Supreme Demon

Chapter 1482: Blood butcher a city!

The stars are stirring. gas

The atmosphere is tight!

The appearance of Ling Feng made the major forces become extremely vigilant. Because Ling Feng is too magical, he can still identify his pulse before, and now the Ling Feng is completely untouchable. he

Crazy and bloodthirsty.

Before you enter the magic. Ling

The wind is being dragged against the gods, cautious everywhere, no crazy measures. At this time, Ling Feng is a lonely wanderer in the sky, without any restraint.

He can completely let go of his hands and feet.

"Put it out!"

A big man in the court opened his mouth and his eyes were fascinating. There were so many people in Xianting who died because of Ling Feng. Only the heavenly characters had ten digits, and the gods had more. This

Kind of blood debt, how can they let go of the wind?

"We will not condone a demon!"

A force opening, it was the forces that were killed by Ling Feng, their death and injury is not less than Xianting. "

He dared to start with my people, I will smash it! ”

A character in Xianting is crazy, and Lingfeng is too pertinent. It has long been known that this character has appeared on Shenwuxing, and therefore has no mercy for his people. Do not

Over. Ling

The wind is not for mortals, but for those martial arts.

"Open the axe to find his whereabouts!"

The big guys opened in the distance, the breath on the open axe did not dissipate, and the whereabouts of Ling Feng could be found. "

Find him as soon as possible! ”

Because of the horror of Ling Feng, the gods and gods actually reached a consensus, first solve the hidden danger of Ling Feng, and then confronted. "

Void, do you still want to help the demon? Fairy

The big man in the court questioned and didn't want the empty road to spoil at this time.

"We won't ask!"

The big man in the empty road frowns. At this time, helping the wind, it is necessary to become the target of the public. Although they have the heart, they are very powerless. "The thing of Lingfeng is solved by himself."

"However, when I first targeted the forces of my vain genius, we will find out one by one and let him pay the price!"

Xuankong is open.

The root cause of Lingfeng's enchantment is the starry forces, the demon and the demon. We can ask the present, but the past must be liquidated.


Many people frown, and the void road does not directly open, but it is equivalent to disguised help in Ling Feng. "

But the Mozu is making trouble in the stars, we don't want to forget it! "cover

Express a voice and show an attitude.

In any case, this is a matter between the stars and the forces, and it is not the turn of the Mozu. "

Then see if you are not qualified enough! "magic

The tribes of the tribes smiled coldly and did not reveal the cover in their eyes.

"Then talk about life and death in the space!"

Fang, Wannian Laojiao, Burning Tianzun, Wenling, etc., although they did not find the whereabouts of the Mozu demons, this is a matter of time.

“Do you want to help you?”

The material of Xianting adults asked, bluntly said: "Now Lingfeng is the devil!"

Do you want to face the entire sky? ""

Oh, is this threatening us? ”

Burning Tianzun murderously said: "Dare to target the forces and characters of my later generations, and the people are going to die, and Lingfeng is you forced to enter the magic, this account must be liquidated."

Of course. inverse

The gods now do not have the courage and strength to face the entire starry sky. It is a fact that Lingfeng is enchanted. They are taking advantage of it.

They also can't figure out the current state of Ling Feng, and they can only take care of the gods.

The anti-God experienced a catastrophe and is currently in the midst of self-cultivation. At least for a hundred years, they can't bear the wind and rain, and they believe that the wind is special and can face such wind and rain. inverse

The gods can break through, and who is against the gods?

He has cultivated life and death, and he is qualified to practice magic. "

Behind the scenes, we will find out one by one! ”

Wannian hate said: "Once you find your way, we will not hesitate to die!"

then. each

The big forces are even more headaches. For the last empty road, they are enough to make them headaches. Now, there must be more anti-god, they can despise the gods, but they cannot despise the burning of the gods. "

The Mozu, invading the **** Wuxing, will not let go! "burn

Tian Zun is awkward, and it is necessary for the Mozu to pay the price. In this respect, the stars and the gods can't speak.

"The forces that collude with the Mozu will also pay a terrible price!"

The oriental poetry said heavily. "In the midst of the scourge of the stars, are they targeting the Lingfeng, or have they already been mad at the Mozu?"

This sentence is a bit jealous.

She put the forces that match the Mozu with the brand of "rebels", which is easier to target.

There is no power to open. This

There are a lot of categories, and there are many hands and feet that can be done in oriental poetry. Even if they don't collude with the Mozu, as long as the Eastern poetry finds out some problems, they can brand them. By then, they are the sinners of the entire starry sky. Do not

Do not say. This

It’s really a terrible god, and it’s a fronze when it’s open. "

The Mozu is dead! ”

The Eastern clan gods do not mention the anti-God, do not mention the Lingfeng, only mention the Mozu invasion of the stars, can not let go.

