Supreme Demon

Chapter 1818: Interracial strikes!

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The first thousand eighty-eight chapters of the aliens came!

Fully rolled!

The anti-God is using this attitude to warn those who tend to them. Now that the anti-God is no longer the past, if you want to betray it, you have to give your life, and when you pass through Tiandan, this is a madness.

Fifteen years ago.

Lingfeng refining the empty gods, once sensational, let many forces fascinated, and then there will be the real Dan, which will push a force to the prosperous world, but the air is improved by the power of God, and at that time Ling Feng has not yet realized The true meaning of the way to serve, so there is not much space in the space where the gods are born.

For the characters like Qingyi, the star-like sentiment can be magnified by it, and then enter the heavens in one step. However, Qin Hong’s situation is different. Although it is the top real god, most of them are the realm of medicinal herbs. Its power and realm are far from the point of easy wind.


It is this kind of Qin Hong that goes straight into the heavens on this day. What does this mean?

Nadu Tiandan is the real **** of quality!

How many such gods will be born in such a short period of time? If you are against the top gods of God, and even if the true gods are stepping into the heavens, how can other forces be called?

To know.

Now the anti-God sits on two heavenly figures, one semi-emperor and three top gods. On the top level, they are invincible, and if they build the Tianshen Legion, they are even more invincible.

At that time, the anti-God will push the whole continent!

"Is this medicinal medicine difficult to refine?"

"You don't understand him."

The old man said with a strong heart. "Lingfeng’s talent in alchemy is no less than martial arts. Once it is refining, it will do more with less. Even if it is one year, one decade later, one hundred years later?"

When I think about the dozens of anti-God and hundreds of gods forming a regiment to suppress the world, the old man feels cold and sweaty.

so horrible!

Too invincible!

"He is not an old hen, can't he always refine it?"

"What if he really did it?"


The entire continent was insufficiency due to Qin Hong’s entry into the heavens, and the top forces such as the God of God and Xishen Island were unprecedentedly heavy, especially the forces of the Emperor and the Forbidden Zone. They only felt that the heart and lungs were trembled.

Unprecedented pressure!

Undoubtedly, this is the main person Ling Feng is showing their attitude to them, choose the position, then do not change, whether it is the Split God, Xishen Island, or the Emperor and the heavens restricted area.

"Lingfeng's talent is too shocking. This first medicinal herb has been released. In the next time, he will definitely be more skilled. How many medicinal drugs can he produce in a year?" The pressure in the heart of the mountain, such a rebellious **** made him feel powerless.


They have no choice now, Ling Feng is telling him with this attitude, you have been betrayed and don't think about surrender!

Against God does not accept!

"This continent is theirs in the future!"

The old gentleman got up and looked at the sky and said, "I am afraid that I have to run for myself, even if I have a thick face, I will ask for a few such drugs!"

as if.

This is the voice of the top-ranking Tiandao characters. After the old gentleman flew out, Zero Sword and Lianxu also came to the contrary. This kind of medicinal medicine is too important. The appearance of each **** can affect the mainland pattern. I would rather lose some resources and change to Tiandan.


It will be even more terrible to grow up against God, and in this case, they will be more vulnerable.

In fact.

It’s just that the old man has been born, with the clear, the string, the easy wind, the gentleman and the laughter come to the sky, the old man is quite smart, knowing that the feelings of a few geniuses in the ridiculous door are quite good, they make a breakthrough, It is easier than yourself.


"Turning Tiandan, can you really step into the gods?"

The wind is full of surprise, looking at Ling Feng like to eat Ling Feng in general, he coveted Du Tiandan.


Ling Feng said with a smile, he has no one in front of several brothers and sisters. In the star map, these people’s kindness to the gods is very heavy, not to mention the fact that he is no longer in his ten years. Jun smiled and flew to the Tibetan stars, suppressing the gods of those forces.

"Is there still?"

The wind is brighter, and his heart is very anxious. Several genius figures in the desert have entered the gods. Although this is done with the empty **** Dan, the **** is the god, far stronger than the true god.

It is a pity that he and Lu Wen have failed. The reason may be that they have not yet reached the end of the true God, or that the experience of space is not yet in place, and after experiencing the blood disaster, Yi Feng longs for strength.

"Now not." Ling Feng laughed.

When Yi Feng was disappointed, he went on to say, "There will be."

"Would you like to refine today?" Yi Feng laughed. He was very close to Ling Feng, but there was no jealousy.

"Brother, you are a little hen."

Ling Feng said with a wry smile. "There is always a process in everything."

