Supreme Demon

Chapter 1103: The battle of the sky!

Killing and mad! this

The engraved oriental poetry is imposing, like a Queen of the World, and the murder carries the repressive power of the sky.

This is a real queen! versus

The leaf witch is different. The leaf witch takes over the deserted kingdom, and the oriental family has intentionally handed the whole family to the hands of the oriental poetry. She is the owner of the next world, and the oriental Yingyu is the symbol of the armed forces of the oriental family. This

It is the truth that no one else knows.


The oriental poetry has such an imposing manner that it dares to take the initiative to the next family of the Oriental family. The Oriental family is qualified to move the knife to the scene. "

This is something between me and him! Ling

The wind said indifferently. "His main object is me, and you just happen to be on it."

That is what you think! "east

Fang Shishi can't think like this. The whole thing becomes completely different because of her appearance. No matter whether it is deliberate or accidental behind the scenes, he has moved the knife to the oriental poetry. Want

It is only for Ling Feng, but it is simple, but what about the Oriental family? and

And. This

It is very likely that it is the cause of the whole troubled world. If the bright heavenly woman like the oriental poetry misses such details, then she can't be called a goddess, and she has no right to fight with Ling Feng.

"This is not quite right. Didn't you find out?" asked the oriental poetry.

"What's wrong?"

Ling Feng asked with a ignorant look. "

The real murderer behind the scenes should be rain and blood, and spilled in front of us, and when we appear, it happens that the tide of the sky erupts, the time is very precise, and it can break into the world of the sky, which means that the real evil behind the scenes should It is a member of the empty road. "The analysis of oriental poetry."

This is exactly what I want to say! "Ling Feng forehead."

But there is a problem with this! "east

Fang Shishi’s eyes are cold and cold. “How did he know that we were there?”

"He knows where we are and where!"

"Not bad!"

The oriental poetry praised: "Daotian space is very wonderful. Even the big man can hardly capture our accurate placement. But behind the scenes, the real murderer already knows, which means that they have been paid attention to them very early. Or they have fallen rain and blood in all parts of the Daotian space."

Therefore, we only need to find out who was able to find him when he got the rain and blood. ""

not necessarily! "east

Fang Shishi frowned and said: "If it is so simple, I am afraid that he will not use it, otherwise it will not only kill us, but will increase the danger."

Rain is too obvious.

Even if Ling Feng and Oriental poetry did not think about it for a while, they will definitely think of it later, and the tide is terrible, but as long as they sacrifice the piece of chess, it is not troublesome to get out. only

If they want to live, they will know the truth about falling rain and blood. This

In general, the real murderer behind the scenes is very confident. Even if the oriental poetry and Ling Feng find that it is a problem of falling rain and blood, I am afraid that I can’t find him, but there are so many drops of rain and blood. Knowing the truth, this is where Ling Feng and Oriental poetry can't figure out. but


There must be big problems.

"That doesn't check?" Ling Feng frowned.


The poem of the oriental poetry said: "Of course, check, if this is also a murderer behind the scenes?"

"That will check it!" Ling

The mouth of the wind raised a faint smile. Although it was called "stupid", it was a little bit uncomfortable, but at least the oriental poetry had not found any problems in him. This is worthy of being happy. "

There are still a few questions! "east

Fang Shishi did not notice the expression of Ling Feng, but said coldly. "First, the intention of the scene behind the scenes, why should he stop us from approaching the center, is the center has the truth related to him, or Confused?"

"Second, how did he know where we are?"

"This is exactly what I want to ask." Ling Feng said murderously. "

Therefore, it is easier for me to check than you! ”

The oriental poetry said with a smile. "And, this thing is not as simple as you think. It’s just a **** in the area. You can turn out such a big wave of water and toss in the empty road. Don’t you feel weird?”

what do you mean? ""

Let us look a little wider! ”

The oriental poetry smiled and speculated. "Before, we put the real murderer behind the scenes on this day, but there are not so many wisdoms in this day, and there is not much energy like this."


Ling Feng sneered and said: "And the biggest culprit is the sister!"

Are you doubting me? ""

At least you have this intention! ”

Ling Feng smiled and said: "You have been playing my idea, you are deliberately approaching me, there is more reason to assassinate, to say that you can pick up such a storm in the void, just a few forces, but the East It’s in it.”

Sister, don't you think this is doubtful? ""

It seems like this is really true! ”

The poetry of the oriental poetry is bitterly laughing. "Can such a tragedy have happened before, is soup wine and Bai Yuheng not bad enough?"

