Supreme Demon

Chapter 1821: Meeting star map!

Night death!

If the demon army is bright and upright, there will be some taboos against the gods, but the demon army will have to fight against the gods in the night, is there something more idiotic than this?

To know.

In the dark night, the anti-God is the real king, and no power can be compared!

In the dark night, Gai will kill and hide to the extreme, and the opponent will be broken if he is slightly careless.

not to mention.

This is no longer the reverse of the gods. The lord of the wind is returning to the main leaves, and its layout is not imaginable by the gods. In terms of strength, the anti-God sits on a semi-emperor, and the non-god can match.

And what about butterflies?

They have already eaten through the demon army, so many people only feel ignorant when they are idiots. So when they appear, they have completely fallen into the eyes of butterflies. Would you like to conceal them?

When the message was sent to Ye Xinran's hand, she decisively played the trump card of the anti-God, and even asked for the Lingfeng to kill the Demon Legion with the strongest posture.

The four demon corps were completely defeated!

The power that made the gods proud, in the face of the gods, finally bowed, even if the gods did not think of it?


The Demon Legion is far from these four, and more is a fierce battle in the star map, so that the major forces can't catch up. They don't have the ability of a butterfly, and the anti-God will not allow other forces to grow stronger.


After smashing the four demon corps, the candle dragon led the anti-god to the star map, they will completely abolish the demon in the star map, this time they will pain the gods, let them know The Shenwu continent is not the same. The blood and life that you want to invade are much more than they think.

"The news has come, and the people of the whole world are pushing forward. Be sure to finish the task of ch ngr n!"

Ye Xinran personally led and brought all the forces of the gods out of the volcano. Even if the forces of Wusheng and Wuzun were born, it seems that they must be smashed with the gods and corps, and they are even more powerful.

This is to make the major forces feel ashamed. They have no determination to rebel against God, and they have no courage to resist God.

"Reverse God is indeed against God. They pay more attention to this continent and cannot invade any forces!"

"Crap, to counter the current momentum of the gods, this continent belongs to them in the future, if we are in this position, I am afraid that it will be more fierce!"

"Reversible God does not mean to be alone. They are dark forces after all. Can we be a dark force without our cover?"


"Reverse God is worthy of respect!"

People look at the anti-God that is passing by, full of respect, and even when they are flying against the gods, they personally move forward and sway for them, so that the anti-God can hit the star map all the way.


They stand straight and scream to the gods!

No matter which force, it is worth paying for the sacrifice of the mainland at this festival.

"Towards the star map, this mountain and river does not allow the gods to touch the fingers!"

Jade is forward, leading the anti-God to be invincible, and his horror in such a heart is really terrible. As long as they grow up in full, what power can there be in this world?

Breaking into a butterfly?

Do not!

That is the phoenix!

At the same time, the anti-God of Yilin was flying fast to the star map, directly colliding with a demon army, and banging loudly, the two top gods of Heaven and Taoism held the sharp knife, hollowed out and smashed God. The two gods of the devil, tearing open the **** battle.


"This is impossible!"

In the spiriting beads, the soul of the heavenly spirit is ugly, and the pale white color is somewhat scary, but he is scary, and Lingfeng’s words are more scary.

"Do you think you have a choice?"

Lingfeng Pan sits opposite Tianyun, smiles and looks at the soul of Tianyun, saying, "I am not asking you, but you have to do this!"

"Ling Feng, you are very smart, but don't take me as a fool!"

Tian Yun said angrily. "If it is really like what you said, I am a sinner on the whole continent. I have to bear this shame and be reviled, and the heavens will no longer have a foothold in this continent."

"I mean this!" Ling Feng said calmly.


Tianyun’s face was dark and screamed. “This is impossible, I will not do this!”

"You can!"

"Ling Feng, you can't take the life and death of the gods and gods to threaten me. If you do it, you will force me to die!" Tian Yun said, but he got up, cold to Ling Feng.

"I promised you at the beginning, but I didn't promise you to do this!"

"I know!"

Ling Feng indicated that Tian Yun was not safe, and said: "Do you think that even if you refuse, even if the Tianzu can return to the mainland, can the Tianzu still stand on this continent?"


Tian Yun wants to refute, I really want to ask why not?

But he still shut up. He knows that Ling Feng is right. Now the mainland is no longer in the past. Several major forces have already divided the forces of the Tian and the Taiwanese, and the mountains and rivers are like this. Take back the forces from their hands?

Even if the Terran returns to its heyday, it is feared that several major forces will wipe them out and will not allow them to divide.

