Supreme Demon

Chapter 1107: Hashing in a hurry!

He is a member of the Void!

This is the force that is trying to build him and let him go further. He does not know whether the empty road will be against the gods when the gods are born, but he will be grateful to this power, even if one day is strong against the gods. The entire starry sky, the empty road is also a pure land that cannot be touched.

This is kindness!

When he gets benefits, he has to pay equal responsibility!

The empty roads are somewhat weak these years, but this is not an insult to the empty road!

He is not happy!

Indeed, he has not studied the celestial power of the empty channel, and he does not understand the skills of the empty channel. But this does not mean that he does not have the power of the empty road. The true heavenly power of the empty road is not in the Wanlou, nor on the big people. And here.

come on!

Ling Feng smiled and said. After a lapse of three thousand years, some power should show its charm!

Needless to say!

After a lapse of three thousand years, there is only one power!


I don't know when, the whole world is discolored, and a storm is being blown out by the body of Lingfeng. The white dragonfly is accompanied by the night, and climbs up fast. Like two dragons, they will flow upwards in an instant, frantically rushing wildly. This piece of heaven and earth.

The Lingfeng at this moment is sacred and unremarkable. Every hair on the body is bright, shining and flashing, and there seems to be a sly universe in its body. It is cast by the Milky Way and cast by the stars.

Human universe!

This is the true interpretation of the void!

When such a universe appears, the whole world is roaring, and the wild storms are turbulent, even if it is the seal of the Xianting Bohai Sea, the surrounding world is still surging, defying any seal!

Proud of the world!

The original Void character did not push this top bloodline to the extreme, but the current Lingfeng has already pushed it to the end.

The void was born, the power of Ling Feng was twelve times thinner, and the wild was a mess.


Ling Feng punched out, still collapsed, but the power is completely different, like the twelve Tianshan slamming into the sky, the wild power of the sea, the wild power to form a pressure on the world, on the spot, the sea is torn apart, that can not The great weight of the world was extinguished in the collapse of the road.

What is this power?

The old god's face was mad. At the moment when the void was born, the power in his body was a little bit twitching. This is something that has never been born.

He is puzzled!

I don't know why the previous power affected the power in his body, even the blood.


Ling Feng gave an interpretation of the next punch, killing Xianting Bohai in a single punch, even if he is only a brand, and there is no firepower, but this boxing still makes him horrified, this is too terrible.


Ling Feng did not respond, he just stepped forward, just in this sea, in the Tianli space of the old god, the void has been born, this **** blessing, Ling Feng completely despise the same realm, although this God is in the fourth heaven, but not enough.

He is only the equivalent of the third level of the gods!

Is this the power of the void?

Yes! Ling Feng said nothing, simply and neatly said.


The old **** sneered and said: Although I don't know the power of the empty road here, but you are still in my sea, then you have no hope.


The sea was shocked by the turbulent waves, a heavy air, suppressing all directions, taking the entire space out, without any breath, and the head fish became smashed and illusory.

Every sacred fish morphs a martial art!

It used to be the skill of Heavenly Emperor, which was studied in the Bohai Sea. It has been cultivated for many years in the Bohai Sea. At this moment, it has already produced spirituality. Under the blessing of Bohai Tianwei, they have given top power, like a giant knife to Lingfeng.

One is stronger than one!

When the slashing knives fall down, the top gods will change color, not to mention the fact that when the opponents pay attention to the giant knives, they have neglected the Tianwei of the Bohai Sea. At this moment, the Xianting Bohai Sea is not only taking the breath of the world. But it is powerfully swallowed.

The old **** wants to destroy the power of the wind!


Is the void coming to the end, is it just this?

That is the human universe!

Power is not exhausted!

Imposing on eternity!

Dare to look through the ages!

Just a blade!

Ling Feng said sharply, without any taboos, the burning lane directly rushed out of his body and landed in his hands. Then the three heavenly forces appeared quickly, and they rushed into the burning lane, and then the interception technique came out on the burning road.


There is no light, only the simple one!

But this blade, but the birth of the smashing sea and the giant knife split open, let the old **** brewing for a long time the momentum collapsed, but the burning road did not stop here, still moving forward.


This forced the old **** to have to sacrifice the top weapon to defend, but even this is still far away from the burning road, and disappeared with the sea, and when it appears again in front of the wind, it is Pouting and vomiting blood.

not enough!

Ling Feng despised the old god, hooked his finger and said. Is this the Tianwei of Xianting? Not enough taste.

