Supreme Demon

Chapter 1180: Defeat the virtual sky!

Virtual sky!

The entire sky has been shrouded by the terrible magic light, and the hustle and bustle of the atmosphere is rapidly collapsing, letting the gods suffocate, they will soon withdraw from the virtual sky, and the 16 top powers are driving the Tianzhou as soon as possible. Fly to the real virtual heaven, not through the altar.

They want to appear in the virtual sky.

The entire starry sky is paying attention to the progress of this matter, and hopes that Tianzun can suppress the momentum of those demon statues.


The situation is more serious than people think. On the second day when the entrance to the magic road was pushed open, the whole virtual heaven was roaring, and a terrible **** battle was bursting in it. One Tianzun was strong and forward, and confronted the demons.


A Tianzun force pulls the mountains and rivers, and the horrible gas field pervades every corner of the virtual sky. When its power falls, a Tianzun knife smashes the mountains and rivers and bans from appearing in front of the demon.

"We sealed our 30,000 years, and today I am waiting to come over, you can't suppress it!"

The demon statue said quite arrogantly. At the same time, he spit out a pair of bamboo chopsticks in his mouth. The lightning bolt greeted the handle of the Tianzun knife. The bamboo chopsticks did not fall down strongly, but quickly picked up.

Like a big hand in the void, holding a bamboo chopstick, is holding a dish.


The handle of Tian Zun knives unleashes the inexhaustible power of law, and is able to defend the land of the gods in the virtual heaven, and its power is to be more general, even more than 30,000 years, the degree of tempering is even worse. Other heavens can be compared.


Even so, the sacred sword of the world can still be caught by bamboo chopsticks. The more violent law force is bursting out from the bamboo chopsticks, pressing against the Tianzun knife, and destroying the gray rule on it.

"Let you for 30,000 years, today let you feel the true magic law!"

The face of the demon face was filled with a sly smile, and some of them looked at the opponent slyly, and then the law of the night-like law was shaped like a tide, and poured into the bamboo chopsticks.


Tian Zun’s boring loud noise, the gray rule on it collapsed completely, and the law of night quickly spread upwards. In a short time, he had already covered the Tianzun knife, and even rushed to the Tianzun.


The Tianzun looked solemn and knew that the demon statue had been hidden until the present moment showed its true strength. Things were far more difficult than he had imagined, so he did not hesitate to directly explode.

next moment.

A white law ignites the void, illuminates the entire virtual heavenly domain, and the gray law becomes white and bright, purifying the magic and smashing the law. This is the top rule of the god.

Born in space, more away from space.

"That will be dark!"

The demon statue smiled slightly, and there was not much trepidation. It was calm, as if it had been known for a long time, and then the bamboo chopsticks were clipped forward. Every time a point was advanced, the void would be dark and the space was annihilated. Terrible black hole.

When it is completely clipped, the whole sky is dark, not only the cause of the black hole, but more importantly, the dark night rule that flashes on the bamboo chopsticks.

When the bamboo chopsticks come out, the world is dark!

This is dark!

The whole virtual sky is divided into two halves by the light, half of which is black, and half of which is bright and clear, but when they are fully pressed out, the sea is like a frenzy, one after another Surrounded by the surrounding.

The space is disintegrating and the mountains and rivers are shattering.

The only thing that appears in the whole world is chaos.


The stalemate lasted only for a while, and then the law of night and night was quickly suppressed, letting the white light disappear a little bit, which directly affected the Tianzun, letting his face change wildly, but it was too late.


A loud noise, that is the momentum of the law of the night, the sky will collapse, let the big mouth spurt, burn a mountain, and its footsteps are flying backwards, stunned.


In the top-level rule showdown, he is still not as good as the demon statue, and this is because the demon statue only came over half-body. If the real body appears completely, what kind of picture will it be?

At least, people can't imagine it.

"The town seal!"

At this time, a huge drink, the second Tianzun appeared, the hand commanded the flag, magnified in his hand, and then formed the door of the heavens, shrouded the entrance to the magic road, want to completely seal it.


There was a huge sound at the entrance of the Magic Road. The second demon appeared and punched out. The magic law was flooded like a frenzy. It was confronted with the Tianqimen. The power was endless. It was entirely in flesh and blood. Resist.


The Tianqi door was blocked, and the dull bang was loud. At that time, the first demon statue was used, and the law of night and night was reproduced. It was quickly crushed down, and the bamboo chopsticks were born to counter the singularity. .