In simple terms.

Now Tianzu and Wanchenzong are enemies of the entire continent. As long as they are found, they will be destroyed. It is the only thing that Lingfeng can accommodate them and build them all.

"This is not for you!"

Ling Feng said calmly. "But the stars will suit you!"

"What do you mean?"

"The purpose of rebelling against God is not to lay down this continent, but to share interests with them. The stars are the same. In the final analysis, we were too weak and we were bullied to this level."

"If you know your thoughts early, how can the heavens die?" Tian Yun sighed.

"Do not!"

Ling Feng shook his fingers. "Even if you know the purpose of rebelling against God, you will do the same. Your ambition is too big. You have long wanted to swallow other forces, and it is only an opportunity to smell the old."

"Sometimes too honest, not a good thing." Tian Yun said.

"Reverse **** will go to the starry sky, then I will find a star, let the heavens grow up, but you still keep the bottom line, don't try to provoke the gods." Ling Feng said seriously.

“Is this a reward that I can get?”

The rhyme of the heavens is bright, the roots of the heavenly people are people, not mountains and rivers. Just give them a star, they will grow up and return to the peak.


They can also go to the starry sky, not limited to the land of Shenwu, why not?


"But if you deceive me?" Tian Yun is not at ease, worried that Ling Feng will repent when it comes, who should he cry for?

"I can swear!"

Ling Fengzhuang swears and swears, but in advance, the heavens are keeping the bottom line, otherwise they will not mind killing them, which is also agreed by Tian Yun.

In fact.

At this moment, Tianyun has not been able to produce a mind that is against the gods. Two enchanting characters lead and can lay a star. What qualifications does the Tianzu have at that time? What is the difference between finding and dying?

When Ling Feng was leaving, Tian Yun frowned and asked. "But I can't figure out why you want to do this?"

"What do you want to say?"

"The anti-God is now in full swing and can make great achievements, and you do it like this, it is equivalent to..."

"Some things you don't understand!"

Ling Feng waved his hand and left the spirited beads. The temperament of the temperament wanted to jump, and he felt that Ling Feng was insulting his IQ.

of course.

Ling Feng did not leave the spiriting beads, but flew to another space, and "the merchants" with Wan Chenzong's Tiandao characters. At first, the Tiandao character reacted more intensely than Tianyun, but finally agreed.


These two are different from the one-day road, guarding the bottom line of being a man, but in order to promote the prosperity of the family, they do not mind holding up the resentment of this sky.

"Or, I still want to create a situation, but now the demon army is actually sending sh ngm n."

When flying out of the devouring beads, Ling Feng laughed at the sky. "I want to thank them? Or thank them?"


He flew to the star map and was there to ignite a new chapter against God.

Meeting star map!

When the Demon Legion was suppressed step by step, the four forces against the gods were meeting, and the top gods of Jade, Candle Dragon, Bifang and Tian Daozong were almost all in the power of the peaks of the gods.

But this is not enough!


Finally, Ye Xinran led the endless rebellion to the sea, forming a sea of ​​oceans and seas. In the case of the top gods and the semi-emperor souls, they were like a broken bamboo, playing the demon army, and in a period of less than a month, they died. Too much, sorrowful.


The situation of the fierce battle against the gods is very strange. They are trapped in the heavens and the earth, and the other forces of repression are completely unable to enter, and they are forced to create a situation as much as possible, so that other forces will join the division and squash several other demon corps.

In simple terms.

Now the anti-God is suppressing the entire eight demon army, and the rest of the demon army is having other forces to deal with, which is simply shocking, but now there is such a courage.

In fact.

At the moment of the battle of the dragons and the fires of the group, the whole situation has completely entered the rhythm of the anti-God. The demon army is disintegrated, and the anti-god is to exert its own advantages, and the siege army is besieged in all directions.

For a time, sorrow and glory!

For a time, the gods are dead!

Of course, in this process, the sacrifice of the gods is not small, even if the wind appears, this situation is difficult to change, after all, the demon army is very strong.


Just as they were fighting in the midst of a fierce battle, they were pressing against the gods in front of the gods.

The change is sudden!

One hand descended from the sky, and quickly hit the anti-god, the heavens and the momentum were released, and the main control was empty.

"Looking for death!" Ling Feng was furious, shouted, and then... let Bi Fang rush up to meet the master of the hand.


Suddenly, the second hand appeared, and the hard-moving squatting against the gods, the heavenly momentum completely appeared, terrible to suffocate, and the two virtual shadows in the emptiness are gradually becoming clear.

good night.

(End of this chapter)

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