Supreme Demon

Chapter 1953: Virtual body equivalent

The town is empty!

Because of the strong posture of Ling Feng, the whole to the virtual star is dumb, and it is beaten to no temper. In the case that the three great wizards are not born, no one can live in Lingfeng, and this goods will bring the rhythm of the mountain village stars. It is quite a terrible thing to do.

To know.

In the past few years, Shancun Star has also produced some extraordinary characters. Although it is not as powerful as the three major forces, if they are brave enough, they are really enough for them to drink a pot. At that time, the virtual star will not be as powerful as it is now.

"Sufficient taste!"

An old **** of the mountain village star smiled and said, "The stars of the mountain village have been squatting all these years. It is time for some characters to be born, to compete with the virtual star gods, and to open this rhythm."

"Yeah, if we were strong at the beginning, we wouldn't fall into this field." Some of the gods agreed with the forehead.

"It's not too late!"

I have to say that this step of Ling Feng really inspired the blood of the mountain village stars and gods, and even the new disciples are so brave. If these old people are still screaming, they are afraid to lose face.


Some old gods are negotiating, or do not do it. If you want to do it, you will be shocked. Although you will not suppress it to the virtual star, you must at least let the virtual star pay attention to it and dare not oppress them.


They speculate that such a situation is what the empty road wants to see. Is the situation really beneficial to control? Is it really good for the future of the empty road?


To the virtual star, a straight squid of the gods, the three mountain village gods are too hateful, even expelled the new promotion from the southeast Dongfu, only the oriental poetry is unique, and once this situation is maintained, one or two years Maybe no problem, but if the time is too long, the gap will increase.

By then.

To the virtual star, there is really no power to restore the situation.

"It is really time to let the three great wizards come out, first suppress the three!" said a **** indignantly.

"Hugh to talk nonsense!"

An old **** changed his face and said sharply. "There are more important things in the three great wizards. Where do you pay attention to such people? Do they have something to do with them? Can you interject?"


The previous face of God was suddenly amazed and realized that this was a terrible thing.

The three great wizards are different from them. Their long-term vision is not limited to small families. They want the whole starry sky. Moreover, the most disgusting characters like these wizards are the imposing manners. What do they want to do? Can't stop, they don't want to do anything, no one wants to coerce.


Even if they suppress the three gods of Lingfeng, they will target them.

"rest assured!"

The old **** looked at the depressed expressions of the gods around him and said with a smile. "You still don't know the characters of the three wizards? They don't care, they don't mean they are not angry. Now Lingfeng is not worthy of their attention. When he went further, it was estimated that it was not far from being suppressed."


The old **** looked far away. Now the three great wizards have not regarded Ling Feng as an opponent. When Ling Feng is more and more eye-catching, then the three great wizards will not be able to sit still. This is a matter of time. It is a destined battle.


"This session is really amazing. A mountain village star **** is so strong that it is so old."

The empty road is in the earth.

Xueyue Tiandao is talking to a character and said: "Ling Feng, Wang, Ling Kong, I did not really see the potential of these three gods. However, are they doing too much? The Dongfu swallowed, which has a great influence on the empty road."

"What do you want to say?" asked the foggy character.

"If it is not pressure, let Ling Feng and other three gods let out the cave house?" Xueyue Tiandao asked seriously.

“Why?” the character asked indifferently.

"This is not good for the empty road, and this is the battle to provoke the two camps." Xueyue Tiandao said solemnly.

"If you don't provoke, there is no war?"

The character is more indifferent, he said. "And, how do you know that this is not conducive to the empty road? Is it beneficial to simply go to the virtual star?"


The **** moon is cold and sweaty, and I can't understand the meaning of this big man. Is he inclined to the mountain village?

"I don't understand, go back and think!"

The big man said indifferently. "Some little tricks can't help the gods!"


The moon and the moon are full of cold sweat on the forehead, and the chest is even more humid. Because the heart is shocked, the big man only speaks a few words, but the sentence is shocking, like seeing him.

Little trick!

The gods of the world!

Is this saying that he is biased towards the virtual star, biased toward those forces, and then ignore the interests of the empty channel?

Do not understand, go back and think!

Is this the warning of the big man?

After the departure of Xueyue Tiandao, the big man looked at the direction of the virtual heaven house, and the eyes flashed with strange light.

"There is no way, then change another way!"

"If the void is not present, then it will open up new horizons!"


The first reverse word hole house!

Ling Feng is in the middle of the Dongfu, looking at the Qin Feng and the whispering language that is recovering, slightly forehead, the atmosphere of the two is normal, and should wake up in a few days, then, in the wild, it should go further. .

