Supreme Demon

Chapter 1160: Xian Li Mania!

On the void! to

Heaven and earth!

Ling Feng is proud of the world, the gods release a huge amount of Shenhong, the whole person is a slashing knives, the atmosphere is like the sea, Wang, Yang, the body space is even more dazzling, and He Xiao is completely imprisoned, not allowed Its dodge.

This is his terrible!

Even the gods of this level, such as He Xiao, once they were suppressed, they would like to fly out. Do not


What really surprised people was the words of Ling Feng. It was an eight-door ban, and Tian Zun’s strength was cast. Although it was not the top, it was still inextricably linked with the power of the virtual blade and the burning road. I want to move.

This is a dead end without a solution. can


This is not the case with Ling Feng. If he does not want to use too much power, every power will come to the world, and the perfect void will come out. He has already felt the murderous eyes cast around him, if other forces come out. What?

How much wind and rain will he carry? inverse

God is in the development stage. He does not want to have too much influence on this battle. Qin Feng’s life and death must let Xianting pay for blood and life. This is what every anti-God wants to see, so he will Work hard.

Wind and rain can be back, He Xiao must die!

"Liang Feng don't want to come!" Yu Honglin said impatiently. "

What is he doing? ”

Oriental Yingyu frowned, this time the death of Xiao Xiao is too dangerous, the eight-door ban can not be restrained, then Ling Feng will really consume the empty, all let Xiao Xiao live to fly out, then waiting for Ling Feng is the commandment. "

do not know! "east

Fang Shishi did not panic. Over the years, she has long known that Ling Feng is a character. He will not lose control because of anger. He can control his emotions completely.

In this case, he still wants to be killed, which means that he really has this power. non-

No target!

“Is it too?”

Ling Qing has some frowns. She knows that this is not the top strength of Ling Feng. The perfect void is just blood. Ling Feng will borrow it, but it will not rely entirely on it. Only power is king.


She is worried that Lingfeng will show too much and will suffer more storms. "

Some things, even if you are endless, you have to do it! "The leaf witch's secluded opening, she worried that Ling Feng would understand Ling Feng."

When Qin Feng was seriously injured, the moment and the rebellion were waiting for this moment. Ling Feng could retreat, but he would be disappointed in the heart of the gods. Although they would not say anything more, they would always feel sad. This

The kind of sorrow will affect the pattern of the anti-God, so that the anti-God can not play the top light. but

If Ling Feng is in life and death, he hates Qin Feng, so even if he is endlessly stormy, he will bravely advance and use his life and present to defend against the face and glory of God. that

The anti-God has more potential, more like a sharp edge!

Just because!

They know that the blood that flows now, the people will clean them, the blood and tears they have smashed, the opponent will use the body to bury. ask

The question is, now, ten years later, they are not sure what power is there in Lingfeng. cover

What is the world? can

If this kind of power comes out, the waves caused will directly break through the sky, that is, the big people of Xianting will be jealous, and the heavenly gods will directly cross the triple. If it is the heavenly level? This

The power is too bad, so it is not only the punishment, but also!

"It's crazy!"

Xiao Aoran’s smile.. “Don’t let the wind and rain get small, come on, I am waiting for you to kill me!”

The perfect void has already come out. The power of Ling Feng should go to the end with him. What is the power of Ling Feng at this time?

not to mention. This

However, Tian Zun is banned. Although the strength is weak, it is not the gods who can be scorned and despised. "

I hope that you will regret some of your death! Ling

The wind smiled and said. "That kind of Qin Feng will live a little more happy!"


The power of the perfect void disappeared, but the burning road did not return to the Lingfeng body, but exudes the top skylight. At the same time, the light of the interception technique is being released, and the sharp momentum is directed at the mountain and river space.

however. only

It’s just that the interception technique at this time can’t open the eight-door ban. The strength of Lingfeng is still weak, but this does not mean that there is no such power in Lingfeng, but Lingfeng is worried that after the power comes out, The famous people of Xianting will come forward to stop, so they will sacrifice the heavenly technique and the burning road first. When the power is in full bloom, even Tianzun will not be able to. "

Let this trembling! "that

At the moment, Ling Feng is proud of the world, and the momentum is glorious. His eyes are shining and dazzling, and how many gods are awakened.

"It's coming!" East

Fang Yingyu and the poetry of the East are full of expectations, only because they think that the power is most likely to be the best force. As long as Ling Feng is pouring enough, it can release the top sharpness. It is not impossible to open the eight-door ban. on

It was Yu Honglin who was frowning. He couldn’t think of any power to break the eight-door ban. whole

The stars are eye-catching, people want to know, and looking at the face of Ling Feng's chill, and the increasingly strong momentum, Xian Ting's big man suddenly has a feeling of flustered, that is, He Xiao is lost at this moment, flustered.

at last. Virtual

The air is calm, the storm stops, and a low force is spurting out of the Lingfeng body. There is no sturdy mountain and sea momentum, and there is no murderous sound. Only the magical light of the fog is shining. that

Daobaoguang is not material enough, and there is no such tyranny in the momentum.

