Supreme Demon

Chapter 1095: Heaven is forever sealed!

Really! day

Rhyme two heavenly characters can not help but mouth, they have never seen such a sincere figure, if Ling Feng is so sincere, the Tianzu, Wan Chenzong and other forces will not bleed. This

Is a deceitful character! Do not

To say that Tianyun two heavenly characters, that is, Wannian Laojiao does not believe, can the honest guy be so difficult to deal with? he

Deliberately uncovering the kingdom of heaven, but he is arguing himself in, and the opponent is the god. He does not believe that a sincere figure will release two heavenly characters, no genius, and want to give birth to him. ? but


At this moment, the old man did not speak. Now his little life is pinched in the hands of Ling Feng. Ling Feng wants his life, he will die. Ling Feng wants him to die. He is difficult to live. At least he still does not want to die. . because

and. he

I have to work hard to live! "

Ok, I trust you! "The old man is squatting, his eyes are hanging and flickering."

Then do it! ”

Ling Feng said with a smile, he already knew that the old man would agree to it, and he had no reason to refuse. Say

Finish. he

It disappeared into the presence of the three characters and entered the center of heaven. This drama requires them to perform, which is related to the future of the gods and their lives and deaths. ...


country! that

These characters are advancing in this direction very quickly. Of course, they have not missed any treasure resources. Every treasure here is extraordinary and is of great significance to their future.


They are even more worried that Ye Witch and others will take the top prizes, so their interests are far less than the leaf witches. because

and. he

We want to appear in the center of heaven as soon as possible to find out the situation.


Just as they moved forward, the center of the country suddenly flashed, and a violent momentum swooped in this direction, terrible to horror, at least not on the gods level.


Just in the moment when the light rain appeared, the center of heaven suddenly burst into a whistling sound. On the spot, the whole country trembled, and the terrible air waves rushed into the nebula and collapsed into a heavy space.

The chilling Tianyin is in the center! each

A ban is in the light and becomes indestructible, which makes every **** have an ominous premonition.

"What happened?"

"The Center of Heaven seems to be in the direction they are in!"

"It's not the terrible things that those characters have touched?"

The top gods are stunned. This was once a terrible civilization before the ages. If there were still old-fashioned creatures, God knows what will happen. boom


The terrible sound of the day is still blasting, and it is advancing in the direction of them, which makes people’s warnings increase. They always feel that the problem is getting worse and worse, and they are worse than they think.

Some gods are already flying backwards, and they are worried that the terrible fluctuations will appear in front of them.


At this moment, a clear voice blew in the center of heaven, which made people feel more sinking and the most terrible things. In this country, there is still an ancient life and flexibility. Once born, it is necessary to smear the creatures here.


The weak gods ran on the spot and joked, and the creatures were still alive, to what extent is the horror now? where

I am afraid that it was the original god. When I experienced a eternal age, I would like to ask the Emperor of the Emperor. As for the problems of the years, they can’t solve it, but here is the kingdom of heaven. There are many that they can’t solve in the study of the ages.


Their power is too weak, there is no top treasure in their hands, and these creatures are only deadly. In the virtual world, they are not worried about the life and death of the virtual body, but the resources of the treasure are their attention, if they are The resources of the treasures that have been bitterly taken are so wasteful that they want to die.

The top gods did not leave immediately, they were watching and wondering what life was.

Sting! This

When the void tears, a dragon emerges from the void, carrying a terrible gas field, seems to be coming out, and the sound is bursting from its mouth.

"True dragon!"

The sky is eclipsed, people face madness and finally realize the seriousness of the problem.

The real dragon is a terrible creature between heaven and earth. The years are far from being able to talk about it. It is not impossible to live alive, let alone in this kingdom, and this may be the beast of the heavens before the ages. when

Of course. more

What makes them horrified is the momentum on the dragon! day

Respect level! This

The appearance of a living being in the kingdom of heaven is simply a massacre!

In fact.

The situation is even worse than they thought. At the top of the horror of the gods, the ban was suddenly torn apart. Ye Witch, Ling Feng and others quickly flew out. Everyone burned blood, and the virtual body is dying.


At this moment, a claw sticking out from the ban, quickly and horrifiedly crushed down, on the spot will smash Liu Shushu, the body of the proud bird. "

what! ”

Liu Shushu’s sorrowful sorrows disappeared directly into this world, and the treasured resources that he brought out were flying down from the void and returning to heaven. The proud sword was more direct, and even the screams did not come. Out. straight

Suddenly collapsed! "

Damn, what the **** are they doing? "One

Some days of sacred hair, this scourge is caused by Ye Witch and others, otherwise the dragon will not always target them. "

Dare to break into the kingdom of heaven, take away the treasures, and anger the dragon god, you should be! "another

A whispered sound, the words are sharp, and become very terrible, and directly stare at the leaf witch, Ling Feng two to kill.