"Little brothers, those heavenly figures have arrived, afraid that they are coming for Tiandan. What are your plans?" Qing dynasty opened his mouth and did not ask for the meaning of crossing Tiandan. It is not needed in her current realm, she is not even need!

She is a flower, maybe an afterlife, or this life.


After Nie, she changed qualitatively. It was completely different from before. Nagni fire broke her boundary and allowed her to break the realm calmly, without being embarrassed. Before, her realm was like bamboo, only When it is broken, it will be able to make a smooth road, smooth and smooth, and now that the bamboo knot has collapsed, from the root to the top, in simple terms, it is "hollow bamboo"!

What she has to do is to constantly inject "injection" into her body, naturally entering the heavenly state, and even the heavenly state.

This is the physique that even Ling Feng is envious, and the life after Nie or the horror of the afterlife is really horrible.

"Common interest!"

Ling Feng did not have any indulgence, and he explained: "The big hand and the radish are the real king. I have used this method to beat them before, let them know that betrayal is a price, and now throw this out. Root radish, make them even more powerful, you said they will betray it?"

"At least, betrayal is a bargaining chip. Is there a handful of power to get out of this kind of drug?"

"Just like this?" Qing Yu and others frowned, this is Du Tiandan, if all the gods will be used to reverse the gods.

"Of course, I want to be sincere in wanting this radish."

Ling Feng’s sly smile, always moving in the face of anti-God, always pays the price, or how can these forces be long-term?

"This is not good for the anti-God." Yi Feng frowned. "If the deity, it must be completely digested."

Ling Feng’s eyes were deep and deep, and he said with a dull feeling. “The anti-God really went to the opposite of the mainland!”

Benefits are not shared.

It will indeed make the anti-God strong, but what do other forces think? Against the gods, is this to encroach on the entire continent? Still want to expel them all? Can they still be allies at that time?

As long as it is not an idiot, it will be understood that the alliance against God is to seek skin with the tiger, and the final result is death.

By then.

Other forces will hold a whole group and be hostile to the gods, even if they are old, they will ask them. What do you want to do against God!


The common interest is an excellent choice. Although it will make the anti-God grow up late, it will win the hearts of the people and increase the confidence and strength of other forces. Even if it is betrayal, it will be hesitant and ask yourself that this value is not worth it.

after all!

What the gods have to do is not to invade this place, but not the starry sky. They just conquer the starry sky step by step.



This is the meaning of several major forces, but the process is not satisfactory. Lingfeng has the meaning of sharing benefits, but it is biting everywhere. Forced several forces have paid a great price to share the benefits. right.

The process is not perfect, but the ending is perfect!

This is a reassurance, so that the heavenly characters have a lot of peace of mind, otherwise a big rebellious **** is too dangerous.

Although they know that this product will surely hide, this is the nature of human beings. When crossing the sky, the gods should get more benefits, some things can be shared, and some things can't.

In order to make the more powerful forces more reassuring, Ling Feng stepped into the seven-door, began to refine the Tiandan, to let these forces hide the sweetness, so that they can be tightly tied to the chariot of the gods.


Just as the whole continent is flourishing, the terrible sound of the horoscope in the star map, the emperor's pattern shines through the whole sky, and the heads of several heavenly figures on the emperor's pattern are chilling the mainland.

The scent of the wildness rushed into the void and shocked the world.


The aliens who have been quiet for nearly two decades have come back. In this Continental war, they are gathering strength, especially the Heavenly and the Demon Legion. This really takes a little time, and the tears smell old and the heavenly The emperor's pattern takes time, so they only came in until now.

For a time.

The whole continent is boiling, and a feeling of repression and resentment is swaying. People have long hated the aliens. These barbaric characters will only bring solitude to the mainland. They want to destroy everyone or enslave everyone.

"court death!"

When I heard the old man, I flew out of the gods for the first time and went to the star map alone.

"It’s really well prepared. Even if the five heavens are the same, then all of them will stay." The old gentleman flew to the star map with a cane.

"The sword of the deity is already hungry and thirsty!"

Zero sword smother said, the body flashed, it has appeared in the star map.

"Invade the martial arts, die!"

When the emperor is born, the gods are flying, and how to fight inside the Shenwu continent, that is their business, but foreigners are absolutely not allowed to encroach.


They know that if they don't die at this time, then the old people will really be rude to them. The reason why the old people didn't get rid of them is that the mainland needs the guardian of the heavens, so if they can't even guard the guards, What about them?

of course.

This is not just a fierce battle between heavenly characters. What is more is that the alien sects are breaking into the star map. Twenty years ago, they were beaten too much, and now they have to return to the hundred years ago to let the gods of this continent Know the power of the aliens.

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