Supreme Demon

Chapter 1868: This is asking the day!

Mobile phone reading is more exciting, mobile phone directly accesses c

It’s just dawning!

The lotus leaf dew in the lotus pond has not yet flown, the bird on the branch has not yet awakened, a small insect is crawling out from the ground, looking for his own food, Hengtianxing is like a behemoth still in a sleep .

Tian Yao!

At this moment, she is welcoming a temperamental jade girl. She walks forward and smiles. The plump body presents a beautiful curve in the cover of the navy blue, red lips and beautiful eyes, like a star like a crescent moon.

The exquisite jade shape is the same as the tens of thousands of carvings, the pink and sweet, and the jade hand is the first unearthed jade.

She stands in the void, so the void is the background.

She stood in the sky, so Tian Yao flew down to her feet.

Cloud dream!

This extraordinary alchemy master in Shenwu mainland has finally entered the Hengtianxing. In this way, on the mainland, although the anti-God is "annihilated", it does not affect the immortal, they are still the whole continent. Overlord, there is no power on alchemy to be able to talk to the immortal.

Asking Shiva to solve the Tiange, casting this scene, this is the only one.

Because of the birth of the immortal, the resources of the whole continent are mostly in their hands. The forces around them are rich and enemies. They are rich and powerful, and there are many resources. The alchemists will naturally have more. Anyone knows that only asks. Xian can fully cast the alchemy master, as long as you have the potential of talent, then ask the immortal can make you become the alchemy sage, alchemy master, and there is more to make the alchemy mad is to ask you to find the **** god Dan Fang , Tiandan's refining method.


Asking the resources and power of Xian is even more terrible. Even in the case of "destroying" against the gods, there is no power to dare to ask the immortal.

Twenty years have passed.

Every character in the anti-God is making progress. This naturally includes Yunmeng. In the experience of the alchemy of Danshang and Lingfeng, Yunmeng has made great progress. When Lingfeng is still pursuing martial arts, She has immersed her whole heart in Dandao.

Another name for success is hard work!

Success requires 99% of sweat, and 1% of talent, and this talent is more important than sweat.

Yunmeng has potential and talent.

Therefore, she should have stood at the peak of the whole continent. Now she has been able to refine the true **** Dan. Although she has not yet entered the realm of Tianshi, she is moving towards that realm, not to mention the support of Lingfeng. She wants to take out. This step is not difficult.


Yunmeng stands on this star.


Yunmeng will ring through the stars!

"Wind, I know how big your pattern is, I can't do it to the extent of them, so I will bring the resources of the entire starry sky to you, so that the whole question will pave the way for you!"

She is cold to the void.

She is proud of the stars!


Benyu auction site.

This is the auction house of Benyumen. Now it is in the hands of the gods, and the carvings are replaced. Now it is in the people’s field of vision - ask the fairy, only two words. For Hengtianxing, this is They are two extraordinary writings, but they have not heard of them.


For the true gods and martial arts who come from the Shenwu continent and the Tibetan stars, they are completely different. They are flying with their hearts, and the forces that once swayed in the "hometown" are here to be held here.

"The lord is here!"

This is the voice of God's ridiculous gods. It has been a whole month since Ling Feng smashed the three and a half emperors. At that time, the Benyu auction site has already fallen into the hands of Ling Feng, and it is only until this time that the change of the Lord means what it means. ?

They are waiting for the fairy!

They are waiting for the legendary lord!

"This is the anti-god."

The gods of the gods looked at the giant carvings, and they were full of light. They entered the Hengtianxing for more than 20 years. They also entered here for more than 20 years. Indeed, they have achieved some achievements, especially against the gods. When more than 30 forces suppressed, they developed very well.


When the people return, when the royal family and the empty door choose to stand behind the gods, the whole Hengtian has changed. Now the anti-God is a huge thing, even the top forces are taboo, let alone them.

They are the light of rice grains, and the anti-god is the sea of ​​oceans.

"The pattern determines the chest, they are wrong."

Xiahou Yufeng and Bai Haoyu sighed sighly. The restricted area played a very tragic role in the road battle, which directly led to the collapse of the whole situation. Now they are defeating the gods and the gods, although they are not targeting the restricted areas of the heavens, but they have already Lost too much.

The old man in the restricted area of ​​the heavens has been in the Shenwu continent, and the pattern has bound himself. He cannot see a farther future.

The starry sky is the future!

Now, the anti-God will be here to release the most beautiful prosperous world, asking the immortal to be born here, against the gods flying from here, what power can bind the anti-God?

Needless to say.

Care must be taken against the forces against God and the gods, and it is impossible to let such a chance go against the character of God. Their power is worrying here.

The emperor, the gods and other forces are really frowning.

They know that the horror of the anti-God is far more powerful than the Shenwu continent here, especially the reversal of the anti-God and its development momentum, which is being imitated by them. It is because of this that they deeply understand the pride in the gods. With the wild.