"Quiet me?" Ling

The wind directly spread hands and disappeared in front of the gods. He shouted. "At the time, I didn't know the situation. So big dragon, I thought it was a hill. Wouldn't it be that I had a scale?" "

As for? ""

That is the dragon **** against the scales! ”

The sound of the center of heaven is more violent, completely mad by the wind, this goods turned the dragon **** into a mountain! boom


A claw fell from the void and rushed straight into the wind. Even though Ling Feng was dodging in time, the terrible strength still hurt him, letting his body suffocate and the breath was escaping.

now! people

They finally figured out the situation, feeling that these guys actually ran to the center and directly pulled out the dragon **** against the scales, which is simply smashing the sky.

When the kingdom of heaven was born, the dragon **** did not appear. This

It means that the Dragon God should be in a state of slumber at that time, and the appearance of the gods such as Ling Feng is the awakening of the Dragon God. This is the situation today.

"These **** gods, it’s stupid!"

God is going crazy! but


What is more important now is how to escape from the heavens, that is, the top gods are also flying, only because they have sensed that there are two heavenly characters after the dragon god. Such characters appear in any force and are big enough. It is more suitable to drink a pot. because


They did not bravely move forward, it was a heroic death.

however. he

They ran fast, and the Dragon God and the two heavenly characters were faster. Under their terrible force, the gods were killing themselves, and there was no ability to compete. The top gods were dying. boom


Finally, Ye Witch and others did not hold on. When the second frenzy appeared, they were directly killed by the dragon god, and the scattered treasure resources made people jealous, but who dares to go to this time?

"Awaken the dragon god, you **** it!"

To rob the kingdom of heaven, you are even more damn! "Say


The two heavenly figures step forward and start fast. The life of the gods is like picking peaches, and the dragon **** is even more brave. Under the huge body, no **** can suppress it.


The Tianzun gas field has made the top gods lose the courage to fight, and thus faster. Boom


A dragon's claw appeared, covering the wind, killing it on the spot, and the whole rebellious gods have died, and the treasure they have picked up has finally returned to heaven. This

It is still a restricted area! This

It belongs to the ages!

And those of the gods did not live a few to escape from the kingdom of heaven, and most of them were killed here, so the resources of the treasure that can be brought out are extremely rare.

"Since today, the kingdom of heaven will be sealed!"

After the annihilation of many gods, the kingdom of heaven was calm. At least half an hour later, the heavens remembered the roar. The two heavenly figures and the dragon **** were looming, and the terrible gas field was like a mountain. boom

Rumble... next

For a moment, the kingdom of heaven shines, and the light is stunned, and the space is torn open little by little and disappears before the gods.

Heaven is forever sealed! This

It’s a pity that people are shocked and unfortunate.

So many treasure resources disappeared in front of them, thinking that they should be mad, now they want to hate the leaf witch, but think about it, this is the inevitable ending, as long as they go to the center, it will certainly wake up Three heavens are born. more

What's more, Ye Witch also belongs to stealing chickens without eclipsing the rice!


In the distant mountains, the leaf witch is emitting the rainbow light, doing everything to push the force, flocking to the body, flocking to the huge mountain, that is heaven!

She is the Queen of Heaven! she was

Can motivate the whole heaven! day

The country is not Yongfeng, but returning to them, it will be against God! and

Rear. Ling

They only appeared in the wind, flying to heaven, picking up those treasure resources, and some of them must be brought back. The anti-God in the anti-God space needs a huge amount of resources, especially the wild, and these resources are needed to build.


Soon after they appeared, Tianyun and Wanchenzong Tiandao characters flew up and said with a dejected look. "Let it run away!"

what? Ling

The wind is changing! "

We are still too young to marry him, the bronze monument is very different, can cover his breath, and can be transformed! "Tian Yun said with a sad heart." "We were fooled before, he yelled at us and didn't pay attention to it!" ”

"Can't catch up with your ability?" Ling Feng frowned. "

The old man was very cunning. He had previously concealed a ban, which sealed some of his previous strengths and exploded in a short time. It really made us unable to catch up! "Tian Yun sighed.

This is the reason why the heavens were immersed in the past half an hour.

The birds that arrived at them flew, and they wanted to recast their bodies more difficult. p

s.. still one more.

I am bored for a day today and can't think of it. late


First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember.. Mobile version of the reading URL.. (

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