That Baoguang is not enough to dazzle, like the fog.

can! on

At the moment when it appeared, people suddenly felt that the strength of the body was shaking, as if they were beheading the power, and the top murder was shot at this moment, even if the eight-door ban was in front of them. Like thin paper. Fairy

force! only

Have a fairy power!

It is the king of the world who is detached from the red dust. Even the characters in the third world of heaven will be beheaded in front of them, and Xianli belongs to these characters. It can disintegrate any martial arts and restrain the spikes. can

To say that it is more fierce than any force, better than any murderer!

Under the support of the four-way Tianli space, in the urging of the interception and the burning of the road, the force that Xianli broke out was too dazzling. On the spot, the space of the body was opened and before the eight-door ban. versus

Previously different. This

At the moment, the eight-door ban was violently turbulent, and then quickly disintegrated. There was a small crack in the center, and the fairy force carried the burning lane and smothered it. Eight

The door ban is broken! when

When he heard the sound of eight banned tears, He Xiao was suddenly sluggish and panicked. He did not think that Ling Feng really had this power, even though he did not know how powerful it was. but

The eight-door ban could not be prevented, and the power broke through. Yu

It’s like a wind! burn

The road flashed in front of He Xiao, Xian Lili opened eight bans, and even stunned He Xiao, and until then, the power stopped, all the sounds and powers have disappeared.

He Xiao is still in horror, but the tear in the body makes his life fire extinguished. people

They can't make a sound, they are suffocating because of the horrible picture.

The unstoppable eight-door ban was restrained, and the arrogant He Xiao and Xian Ting paid a heavy price in this battle.


When He Xiao's body was torn, and the red blood of the red stained the space, the big men of Xianting were shocked, and the heavenly characters were crazy. They were tearful and tearful. Fairy

The Tianjiao, which was built by the court for three thousand years of hard work, actually died in this battle. more

The tragedy is that the sixth of Xianting is only the sixth to survive, and the other five are dead. The worst is that He Xiao is in the top state, or is killed by Lingfeng.

Yu Honglin's body flashed, appearing directly in the battlefield space, and staying in front of Ling Feng, worried that the crazy Xianting characters would smash Ling Feng. and

Other power figures are in a state of horror. half

noon. he

They just opened their mouths, and the eyes and eyes were red. "Is that a power?"


When I heard these two words, people couldn't help but tremble. Even if the words are all taboo in the sky, it is so powerful at this moment.

Dare to ask the world to have a fairy? Fairy

Unseen, and Xianli has come out.

Oriental Yingyu and Oriental poetry are even more shocking. They thought that it was the power of the road. They were too much stronger than they thought. They were ecstatic, but they could swear at the next moment, only because Tianzun people thought it was Xianli. more

Great power! "

Despise any defense, destroy it! ”

One Tianzun spoke, solemnly said: "Is this world afraid of only Xianli?"

"Xian Li, was born on a god?"

At this moment, many eyes respected Ling Feng's gaze and changed his taste. Xianli is a force that can be encountered, but they have always been fascinated. Unfortunately, they can't see through it. As a result, Ling Feng has reached it one step at a time. and

And. This

Xianli appeared on them and Lingfeng was completely in two levels. The Lingfeng showed not enough. Even the tip of the iceberg couldn't be talked about, but if it appeared on them, it would be a maddening madness.

Tianzun also wants to beheaded! This

What does it mean? One

Once this power returns to the empty road, then there really is no heavenly daring to move the empty road. What happens if those gods get this power?

Dare to ask Tian Zun enough to kill?

The perfect void, Ling Feng is enough to make people jealous, and Xianli comes out, it is to make the whole starry taboo.

can! people

They only mentioned Xianli, but they didn't ask too much. This made the oriental Yingyu puzzling. Didn't Xianli not surprise these people? "

They moved to kill! ”

The poetry of the oriental poetry is open and heavy. At this moment, she really understands the meaning of Ling Feng. Perfect Void, Xianli, how much wind and rain will he face? The three gods of the East are afraid that they are not enough to stuff their teeth.

Heaven does not ask, this is a terrible problem.

They want to give birth to Ling Feng personally ask, they want to directly annihilate Ling Feng without asking.

Now it is not a simple day war problem, but a problem of the entire starry sky. Moreover, Xianli has already been born. There is no point in the battle of heaven. The leaf witch is very powerful, but the weakened realm of the gods and earth is not for Xianli. Used, it is useless for perfect void. which is

It is the end of the world that is also gray in front of Xianli and the perfect void. This battle does not have to continue. Lingfeng is the king of this year, and it is the first in this century.

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