Supreme Demon

Chapter 2551: Emperor Eastern!

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"Where are the other four Xianfu?"

Ling Feng was so heavy that he found an extraordinary atmosphere from the five magnates, which made him feel that things were too abnormal.

"What are you doing?"

The big white goose is very vigilant and always feels that the wind is too dangerous.

The location of the four Immortals is very different. Once Ling Feng finds out, the future is quite troublesome.

"If you don't want to die, just say it as soon as possible!"

Ling Feng said seriously and solemnly. "When the situation is formed, the whole fairy sea is a chessboard. You and my life and death, do you want to kneel down in this game, or will you kneel down with me?"

"What do you mean?"

The big white goose was shocked, and Ling Feng said things too seriously. "Are you scaring me?"

"If you think so!"

Ling Feng looked directly at the eyes of the big white goose, and the big white goose also looked directly at the eyes of Ling Feng.

There is a terrible air current in the air that is turbulent.

Half awkward.

The big white goose said coldly. "Are you serious?"

"Do you think I am joking?"

Ling Feng sarcastically said: "The four immortals should be different?"

"Worried that I found your nest? Or worried that I found the inheritance of your family?"


"But if that person has appeared, it means that his intention is not limited to us, and its intention may also be you and the entire Xiangu Xinghai!"


The big white goose can't help but chill.

"Magic ancestor!"

"Isn't that the character of your power?" The white goose became more vigilant.

"Oh, my power?"

Ling Feng's eyes shine with cold light, like a cold knife. "It's just using each other. They are playing with ideas. I don't know until now, but those big people don't feel at ease to me."

The white goose blinked, as if to verify the authenticity of these words.

"I won't do these things with my life and death."

"it is good!"

Big white goose forehead, it believes in Ling Feng.

To know.

Now it is the "fish" in the hands of Ling Feng, but Ling Feng is not forced, but he is in contact with him, and is in the position of Ling Feng, and will not lie on this issue.

He is not so harmonious with the magical forces.

A few days later.

Lingfeng across the Xinghai, appeared in a smoke-free soil, completely covered by smoke, can not see the things inside.


There is a terrible psychedelic power here, which can confuse the minds of the gods, and the horrible degree makes Ling Feng feel tremble.

Obviously, this is the top psychedelic of Xiangu Xinghai. It is used to ask Tianzun and use it.


The big white goose is not affected here, its will is quite firm, or the blood in the body restrains the psychedelic power here.

"right here!"

The big white goose looks at the wind, the face is full of laughter, the power of the psychedelic sea of ​​smoke is extraordinary, it is not affected, it does not mean that Lingfeng will not be affected.

The terrible power of Ling Feng does not mean that he is terrible in this respect.

It is very eager to psychedelic Yanhai to suppress it.


It is destined to be disappointed.

Lingfeng step by step to the psychedelic sea of ​​smoke, the will to be full, the rock is as strong as the stone, the magic road is forbidden, and so on, the soul sea is stirring up the endless power, even though the psychedelic smoke comes to him, let it be in front of him. There are various illusions.

From time to time, the accusation of burning Tianzun appeared.

Sometimes Ye Witch and Ling Qing shed tears in the wind.

Sometimes the whole anti-god is lying in the blood pool...


Ling Feng’s emptiness slashed through the air and smashed all the illusions. His eyes were filled with the light of the world. He was flying a variety of creatures on his head. He was like a king, and he was defended by various forces and creatures. Go to the end of the psychedelic sea of ​​smoke.


The big white goose is chilling and feels incredible.

This forbidden soil is the top dojo in the Xiangu period, even if it is lost in the world, but the wind is not affected, there is no wave in the face of Junxiu, and everything is done horizontally.

How extraordinary is this?

To what extent will the will be determined?

"How do such characters enter the devil?" The white geese asked themselves, and they were puzzled.

The will is too firm.

The heart is strong.

It is too difficult for these characters to get into the devil.

However, the wind has entered the magic, and this is afraid that some truths are buried.

Despite the firm will and the extraordinary heart, Ling Feng spent a total of 13 days when he reached the end of the psychedelic sea of ​​smoke, which made him quite dissatisfied.

"The **** is dead!"

Looking at the frowning look of Ling Feng, the big white goose is quite uncomfortable.

The psychedelic sea of ​​smoke is quite terrible. Even if it was originally a lot of energy, it was too embarrassing, and it was not affected.

Can you wind up?

It took thirteen days to cross and it was such a result that it could not find an opponent in this family.

"The four fairy houses are here!"

When Ling Feng crossed the psychedelic sea of ​​smoke, he was immediately attracted by the prosperous picture in front of him.

