'Soul Destruction Lock' is unnecessary."

Seeing Zhao Yi only had a little breath left, and he was stunned by the words of Elder Ci Li. This simply didn't give this man any way to survive!

"Just do as I said. Is it possible that you will be punished for him?!"

Elder Ci Li shouted coldly, so scared that the jailer quickly took out a special lock. After performing the secret technique, this lock was directly brought to Zhao Yi's neck.

Once the Soul Destruction Lock was put on, it was directly submerged in Zhao Yi's body, only at the neck. Stream a rune that cannot be cracked.

"It's pathetic."

The jailer took a deep look at Zhao Yi, perhaps this was the last time he saw Zhao Yi.

Immediately, the jailer placed Zhao Yi on a formation under the eyes of Elder Ci Li.

Above the formation, a white light suddenly appeared, which quickly wrapped Zhao Yi. When the light dissipated, Zhao Yi's figure was also teleported.

"Fight with me! Even if it's a corpse, don't even want to bring it out of the "Wild Wild World"!"

Seeing Zhao Yi who was teleported away, Elder Ci Li sneered and slowly left the place.


Wilderness, this is a special little plane. This place is isolated from the heavens and the world, and it is a completely different world.

Here, it is impossible to replenish the divine power in the heavens, once used, it will be quickly consumed until it is completely exhausted.

and so. Although there are countless enviable resources in the wild world, they are breathtaking and have become one of the largest forbidden places in the heavens. Even the super powers of the **** king level are kept away.

At this moment, this piece of silence. In the wild world, a brilliance disappeared in a flash. The creatures living in the wild world are not surprising, and there are people in the heaven being thrown into this wild area.


Zhao Yi was thrown here. He quickly gasped for breath. Fortunately, at the last moment, he used his clone as a substitute, I am afraid that he would die in the hands of God Sovereign Wuling.

"I hope my sister and Qiuxia are fine."

Zhao Yi's body turned into a small Chi Yuan wolf, looking at this strange world, his bones "cracking". Restore the human body.

There is obviously a reason for Zhao Yi to do this, he is not a reckless person. Only when Wu Ling Shenjun's attention was placed on him, Qiu Xia and the others could withdraw smoothly.

"It's just. This place reveals weirdness everywhere."

Zhao Yi shook his head and stopped thinking about the matter. He looked at the deserted surroundings, and his eyes flashed with vigilance.

"Master, this place is an independent plane outside of the heavens, unable to supplement divine power, and the law of survival is the same as that of the Rune Continent."

As Zhao Yi looked around, the Almighty Little Demon responded to Zhao Yi with a slight thoughtfulness.

"No wonder. I can hardly sense the fluctuations of divine power here."

Zhao Yi sighed secretly. He had been to the Rune Continent, and he knew the pain of using divine power carefully.

Once used up. I will sleep forever.

"However, today is different from the past. Fortunately, the sacred stones from the various gates were not converted into points, otherwise it would be really miserable."

Zhao Yi smiled, and took out a middle-grade sacred stone from the demon core world. Just as he was about to absorb it, to make up for the consumption of the previous war, a black shadow suddenly appeared on the ground.

The shadow is a small snake, covered in dark scales, seemingly unremarkable, but it has an unimaginable defense.

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