Supreme Demon

Chapter 1464: The power that the gods of heaven will leave before they die!

Light rains like fog.

Suddenly collapsed.

The sky has calmed down, and there is no pressure, which means that the robbery has completely disappeared.


There is also Ling Feng disappearing together.

When the light and rain were exhausted, what appeared in front of the people was a shattered mountain river. The entire volcano was destroyed, and underground magma spewed out, like the emerging tide, completely drowning the ground. people

All we can see is the red magma, no other matter. Once

The fascinating **** volcano disappeared into the dust of history. "

Ling Feng! ”

Ye Witch, Ling Qing eyes suddenly red, staring at the sky ahead, the heart will be broken.

Ling Feng disappeared. although

However, at the end of the world, the world was born, and the world was opened, but the sky could be opened, but no one knows how terrible the hurricane is, and Ling Feng has just grasped the true meaning of the interception, what kind of power can be played, but it is not known, right. The unpredictable catastrophe is only very dangerous. this

When Ling Feng disappeared, it is the best proof. he

The interception technique is still not as good as the confinement. "

Do not! "cold

If the month is directly on the ground, the eyes are red.

The whole anti-god is waiting for him to come out to solve the current situation, and he is so desperate. inverse

Where is the future of God?

The sky against the gods collapsed! "

Ling Feng! ”

Du Gu Yu Yue, Liu Shu Shu, Yun Xi, etc. are all crying, and there is a kind of pain in the heart, like the heart is worn by people. This

It is a tragedy. where

I am afraid that they can exhaust the demon domain, the starry sky, the roster of death, the power of the magic, but Ling Feng can't come back. For the anti-God, they are already tragedy. One

The entire starry sky above the top of the wind, otherwise why should the entire starry sky be targeted at Lingfeng?

He is too important!

His future has no solution!


It’s all in that hurricane... it’s gone. "

Didn't that singularity stop the hurricane? Wan

The old man and the beggar are all gray, and they know very well that only when Lingfeng is alive can they get the most benefit, especially the chaos and the nine.

Ling Feng is in time.

The resources against God will tend to these characters. Ling

When the wind is not there. inverse

God's entire resources will be poured into the dark gods, only because the anti-God will fight the entire starry sky.


The gods were pale, as if they were dead, and they couldn’t believe it. Their people disappeared like this, and died in that hurricane? "

why? ”

Qin Lao Lao tears, white hair people to send black people, the anti-God is staged every day, but he never thought that one day is Ling Feng.

He would rather use his own to change the wind.

Use yourself to reverse the future of God.

Losing the wind, the anti-God is equivalent to losing the direction. Chu

The sky is good, but there are too many differences in the face of Ling Feng, and the difference is too far. "

Is it so over? "week

Tianyi was dull, twenty years ago, Chutian apprentice, when they did not realize the end of today.

Until then, they knew the true intentions of Ling Feng. that

When did he expect this day?

He is arranging things.

unfortunately. One

Dai Tianjiao ended like this. If he can survive, the future will be against God. Of course


Xianli and three kinds of anti-tian martial arts were born. Heaven does not allow such a character to be born. What is the day?

"It’s finally dead!"

These powerful figures are relieved, and they are really shocking. A living Lingfeng demon is so scary that it is not easy to use so many people with so many forces to force it to this point. not

Undoubtedly. Ling

After the death of the wind, the entire starry sky will calm down and the situation will be more favorable to them.

"This ** is annihilated!"

The magic field sighs in the magic, although I feel that Ling Feng is a respectable opponent, but such an opponent is still dead to be reassuring.

To know. because

Ling Feng, the demon domain of the demons are too many injuries, they are here, and the anti-God is flying, what does it mean?

They are clearer than anyone else. that

The demon in the direction of the demon has been killed. Want

Is Ling Feng still alive, is the demon domain demons white dead? and

And. Ling

The wind is the scourge of the entire Mozu, and it is the thorn in the heart of the devil. Such a character naturally needs to be done.

"Our mission is done!"

The head of the devil said excitedly that they played too sadly in this matchup, and now they can finally return home.

"Is it so loose?"

Tianzun of the list of death is sighing. This is the ultimate weapon. It disappears like this. It really makes people feel sad.

If Lingfeng can be used as the ultimate weapon, or even win the fairy power from Lingfeng, or the top three roads, the future starry sky will belong to the list of death. "

There is no chance to escape the fire! ”

The Magic Road is the devil's frown in the power. He said, "He is really against the sky, and the sky is not tolerated."

The sky is falling.

It is unclear whether it is the end of Ling Feng, or the tragedy of the gods of heaven and earth. thorn


Suddenly, in the embarrassing situation, a tearing voice of the cloth rang in the ears of the people, and the cloth came from the leaf witch and Ling Qing. she was

They lowered their heads and blood and tears were flowing.

but. she was

They didn't break down, but they were tearing the cloth. Yin

Red cloth. she was

They tied the torn cloth to the forehead, and then they looked up, and the blood and tears flowed down the pretty cheeks, just like the cloth, like the broken heart.