There are a total of ten Xianfu in the Xiangu Xinghai. The other six Xianfu are scattered. Only the four Xianfu are juxtaposed here, forming a four-eyed arch to guard a goose's nest.

Big white goose pouts, this attitude is quite cool for Ling Feng.




This is the goose's nest of the deity!

Only the people of the district!

Ha ha!

This is the mentality of the big white goose at the moment.

Ling Feng has no concern about the mentality of the big white goose. His attention is not entirely on the goose nest, but more is the four fairy houses.

He quickly came to the four prefects and flew into one of the Xianfu.

After an hour, Ling Feng flew out of Xianfu, and his face was a little dignified, and then he flew into the other three Xianfu.

A full day.

Ling Feng has been viewing the four Xianfu, until this time the big white goose feels different, the real treasure is in the goose nest, but Ling Feng did not play the idea of ​​the goose nest, but focused on the four Xianfu.

What does it mean?

"what's the situation?"

The big white goose flies, without the previous posture, becoming vigilant and solemn.

"I used Xianli to view four fairy houses!" Ling Feng said.


"The four immortals are not just your breath!"

"Someone has been here?"

"The breath is very weak, it should be a hundred years."


"Is there a terrible strange door around the goose nest?"


"Tian Zun can't break it..." Ling Feng said with a deep heart.

"What do you want to say?" asked the white goose.

"Let's check out the goose nest!"

Ling Feng did not ask the big white goose to ask more, but banned from flying to the goose nest, which made the big white goose more vigilant. The relationship said so much, and finally went to the goose nest.


It wants more, Ling Feng did not play the treasure in the goose nest, but looked around, especially the Qimen.

"What are you doing?" asked the big white goose with vigilance.

Ling Feng did not respond.

He sat down in front of the strange door, the body of the fairy flying, two whole, the shocking white goose straight fried hair, this character must really target it, I am afraid it is difficult to resist.

After a long time.

Ling Feng just got up, he looked at the big white goose and said nothing.

"What do you want to say?"

"He has been here!"


"Magic ancestor!"


The big white goose's face sank, the most terrible thing happened.. "But I didn't feel the magic here."

"This is where he is awesome. Without the help of Xianli, even if Tianzun came, I was afraid I could not find it."

Ling Feng said earnestly. "I spent a lot of time even if it was Xianli."

"You should be glad that if you don't have this terrible door, you can't live now."


"I didn't scare you."

Ling Feng looked at the look of the big white goose, and shook his head helplessly. "I don't know if this game is for you, or for the people in the world, or both, but I advise you to stay away from here or hide. Never be born inside."

"Is he so terrible?"

"Hundreds of years ago, it was a demon esteem, so that the major forces were jealous. Now it is here to get the endless resources of the ancients, and even the heavenly power, what do you say?"

The big white goose is silent.

Only by truly understanding the ancient sea of ​​Xian, I know what a huge resource this is.

Even if you don't get Xiangu Tiangong, as long as you have been practicing here for hundreds of years, you can use it to moisten with Xiangu. Now it is also a terrible figure.

"What about you?"

Asked the big white goose.

"I want to figure out the character of the ancestor, and I want to know what the magical power intention is." Ling Feng can't believe that the big men of the magical power only value his potential.

At present, it is confirmed that several big characters are false.

The psychedelic sea of ​​smoke is not a terrible magical land. It is a cultivation of the will. He does not believe that several big people will not know.

What if they are lying?

But why do they lie to themselves?

What are their intentions?

Magic Road forbidden soil?


"Do you mean that the ancestors are playing my idea?" The big white goose said coldly.

"The top resources of Xiangu are here. Because of the suppression of the Qimen, the four Xianfu he did not have much resources, and the goose nest is full of resources. Do you think he will let you go?"

"He wants to win the Xiangu resources?"

"Maybe, is he more curious about you?" Ling Feng said with a smile.

Big white goose understands!

An egg from the ancient world, once hatched, will be an unparalleled creature that can outweigh other resources.

The ancestors were afraid of fishing.


He may come at any time, and when he thinks of being stared at by an old demon, the white goose will be chilled.

"I really want to get rid of him!"

The big white goose said fiercely that it was a hot and straight temper.

"This is also my wish!"

Ling Feng gloomy smile, any person who threatens him, he must try to get rid of it.

"Let's say how you got into the devil?" The white goose is curious about Lingfeng...

Ling Feng and Da Bai Ge were born.

They wandered in the sea of ​​Xian Gu Xing. On the one hand, they inquired about the whereabouts of several magic figures. On the other hand, they wanted to find the Buddha. It is easier to find the whereabouts of the ancestors.


Just as they turned over 18 hills, they couldn't help but stop. A beautiful female emperor in the distance was standing in the air, arrogant, and proud of the wind and the big white goose.

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