"When it rains, when can you step into the gods?"

Ling Feng smiled and asked, the situation of the rain is a bit different, the soul asked to ask the gods to be in the world, and since the rain swallowed the magic to the treasure, there is no further change, which makes Ling Feng doubt.

"do not know!"

Falling in the rain and frowning said: "My path is different, you need that magical treasure to further smelt, form the only heavenly power, the only rain, you can directly ask the gods, and now the time is not yet."

"The only natural power?" Ling Feng stunned.


Rain fell seriously and explained: "This is the secret that my family knows, but it is not recorded in the annals. I am afraid that I will wait until it is formed to know the answer."

"So, the dragon bamboo blood and many treasures are nurturing a kind of heavenly merit?"

"should be."

“Is it going to be hundreds of years?” Ling Feng’s big eyes, what kind of heavenly power needs so many resources?

"Should it not be?"

Falling rain is somewhat guilty. The family of Xianling has never walked this way, but it is only vague to give this possibility. It is not surprising to say that it has been gestating for hundreds of years. However, this cave is also very popular for her. Advantageously, she feels that it can speed up the process of birth.

Ling Feng patted the shoulders of the rain, indicating that she was going to cheer.


He went to the center of Dongfu, where there was an altar, which was not placed on a fruit plate, but an ancient stone plate with a mark on the center of the stone plate, the same as the brand in Lingfeng's palm.

That is the brand of the virtual sky bracelet!


On the altar, there are three ancient writings that are so horrifying, which reveal the endless rhyme, as if to devour the human heart.

Virtual sky!

It is a terrible handwriting that is extremely suppressed and still glittering. It should not be a heavenly character, at least a Tianzong character can be carved.

Needless to say.

This is the altar to the virtual heavenly domain. Through the previous words of the whisper, Ling Feng knows that as long as the virtual sky bracelet is hit by this brand, it can activate the altar and send him to the real virtual heaven.

The difference is that the one that was sent is not the real body, but a virtual body. As for other whispers, there are not many, but as long as he steps into it, he will naturally know the truth.

After suppressing the gods to the virtual star, Ling Feng’s performance on the surface is light and cloudy, but the heart is full of pressure.

He wants to grow up as soon as possible. Only when he is at the peak of the gods, can he live in the virtual star gods, and only reach that level to face the empty road, and when he proves success, the empty road also wants to suppress him. .

More important is the anti-god.

Originally, he wanted to wait for the end of the matter, and then released Qin Feng, letting him fully create the power against the gods, but did not think of this problem, and in the process of confrontation with the virtual star, he also deeply realized that The horror of the virtual star, the Qinjing of the true state of God is not enough to see the virtual star.


He wants to wait until Qin Feng asks the gods to release it again. It is the power of Guwu to bloom, and it can face the characters like the king and the spirit, and it will be easier to build a villain.

And now.

He wants to see what the difference is in the virtual sky.

"Falling rain, I want to enter the virtual sky domain. If something happens here, I can ask the king for help, or let him out!" Ling Feng stood on the altar, and his spirit was flying. Now he is in full swing and can be in the virtual The sky is full of enthusiasm.

"Brother, you have to be careful!" The rain fell to the forehead, indicating that Ling Feng did not have to worry, in the case that the three great wizards are not born, there are really few gods who dare to set foot in this cave.


Ling Feng was at the forehead, and then the palm of his hand was shining. The virtual sky bracelet suddenly appeared, glittering and slowly blending into the imprint.

next moment.

The entire Dongfu was illuminated, and the whole altar was violently roaring. Then, a light hit the body of Lingfeng, blending with the imaginary body of Lingfeng, leaving the altar and walking through the lightning. In, disappeared into the virtual star.


A crisp, loud noise burst in a wilderness, and the sinister body of Lingfeng fell on the sturdy land.

the difference is.

This virtual body brings all the power of the real body, and brings the consciousness of Ling Feng. The only thing left on the altar of the cave is an unconscious strong flesh and blood. This means that this virtual body and Ling Feng The true body is the same, whether it is strength or other aspects are exactly the same.

However, if this virtual body is destroyed, Ling Feng's true body is not damaged, but it will be very painful.

no doubt.

Such a virtual celestial domain is awesome. It can show the full power of the real body, but it will not let the real body kill, so that the consciousness and strength of the gods are not bound or affected. An opponent who can face the entire starry sky.

What makes Ling Feng scared is that his spiriting beads and heavenly murderous blades are also mapped in. Although they are not real gods, they have the same power. good night. (

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