Can you just because of the previous tragedy, so you are self-defeating? ”


The poems of the oriental poems are straightforward, and the oriental family still does not need this kind of self-knife?

If they really move to Ling Feng, Ling Feng can't live and dance now. With the wisdom of oriental poetry and the force of the East, it is really hard to deal with the little gods.

How can he not think about it?

and. Road

The sky is too different. She doesn't have to ask for trouble. She is already trying to get close to the wind, so she doesn't have to use this kind of thing. "

not me! "east

Fang Shishi sighed. "Although these things are not good for us, if I do it, it must be more perfect than this."

So, my sister thought about killing me? Ling Feng said with a smile.

"This is not!"

The oriental poetry smiles lightly.. "But I thought about taking you away!"


What direction does the sister have? "east

Fang Shishi said with a positive face. "I said before that the virtual star is not quite right, the undercurrent is soaring, and you are just a small piece of chess, but it can help, so we are thinking about the behind the scenes. When you are, you can't be limited to this god, you have to think ahead."

"Previous gods?"

"Good!" East

Fang Shishi’s forehead: "This is a big game, and even the virtual star is the chess game. Some people are cars, some are horses, some are cannon fodders, and those who stand at the top are handsome."

Are they behind the scenes? ”

"They are also chess pieces!"

Who is the real murderer behind the scenes? ”

"I do not know!"

to be frank. in

The moment he woke up, he was the first to doubt the Eastern family. The power of the Tao was on him. The oriental poetry lost step by step, and the characters of the Oriental family were very likely to lose patience.

but! he

It is the smell of conspiracy. Just because the oriental family is too conspicuous, he will think more.

and. he

I think more than the oriental poetry. This is not just a question of the past gods. They can't do this kind of thing with their energy, and there are bigger people behind them.

This means that those characters want to use his power to push the whole cloud to the virtual star.

As for.

Why do you have to do more than that behind the scenes, fearing that you have to enter the center to find the answer.

"It's very laborious to check this matter. If you look at it in the East, it's easier!"

The oriental poetry said solemnly: "And this matter must be really serious, you can't stand it!"

it is good! Ling

The wind said calmly. "That will be handed over to you!"

If there are really empty people involved, then things will lose their original taste. It is really difficult to check against the current energy of the gods. In this respect, the oriental family is easier, at least they have the energy and courage to face the empty road. .


This does not mean that the gods will give up, they have to grab time with the East! fire

The butterfly that is fully open must face the dark power of the East, and Ling Feng wants to know how many storms the butterfly can still live!

After a while. Ling

The wind tore open the seal, let it collapse, and then fly out of the cave, banned from flying towards the center, when the terrible tide has been exhausted, the sky is filled with strong blood fog. only

Only one day.

Ling Feng and Oriental poetry appeared in the center of Daotian World. The **** atmosphere here is not strong, it seems very thin, and there is no beast to appear, only because there is a sacred and invisible cliff. that

Like the end of the world!

The "End of the World" edge is smooth, not natural, but artificially cut out, the surface is very smooth, shining with a different kind of virtual light, and in the "Tianya" four corners are carved four dragons of the Qinglong white tiger Suzaku Xuanwu, looks simple And far away, like coming from the ages.

This "the end of the world" is not too broad, only a hundred miles.

Hanging up!

This means that both sides are "the end of the world", and in the sky above the end of the world, the blood mist releases a massive atmosphere, outlines four ancient writings, such as a sword like a sword, revealing the momentum of the mountains and the sea.

The battle of the sky!

Here is the brand of the previous days of war, cast from the years, can go to the ancient world step by step, to the other side, it is a completely sealed world, the years are still, will not affect the gods.

As long as the strength is strong enough, you can push forward until the end of the ages!

The five-year-old genius that was mentioned before, the genius that has not been seen for a long time is here. but

How many people in this world can push the millennium, five thousand years, and thousands of years? At least until now, the gods of the imaginary star have not yet gone out for three thousand years, and that record was created by the descendants of the oriental family thousands of years ago.

"Crossing the ages, talking to the years!" Ling

Looking at the "End of the World" in the wind, I was a little excited in my heart. I don't know if something really happened to Wan Gu. Is it possible to understand the truth about the death of the world?


There are not many characters that can be branded in this world, and more tend to be the brand of the last battle. The more they push forward, the fewer the characters, like the last days of the war, the true 16th, and the last one only There are eight people, and the battle of 50 years ago was only branded one, branded one hundred years ago, branded one million years ago... and the brand behind it has been blurred. late

Ann. (

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