Supreme Demon

Chapter 1119: Inch reincarnation!


This is the attitude of Ling Feng now!

The anti-God is in an extraordinary period, any step is very important, the two heavenly characters play an important role in it, and the Wannian Laojiao is also the object to be won, only because there is only one Tianzun now, if it is true Other forces are not enough to see.

Even if they are old and help each other, their top-level powers are far from qualified for juxtaposition with vanity.

A burning **** is not enough!

A million years old is not enough!

Rebellion requires more heavenly respects. But the problem is that they don't have so many gods. The kingdom of heaven has been buried in the years. The characters before the ancient times are all desperate. Every step forward, they have fewer retreats. In the end, there is no Retreat.

Either bravely move forward or smash blood!


They are not only to draw up the Tianzun and Tiandao figures without power, but also to cast the heavenly and heavenly characters who are completely against the gods.

This is God!

As long as this step is successful, the anti-God can start the situation.


Wannian old eyes flashed and looked at Ling Feng with vigilance. He did not know why Ling Feng was willing to restore his strength.

"Because heaven!"

Ling Feng solemnly sighed and said: "At the beginning, the ancestors of the kingdom of heaven did not target you. Now we will not target you. Moreover, your living tomb is located in the Kingdom of Heaven. Should you be sitting in the town?"

"We should be grateful to you!"

"But this is not the reason for you to restore strength for me!" Wannian is not an idiot, he does sit in the meaning of heaven, but in the end he still unveiled the kingdom of heaven.

He is grateful to the old man in the kingdom of heaven, not the whole heaven.

"At the moment our strength is not enough!"

Ling Feng indulged for a moment, this is frankly said: "At least on the level of Tianzun and Tiandao, we must not be juxtaposed with the top forces of the world. We are making God, but it is impossible to do it in a short time, but in the process if it appears Any problem, we will be very dangerous."

"You restore my strength, that is, I want to go to fight with other forces?"

The old man is so depressed.


Ling Feng said faintly. "I hope that this world is less bloody, but sometimes I have to move forward. If I can, I don't want you to fight, but if one day we go to the most dangerous moment, I hope you can stand. Come out and save some ancient fires for us."

"After the ancients!"

Wannian said with a headache. "I didn't expect you to appear!"

"That great martial arts, even if it is difficult for the ages of the ages, how can it destroy its hopes?"

Ling Feng said with excitement: "The last world can't, this world can't, the next life is still not!"

"What if I don't want to?"

Wannian Laojiao is still not very willing. The later generations of Guwu are obviously not quite right. In the tender period, every step of growth must withstand the test of blood and fire, while other forces are unlikely to let it grow.

This means that if he sets foot on this ship, he will spend it in the blood and rain in the future. Even if it is Tianzun, will it not kill?

Too bloody!

He knows that the top power of this world is not simple. Although it is not as good as the original kingdom, there are not many Tianzun, let alone some old antiques in this world are still alive. It is very likely that the success of the day is very tricky.

"That will beat me!"

Ling Feng said coldly. "Otherwise you will be madly killed by two heavenly characters!"

"Enough belly black!"

Wannian old man is mad and wants to die. He feels forced to enter the game. He has no choice at all. He has never been better since he was on the wind. "Don't think that you will go further, I will not suppress you!"

"Then come!"

Ling Feng said with a smile, he is not afraid of the old man in this realm.

"Come on!"

The old man is also worried, he does not want to enter, then he must defeat Ling Feng.


next moment.

The turbulence that covered up the two gods suddenly burst, and the cloak brother and the eternal cockroaches appeared again in front of the people, which made the gods who were still frowning suddenly shine.

A look of sight immediately came to know the outcome of their negotiations.


At this moment, the strength of the old man was overwhelmed, and the terrible four-level gods madly came out, carrying the mighty power of the Thunder, and the hearts of the gods were heavy. They did not think that the **** was so strong.

It is simply the king of the new heaven!

"You are bullying me!"

Ling Feng grinned. "I am only a three-level god!"

"I am in charge of you!"

When the old man turned his eyes, he didn't care if Lingfeng was a fourth-grade god. The progress of this goods was too fast, which had already aroused him. If he still suppressed the realm, he was afraid of being deceived.

He is not stupid, but smart is not obvious enough.


He slammed and his body quickly swooped toward Lingfeng, like a lightning bolt, and in the process, he shot sharply, and the knife fell instantly and came straight to Lingfeng’s neck. .

Not only fast, but more powerful is the power and angle!

In the moment when the knife fell, the power burst into the top of the fourth-level god, a little bit of the taste of the sky, even the top genius of this session will be **** and life-threatening.

He is really scary!