Over the years, the gods have not been idle, and the magic road has not regressed, but has been studying the door of Qi Tianqi, and found the restraint of Qimen.


At the next moment, Feng Tianqi’s door was torn, and the two gods’ faces were mad. This is 30,000.

In the past few years, they completely predicted what they expected, which means that Feng Tianqi has lost its role in the demon.


The third Tianzun flies, uses the top rule, carries the three-sided flag to seal the seal.


The two devils drank, the power was extremely explosive, and the Qimen was in the light. When they fell on the door of Fengtianqi, the three flags were torn apart, and the situation was quite bad.

"I come!"

The fourth Tianzun appeared, the power was directly pressed out, and five flags were used.


When the third demon appeared, the five flags were collapsed, and the situation was much more serious than they thought. This is destined to be a big fight. The gods want to curb the momentum of the demon, while the devils It is desperate to want to come over.


The fifth Tianzun was born, carrying the power of violent, directly suppressed, the skylight at that time had a moment of white, and instantly restored to nature, as if there was no power to burst out.

It is the natural calm, but the devils are not calm.


The first law of heaven and night was torn, the whole person was hit, and the semi-biased body was smashed into the magic road, and there were many dark magic blood between the heavens and the earth.


The sixth Tianzun came out, and a scorpion sword fell into the air, forming a giant force, carrying the three rules, on the spot will be pushed back to the door, and the two devils were injured.

Needless to say.

The fifth and sixth Tianzun are the real kings and gods. They belong to the last person. They specialize in suppressing the magical Taoqiang. They have not been born for so many years, and this is also the invisible figure.

If their body can enter the virtual sky, it can be bloody, but only half-body, not enough to see.


The characters of the magic are not to be underestimated. When multiple demon statues appear together, the pressure on the six heavenly faces is Shanda, and there are more terrible demon statues coming over. The whole picture seems to be in the sky.

Power is constantly falling, and the law is constantly annihilating.

The space is constantly disintegrating!

At the beginning, the characters of Tiandao were able to see a vagueness, but at the end they could not see clearly. The power of the law was too heavy, until the gods bleed blood until the demon was bleeding. This shopping was far from over.


The big explosion in the sky has a profound impact. This shopping lasted for a month, even if the fifth and sixth heavens were very strong, they were also bloody, the injuries were heavy, and the demon was even more miserable, and they could not come over completely, but this level of confrontation , the impact on the entrance to the magic road is great, let it be tearing, this

It means that the demon can really come over in the next fierce battle.

A month later.

The 16 top powers of Tianzun drove the Tianzhou to fly, but the situation was even more serious. The magic roads on the magic road were born, and they confronted the Tianzuns, making the entrance of the Magic Road more severe.

"The situation is not good, the devil is using us!"

One of the gods opened his mouth and his face was ugly. If the entrance to the magical path was broken and broken, they were the sinners of the ages.

"It’s **** damn, these demons are too tenacious, and they don’t give up after the ages!"

"You have to push them back!"

This **** battle is terrible, even if they feel that they are powerless, and now they are in a tough situation.

In fact.

This is like a day of shopping, the magic road can not be eaten, they are in the entrance of the magic road, very passive, and now Tianzuns have not responded, until they clear the situation, the magic road invasion will be abandoned.

at last.

After two months, the three devils were respected and the situation deteriorated, and more Tianzhou were flying, making them realize that the invasion was hopeless, so they chose to stop the war.

"It is reported that this day's war, there are many wizards in the stars."

A demon statue opened to face the fifth and sixth Tianzun, and said: "I have a lot of Gestalts in this year. I am so difficult to separate the heights, so how can they be divided into life and death?"

"Don't do it!" Tianzun is not an idiot.

"Don't worry, if you win this fierce battle, I will wait to exit the entrance of the Magic Road directly, and you will seal it, otherwise we will open the entrance at all costs."


The gods are hesitant. They know that the characters are still flying. The things are not as simple as this. Even if they can finally seal the entrance, the price will be terrible.

Even some gods will sacrifice.


The advice of the devils is not simple. If they do not have the strong confidence, why should they do this? Let the magic genius come over and die?


There should be some shocking arrogance in the magic road, the strength is quite horrible, and their meaning is very obvious. Once those characters suppress the characters on the starry sky, the entrance to the magic road is afraid to keep it. "After the ancient times, the starry sky is so vulnerable?" The magician character sneered. "Are you still afraid? If we don't mind going back, wait for the next age, I am going to tear the entrance and suppress you." Best!"

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