The old gods took out internal injuries, and the Xianting sea was so horrified that it could be stunned by this metamorphosis of the gods. Xianting Bohai not only failed to swallow its power, but was restrained by the blood in its body.

What is even more frightening is that the sharp edge of the blade is able to open the sea of ​​Xianting, which means that the blade is different, and the three forces in Lingfeng are more different.

Then let you know, what is Xianting!

That God of Heaven finally solemnly rises, Xianting Converse has been so many years, why have you lost?

District virtual roads dare to despise?

This is not knowing how to write dead words?


In the Bohai Sea, a thousand roads of turbulence have evolved from four spaces, and they are indestructible. They are far from being able to talk about it, and the devour of power and multiplication are multiplied. However, what is really terrible is not Xianting.

It is a fairy court that was born in the sea!

The sky will be guarded and the four doors will roar.

The misty mist can cover up this piece of heaven and earth, and the Wei Shili is crushed down from the Xianting. It seems that Xianli is transpiration, and every way can open the void and crush thousands of roads.

This is the true meaning of Xianting!

A fairy court presses the world!

All living beings are dead!

The old **** was solemn and solemn, and his hands were lifted up, as if he was squatting at the Xianting, and then the Xianting was carried out with the power of the proud world. The whole process was destroyed, the void collapsed, and the space was dying.

The surrounding Bohai Sea is completely set off, and the Xianting is the center.

He raised his head, imaginary to the holy sun, cold to the wind.

Where is the empty road suppressed?

This is questioning, but it is ridiculing.


Where is the empty road suppressed?

In the past three thousand years, the empty roads have long been abandoned. Their skills in heaven are completely absorbed by other forces. At least in the realm of the gods, Xianting is simply invincible. There is no skill to suppress in the empty road.


The fingers are in a hurry, people are deliberately ignoring some things, if they return to 3,000 years ago?

In the most extraordinary moment of the empty road, what do they use to suppress?

Three thousand years hastily, the empty road has fallen, and the extraordinary peak has fallen, but who has forgotten the vainly empty road of 3,000 years ago!

Ling Feng sighed and said, more like whispering.


He looked up and looked at the collapsed Xianting and the Bohai Sea. The gods were burning, the blood was igniting, and the momentum changed dramatically.

For the past three thousand years, what the ancestors did not do, I will do it for them today!

Ling Feng strode forward, his face filled with arrogance and arrogance.. Void, this world must return to 3,000 years ago!


The blood in his body became arrogant because of the birth of Xianting. It seems to be a natural enemy. The two forces against the ancients are restrained and can resonate, but now the resonance is the void!

In the loud noise, the power of Ling Feng's body flew up and outlined a void!


That is not just a void!

The stars are hundreds of millions, and the stars and rivers are ancient, and they are pushed into the distance.

That is a universe!

Human universe!

The daylight alternates with the night, the time changes, only the power and the universe are eternal!

This is the true meaning of the void!

The human universe has been brewing for many years in the Lingfeng body. After the emergence of a heavy force in Lingfeng, the seal on the seal of the town has been re-opened. Now Lingfeng has already known the true meaning of the human universe.

It is not just blood, it is power!

The prototype of the universe is changing!

next moment!

The human universe will be blasted out, without fancy power, only the power of the universe, but it is the most unpredictable power in the world, and in this process, the human universe gradually becomes thin and thin as a flap.

That is a handle!


When the human universe appeared in the Xianting and the sea, the whole void was squatting, and the endless power was down. That is, the old **** must suffocate, and the only way is to take the universe.

The blade is flashing!

The human universe disappears!

And the Xianting and the Bohai Sea are eternal fixed, and no further can be made. The power on it has already vanished, and the splendid Xianting finally collapsed at this moment, and the vast and vast Bohai Sea is annihilated at this moment.


The power of the human universe is not only this, the power flies over the gods, so that his eyebrows have a blood mark, and there is a scar in his heart.

Finally still born!

He sighed, because the human universe is different from 3,000 years ago, he did not think about it before, but at the moment he has fully understood.

That is a more comprehensive and unsolvable void!

After three thousand years of silence, the empty road finally came out of a person who can cover the world!

What is it? At the moment before the disintegration, the Xianting God of the Gods asked.

How to rush, how?

Ling Feng felt that the title was very good, and he felt that it was a good fit.

The fingers are in a hurry, and the fingers are in a hurry!

The voice of the old **** was light, and a gust of wind blows it away, and his body finally spreads out and disappears into this world, and the memory and truth are disintegrated in this world. good night.

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