Ling Feng had a calm face and was not eclipsed by the knife. When he fell down, he punched and slammed it. The power of the collapsed road exploded in an instant, although it was only a three-level god, but when it collapsed In full bloom, that is the top mans.


Just like the two Tianshan Mountains smashing, tens of thousands of smashes broke out, banned from pushing in all directions, and the world was broken, and a ray of light was rushed in the dojo.

The collapse of the road broke, and the knife broke.

Evenly matched!

People are astonished by the power of the old man, and even more so in the world of the cloak!

With the power of the three-level gods, the power of the fourth-level gods is suppressed. This is not something that any third-level **** can do.

"do not waste time!"

Ling Feng said to the old man. "This kind of spying has no meaning to me!"


Wannian Laos realized that this was a terrible problem. Ling Feng was not only impeccable in the momentum, but also invulnerable in strength. Without strong power, he could not suppress it completely.


If Lingfeng would see him through, then the battle is coming to an end.

Ling Feng can wait, just because he is impeccable, he can't wait, just because he is not enough to be impeccable!


Suddenly, a Tianshan appeared from the top of the eternal scorpion, carrying the power of the majestic, and the horrible atmosphere instantly lit the dojo, letting the emperor tremble, only because the Tianshan is a weapon of the heavenly level.

“Thousands of mountains!”

Wannian Laobao is solemn and solemn, and when his voice falls, four heavenly forces flock to the Tianshan Mountain, and they will be completely lighted, and they will form a magical mist. Flowing around the Tianshan Mountains.


There was an endless wave of air on the Tianshan Mountain, and one after another, boiling upwards until it formed a thousand mountains.

惶惶天威, I want to press this day!

You are going to collapse this place!

The Tianshan Mountain was in front of the old man, covering up the wind and rain, blocking all the forces from it, and then he flew down on the Tianshan Mountains, bound by power, more like the center of power.

More importantly, the four heavenly forces are suppressed in the four corners of the Tianshan Mountains, and the mountains and rivers are outlined. Unless they can suppress thousands of mountains and waters, they will not be injured for thousands of years.

This is his blackmail!

Even if he couldn't beat the wind, Ling Feng wouldn't want to hurt him.


He really thinks too much!

If Lingfeng may have a headache before, the power of body space and Xianli will not be revealed at present, especially the blood of the void. As long as it appears here, it is estimated that the sky of the whole starry sky will burst.


It is very difficult to suppress the old man, but now there is no such ban!

"There is a doorway!"

Ling Feng smiled slightly, and then looked at the distance in a positive color. When the thousands of waters came to the mountains, his sea of ​​spirits stirred up, and the waves of the sea were lifted. Then the black hole finally shone, and the white light was sprayed and rushed out. Soul sea.

If the black hole is the spiritual form of Ling Feng, then the white light is the terrible material born in the black hole.

that moment!

He picked up his fist and punched it out, and in the process, the white light spurted and quickly appeared in his fist.

Just a punch!


The skin is open and fleshy, and the blood is dripping. The fist of Ling Feng is so devastated on the mountains and thousands of mountains. It is like an idiot with flesh and blood. It is a weapon of heavenly level, that is, the heavenly figure wants to use blood and flesh to harden blood. , let alone Ling Feng?


At the moment when people were puzzled, Ling Feng’s hands suddenly began to expand, and his fists turned into a palm.


Like mosquito bites, there is no breath, but white light is in full bloom at this moment, forming a colorful color, forming a scent of breath, forming a fierce white hole, engulfing Tianyu, proud of the world.

In the faint, six black holes are flashing from the void, but they are not conspicuous, but they guard the white hole and banned from the mountains.

That is six reincarnations!


When the white hole collapsed on the Tianshan Mountain, the Wanshui Qianshan collapsed, the water waves scattered and annihilated, and the Tianshan seat was smouldering, and that day the Zunli weapon lost its luster at this moment and fell in the void.

of course.

The most miserable thing was the eternal scorpion on the sacred weapon of the day. He did not expect that this scene would appear, and he did not even think that the celestial weapon and the thousands of mountains and thousands of mountains were actually beaten so fiercely.


When he saw the white hole and saw the six black holes around the white hole, he relieved.


Wannian old sighs and sighs, this ban has been published, what is Wanshui Qianshan?

If the true six reincarnations are born and go to the top, don't say that any of the current forces can't suppress it, that is, the heavens before the ages will be bloody. It is said that this kind of road is the easiest to ask the sky, and it is very likely to move toward the third heaven. And other martial arts this is very difficult.

However, now Lingfeng shows only the reincarnation.

Ps.. Tonight, Cavan, keep one more, and add more tomorrow, stay fragrant and fight for four more. good night. (

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