Such forces are hard to get rid of!

Such forces permeate the body and are indelible.

The gods can't die, and those who will die are them.

of course.

The true gods such as Zero, Split God, and Xishen Island are also frowning. Their forces have suppressed the anti-God, forcing them to put the anti-God in the face, and against the gods, although they will not target them, they also Will lose the support of the gods.

does it worth?

Qin Zhentian, Ling Xuewen, Qiu Shuyi and other true gods have already flown back to Shenwu mainland. They are the brothers and sisters of Lingfeng. The forces are out of this kind of power, and their hearts are not good, but after all, they are their forces, they can only do their best. Probably mediate, lower your posture and let the blame.

But this is too late!

this day.

Asked the auction site to open to the entire Hengtian Star, invited many forces, of which the royal family, the virtual door is the focus, because these two forces throughout the Hengtian have set off a mania.

They don't know how to ask immortals, but they know the royal family, the empty door, and know that the "new rookie forces" are now against the gods. Under the impetus of these forces, it is very difficult to ask the immortals not to shock the stars.


When the gods and gods came flying, several important figures appeared against the gods, and they were very enthusiastic about the gods and gods, while other forces only greeted each other. Although they were full of faces, their gods refused. People are cold outside thousands of miles away.

This is the attitude of rebelling against the present.

The crowds are crowded and the auction site is crowded in a short period of time. The forces such as the royal family and the virtual gate are naturally in the first place. They also want to know what level the question is.

This is about their future and is very cautious.

Not much time.

Yunmeng is pretty, and there is no smile on his face, but a thinness. "Ask the immortal is the alchemy force."

She opened the scene directly, as if to say more than one sentence is a waste of life.. "Ask the fairy is against the gods, we only refine the fine, we only produce fine."

Powerful, throwing the floor!

Smile is a force, but coldness is a force.

Strong people are always more proud than others, Yunmeng is like this, and even more so.

If you let go of your posture, you will get more recognition from the gods. But what you want to ask is not to identify with them. They want to suppress the forces in the hands and don't agree to respect them.


The first curtain was opened, and the eighteen kinds of holy sacs presented in the eyes of the gods were different.

But the light and the spiritual power are showing them to the gods. Even if they are placed here, the medicinal herbs will be eye-catching, and they can be refined in Hengtianxing. There are not many medicinal herbs.

The royal family can refine, but there are not many such fine works. Most of them are used in the children of the ethnic group, and the only ones that can be taken out are the questions.

They are showing the fine medicines, and they are showing the standard of alchemy and courage.

"This is the holy series!" Yunmeng said simply, this occasion does not require too much explanation.


The second curtain is opened, showing a more translucent and more extraordinary god, a full twelve, three more than the royal family's nine kinds of medicinal herbs, and the finest, gorgeous like a jade, eye-catching It is the sun.

Even if the alchemy gods present at the scene are serious, ask the holy series of medicinal herbs, they don't care, it is chicken ribs for the **** of war and the true god, but these twelve kinds of medicinal herbs are different, and the fine breath is very useful for the true god.

"This is the **** series!"


The third curtain was opened, and the whole six medicinal herbs appeared. It was like hanging in the crystal center. It released the power of cockroaches. It seems that there is a real dragon flying, and the phoenix is ​​soaring. The six medicinal herbs are more like Six kinds of beasts.

They are very quiet!

They are even more amazing!

Don't say that the alchemy gods, that is, the royal family, some of the true gods and the gods that come from the virtual door are discolored. These six medicinal herbs are very important to the characters who have just stepped into the gods, and the fines are to the point where the royalist alchemy forces are eclipsed.

at least.

The royal family can't get the best medicines with these six true gods, just because they are extremely true gods, which can help the top real gods step into the heavens.

"This is... ask the wind series!"

Yunmeng’s voice suddenly became soft and charming. At the beginning, the wind was too stingy, but now Yunmeng refines a more extraordinary “question wind”. This is the person she cares about, and she hopes that the whole Tianyu knows.

People raised their eyes and looked hot. They used to look at the face of the royal family and the empty door. Now they are really horrified by these remedies. This kind of medicinal medicine falls into a force, how much will it build? God of God?


People are looking at the last curtain, even asking the wind series has appeared, is there any more powerful medicine?

"This kind of power... The king's town can't live." The king sighed and sighed. Such a boutique would not affect the influence of the royal alchemy, but its influence is far more terrible than the royal alchemy.

Since then, Hengtian only asked Xian!


Finally, the last curtain was opened, and the dazzling medicinal suffocation of the gods, even the forces like the royal family and the virtual door, all took a sigh of relief. They knew that the fairy had to cross the Tiandan, but not only behind the curtain but not only behind the curtain Just crossing the sky!

good night.

(End of this chapter)


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