“Is this forcing us to fight to the Eastern clan?”

Some people on the face of the Mozu were open, quite strong, and they did not put the threat of the Mozu, the Anti-God and other forces in their eyes.

"Let's come over!" East

Fang Yingyu responded strongly. The Eastern clan is not against the gods. Only those who have come over want to target the Eastern clan?

They have a heavenly dojo. he

We have the door of Wanguqi! he

We have five Tianzun sitting in town.

What's more, the empty road is not a vegetarian. The Mozu really wants to call, and the empty road will not be a wall.

"Do not talk nonsense, first do the Lingfeng!"

Of course.

The Mozu will not be really crazy to attack the Eastern clan, but as long as the Lingfeng is done, it will suffice.



This is not a jade, but a city. it

In the sphere of Xianting, it is called the first fairy city of Xianting. It is very vast. Its scope is similar to that of a big **** country. There are many top heavens sitting in the town, and there are more defenses. Even Tianzun wants to open it. and

And. it

The form is a piece of jewel, more like a sword, full of aggressiveness.


A man in black is walking in this fairy city, calm and calm. "

Xianting, the first prey! Yin

The sound of the test sounded from the black clothes. In the step, there was a splash of ink in the faint, full of corrosive power.

Needless to say. Come

People are Ling Feng. although

However, the gate of the city of Xianyu is very strong, but the burning blade is restraining this strange door, he can come in, without disturbing the important figures of Xianting.

"All will die!"

Under the black robe, Ling Feng's eyes are red, and the pupil is silvery white. he

The whole person exudes a cold temperament, and the magic of his body shows his madness and demon.

at last. he

Came to the center of Xianyu, this is a vast expanse of earth, with dark matter and sacred factors in it, forming a sharp contrast, quite spectacular.


The Burning Pathblade appeared at this time, directly tearing the odd door on the vast expanse of the earth, and then Lingfeng appeared in it. "

who? "One

The anger and drink appeared in the fairy soil, and a **** came to fly in front of Ling Feng. "This is the place where Xianyu is heavy, and then dare to break in?"

"Looking for death?"

Yes! Ling

The wind looked up, revealing the gloomy dead fish eyes, grinning and grinning. "I just came to death, or you killed me, or I killed you!"

Raised a finger and shook it in midair, then said, "This matter has not been discussed."


The **** was suddenly shocked, and he stepped back in the cold, and then looked like something, his face suddenly changed.

"You are... that demon!" He

The embarrassing said that these days, the entire Xianting Supreme Star is in martial law, and Xianyu is naturally the focus.

just. Fairy

Yu is close to Xianting, and Ling Feng has attacked Xianting. I believe there is no timidity here. can

This is just their idea.

"Yeah, I am the devil!"

Ling Feng laughed more gloomy. Say

Finish. he

Raise your hand and point out a finger. In a moment, the magic light shines, devours nine days, and directly drowns the god, and the next god, the **** of sorrow, screams and disappears in this fairy. bomb

Refers to empty. Correct

The current Ling Feng is not a difficult thing.

"Kill!" Ancient

Wuta carries a terrible weight and Tianwei appears, directly rushing to the fairy jade. and


The Burning Path Heavenly Blade carries the interception technique and slams into the Xianyu Center.

Boom! Eight

Heavy stone came out, pierced the 10,000-way space, pushed forward from the ground, destroyed a large mountain river, and connected those martial arts together to disappear.

"What is that?"

They were shocked and became confused. "

It's him! ""

That devil is coming! ”

When people recognize the wind, the whole fried hair, even the characters who dare to kill, the demon king who is driven by the stars and the forces, appears here.

What will he do? Slaughter


Quite reckless. phase

When the madness and bloodthirsty.

Rumble... nine

The sky is trembled and the mountain river collapses.

The method of Lingfeng is extremely fierce and terrible. It is a heavy weapon, and the octopus and the ancient martial arts are all heavy weapons. In it, there is a terrible picture, even if the top heavenly figures appear, it will not help, but let The sacrifice of the gods and gods became more powerful.

Just two quarters of an hour.

The fairy jade was destroyed in half, and the characters above the gods were all slaughtered, and the mountains and rivers became ruins.

When Xianting got the news, Ling Feng had already used Tianye, and he looked at the three million miles. The Xianting gods of the gas only jumped their feet and almost went crazy. Of course


Soon, the entire starry sky lost its voice.

Just because of the monument on the top of Xianyu, there are a few **** words.

First slaughter a city! blood

It’s embarrassing.

Strict and overbearing.

what does this mean?

It means that Xianyu is only the beginning. In the future, this lonely wolf will be a hard-stellar star, and will die until the other party dies. Ling

The wind does not die.

Such misfortunes will never stop.

At this moment, people have some regrets in their hearts. They forced the wind to the other extreme. Is it true? (

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