Supreme Demon

Chapter 1055: Holy God!


The world is dull!

The momentum is more dull!

When Ling Feng’s hands were pushed and the magical power was pushed to an unprecedented level, the whole world was magnificent because of him, and the extraordinary colors were released. When the two rushed out, the whole world seemed to collapse. A vast expanse of Tianwei is being released from Lingfeng's hands.

The sky is dark!

The light is disappearing!

People looked at Lingfeng with some incomprehensibility. I don’t know how powerful this **** is, but it’s horrible in terms of momentum. But when his hands are pushed forward, there is no such thing as shocking the world and the power. The pressure is on the oppression.


This is something that no one else can understand, but the oriental poetry is shocked in an instant, only because the mighty force forms an invisible light rain, and it falls between the heavens and the earth. The void is being "lighted up", and the land is being The light "lights up", and the person is "lighted" by this light.

Being invisible doesn't mean it's not terrible!

Being invisible doesn't mean it's really invisible!


Just as the four spiritual powers of the old gods were to be killed, the power of the scorpion finally burst open, and the sea of ​​the sea was rushing toward the nine days, carrying the thundering arrogance of the Thunder and the glory of the nine heavens.


At the beginning, the vibrato of the cymbal was not very loud, like the footsteps falling between the heavens and the earth, but this sound stopped the power of the four spirits, and there was a beam of light shining on it, and when this power was constantly pushed, it went to the extreme. Moment.


The terrible waves rang through the mountains and rivers, and the endless light rain finally shines. It is no longer a dark color, no longer a calm wave, but a hysterical madness.

The sky is falling!

Even if the emperor's pattern is cracked at this moment, even if the four spiritual forces are dying out in this moment, they can't hold back the arrogance of the law, knowing that this is the power to restrain the world, and the four spirits. Power is nothing but one of the thousands.

The radius of five thousand miles is in this range, which means that the attack will not only be the old god, but the entire fourth-level sacred cave house will be shrouded in it, and the ruin-like suppression will be carried out.

"what is this?"

The face of the old **** was shocked, and he used all his strength to quickly press forward, trying to suppress all the law.


He apparently underestimated the power of the world, and when his power was shocked, he was disintegrated by the wild power. The violent momentum was swooping into the sky, and the gods were directly disintegrated and seriously injured.


The old gods made a terrible sigh, the face was full of blood, and the face had an uncontrollable panic. The four-level **** of the Tang dynasty could not stop such power, but was crushed by its strong.

He flew three thousand feet, his blood was vague, his muscles were broken, and his end was much more fierce than the previous youth.


This is just a corner. The power of Lingfeng is too powerful. At the beginning, those four-level gods were not in the eyes, and when the law is really bursting, they have no possibility of dodging. This kind of power.


A four-level **** god sacrificed Skynet for defense, but even if the net was trembled that day, the endless power was smouldering at this moment, and then the net was broken by power, and even he was spurting blood in his mouth, his face was full of blood and tears.


Another **** worshipped the murderer and wanted to shred the law, but when he really stepped into the sky, he realized that it was a terrible arrogance than the rhyme, the light rain, the pressure IX.

next moment.

He spurted blood, flew a thousand miles, and fell to the front of the Dongfu. His flesh and blood were blurred and his bones and bones were damaged. If the murderers were suppressed at the last minute, they would be seriously injured.

This is still a corner!

Ling Feng did not intend to let this battle continue, so the law is aimed at the four-level Dongfu gods. Once Tianwei is stirred up, it is completely uncontrollable by other forces.


After the birth of the law, a **** is fighting hard, and some of the four gods can still withstand the gods. After all, they are not directly on the wind, and they are not the top force, but it is like this. Let them do their best.

What is really miserable is that the gods who are only in the realm of the second and third levels of the gods, they originally came to watch the battle, but did not expect this scene to appear, when they want to dodge, it is too late.

and. Their response is far less than the four-level god. When the arrogance has appeared on the body, they use the space to suppress it. This is obviously not enough. After a while, it will fly backwards in the explosion, and the sorrowful screams will come out. The flesh and blood are cut off by large pieces of life, and even the bones are burning.

The more terrible thing is that this affects their dantian and the roots.


To be just like this, then I am sorry for the title of the Great Devil.

At the moment when the gods desperately resisted, Ling Feng strode forward and went to the center of the four-level Dongfu. Then the hands were pushed forward, and the lightning was pushed forward. At this moment, the gods were discolored and quickly flew.