"Blood debts are paid for by blood!"

The witch said in a hoarse voice. "Today, in the name of against God, I will fight in the name of the Lord!"

You can wait to fight with me, or you can leave. ""

Where is the dark god? I am here, please, fight for the Lord! Ling

Clear tears, emotionally said, at the moment before Ling Feng died, she has no need to survive.

At the beginning.

When Ling Feng was "dead", she almost fell into the devil, but it was the blood to kill the world. This is a **** relative.


Ling Qing wants to fight for Ling Feng, for the endless blood relatives, for the attachment to heaven. No

there's noise. No

Anyone left. only

Some of them are just the sound of the tearing of the cloth. The "stinging" and "stinging" sounds, and the dark gods are blushing. Many of them are saved by the gods. Many of them are waste. The fallen characters are just because they appear against them, they have a new life. inverse

God is not only the power to provide them with resources, but also their hope and sustenance.


When Yin Hong’s cloth was tied to his forehead, the dark **** made a slap in the face, and went straight into the sky, and against the gods, striding forward, no one was afraid of death. people

The Lord dared to sacrifice, let alone them!

Only death! but

May their death be able to create a brilliant future against the gods.

"Kill the fuck!"

Tsundere bird collapsed, Ling Feng is his brother.

I only hate that his strength is too weak to keep his brother. but


Willing to die for his brother!

"Where is the butterfly?"

The cold flies into the sky and screams hard.. "Today you are not a butterfly hiding in the dark corner. Today I want you to be a warrior and a warrior!"

Please fight for him! ”

"War!" four

A butterfly flies out of the week, and both the winged butterfly and the dark butterfly are coming out. she was

Each of them owes a life to the Lord, and now they are willing to die for him.

The momentum is like a rainbow!

This is the anti-God!

This is the spirit of anti-God! This

Things that are almost impossible to exist are just like this, and Ling Feng is the soul of the spirit. "

Willing to fight for him! "One

The **** is flying wild, his direction is far away.

Don't expect the butterfly to send the message at this time, only by themselves.

The commander of the Lord! inverse

God swears to death, so what is it? war


There are extra words, only persistent war. only

Because, the anti-God has reached the moment of life and death.

If the anti-God disappears, what is the meaning of the day? he

They set foot on the road to death, but no one has retreated. "

This... is really a terrible force! ”

Although the overall performance of the anti-God is not good, but the stars, the devils, etc. are all taking a breath of cold, no one has been able to make a force so crazy, so united, so strong, what can not be done? only

If they want their time, they will be able to lay a starry sky. can


Then **** battle in the end! ”

Wannian old grief is born from the heart, and does not want to give up like this, even if the wind is dead, he will work hard for the future generations.

This is what he promised!

He is a person who keeps his promise! "

Is it right or wrong to step on this car? Mixed

The chaotic nine changed his soul and sighed. At this time, he did not turn back. He had already branded the anti-God, and the stars and the demons would not let him go. Now

At the moment, he can only fight against the gods. star

In the air.

Burning Tianzun suddenly felt that his heart was empty, as if he had been pierced, that is, the light and rain of the heavens were suddenly extinguished, and the will of the heavenly people gave a sigh and hurriedly collapsed.


Burning Tian Zun was shocked and suddenly looked at the **** Wu Xing.

"How could this be?" He was unbelievable, his heart was twitching, and there was only one possibility for this to happen. Ling

The wind is dead! he

Finally, I didn’t come over.

"Heavenly, ** ... you are damned!" Burning Tianzun Taoist red, killing the spirit, the body of a heavy blow up, directly to the treasures of heaven, to use its ultimate strength to crush to commit the gods. Of course

and. Let

He was disappointed. day

The national treasures actually gave birth to his strength and rejected its power. "

what happened? "burn

Tianzun was shocked. He never thought that the treasures of heaven would lose color at this moment, and would even exclude his power.

Could it be said that after Ling Feng’s death, even the treasures of the kingdom would be silent, and would not be willing to fight, but would wait until the next generation of Guwuqi came out? One

The power disappeared, and the treasures of the heavens really lost their luster and became very simple.

just. it

It has not shrunk, and it still covers a radius of five thousand miles.

Boom! suddenly

However, the treasures of the heavens whispered, and the mountains and rivers were disintegrating, the thick soil disappeared, and the stone plaques appeared in front of the people. The gates of Qimen were sealed with shimmering light rain. when

The whole piece of the mountain river collapsed, leaving only the center piece that was not broken, and the stone plaque was surrounded by it.

Hey! suddenly

However, a vast expanse of light pierced for nine days, blasting the stars, igniting those small sarcophagus, let them crack. "

That is... the power that the gods of the heavens will leave before they die! ”(

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