Everything is empty!

Another thing!

Rumble! The heavens and the earth are bursting open, even if there is the suppression of the emperor, the mountains and rivers are turbulent, almost collapsed, and the old **** is flying farther and far, has no ability to resist, completely damaging dying, if not worried about Ling Feng It’s too much here to suppress the power of the law, otherwise

The old **** will be killed first.

To know.

The current law is not the same as before. The skylight column disappears, becomes gray, more aggressive, and more terrible. This is obviously an upgraded version of the law, which is equivalent to the second most important thing. However, Ling Feng feels that the eradication version is more suitable for this method.

Needless to say.

When the second record was all over, the whole world collapsed into a large piece, especially the void, and the gods were completely bombarded. Even the four-level gods who were resisting were also vomiting blood, and there was no ability to fight back.

If they are really shopping, they may not be able to beat the wind, but now they are in passive defense. They are in the air and in the air. It is totally different, and they have no time to sacrifice top skills.

"Wanfa...all empty!" Ling Feng walked in the court and went to the gods who were struggling to persevere. Another slap in the air, the madness in the wild superposition, finally the more than ten The gods collapsed and flew out, and all of them were seriously injured. Even the most powerful gods should do their best in facing such characters, let alone Ling.

The wind has repeatedly hit three tactics, not to mention the four-level god, that is, the five-level **** can not stand.

Void voice loss!

When the light rain fell, only one character could stand on the field, and the fourth-level gods fell completely. This means that in this challenge, Ling Feng was crushed to the virtual star by the madness of the world. And lay down this sacred cave house.

This is a record!


In the history of the void, I have had such a challenge, and there are more than one or two successes, but I have never given birth to a **** who has challenged all the sacred caves and has a successful record.

How crazy can you get it?

How strong can it be done?

All the time, mourning, until now, people really realized why the gods, the spirits and other gods have to fly first, whoever squats on such a force must bleed blood, even the fourth-level gods will shed blood, not to mention two Heavenly god?

It must be said that the wind that entered the three-level gods realm is really terrible to the extent of being daunting.

"I think you will remember this deeper!"

Ling Feng is proud of the world, completely despise the four gods, and this time no one dares to open, they worry that Ling Feng will once again sacrifice the annihilation of the law, they will be directly abolished, its tragic degree It will be much more serious than it is now.

"Here, here is the surname Ling!"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "If you have any opinions, let's talk now, so I have reason to beat you up."


Who dares to speak?

Being crushed by a three-level god, they are already humiliating. If they are beaten in public, they still have to be shameless?


Even if you have to wait for an opportunity to retaliate, you are afraid that you will have to wait until the strength is restored, but then can they force the wind? Let him ask for three years, if it is another three years?

Even after three months, how much will Lingfeng improve?

Undoubtedly, this is their blood debt against the king, the spirit, and the drowning rain. Ling Feng is now giving them classes to let them know that the mountain village **** is not a fish.

"Is this his real strength?"

Wuyue, Lingyun and so on are shocking. At this time, the Lingfeng is really strong enough to make people suffocate, and the law is empty, even if the three great wizards are estimated to do their best.

"The once inconspicuous figure is now a climate!" Wu Yue muttered to himself.


The oriental poetry said with a smile: "He has never been blind?"

"..." "Before he wanted to be low-key, but we were forced to step by step to the present. If there was no previous persecution, the situation should not be so bad." The poem of the East sighed. "He is a beautiful jade, Just being deliberately concealed, he wanted us to not see it before, now he wants

We see that it is nothing more. ”

If you can still pass the road to Daoshan, what are the three great wizards?

What are they?

Just because. Ling Feng is very good at hiding, showing not much, until the rain is seriously injured, it is really irritated, bursting out the ultimate strength, to completely ruin the gods of the virtual star, have to say that the oriental poetry is somewhat grateful to those gods Not their persecution, she still needs to determine further, and

Now you don't need it.

"And, is this his full strength?" asked the oriental poetry.


No one answered, no one dared to answer, is this power not his full strength?

"The opponent is not strong enough. If the three great wizards can only force his full strength." The poetry of the East sighs, and the gods beside them are completely eclipsed, and the wind is really terrible to this extent. The three great wizards are all dangerous.


One thing is for sure, today Lingfeng is sacred with strong strength!

Ps.. The cold is serious, the brain is groggy, it is hard to finish this chapter, and tomorrow will go far, just one more. good night.

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