Supreme Demon

Chapter 2556: How big is the Buddha?

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The void is stirring and the momentum is bursting. Buddha

He used the top power and wanted to disappear from this void. He really didn't want to say more with Ling Feng. Those resources couldn't be returned. What else can I talk about?

and. he

Can sensitively sense the turbulence of the body of Ling Feng, the turbulent power far exceeds the previous one, which makes Foye more unconfident, unless he can ask for success, stepping on the emperor, otherwise the upper wind is ten dead. because

and. he

If you want to regain the resources of Xiangu, you have a long way to go. "

We can talk about it. ”

Ling Feng said with a smile: "Is there anything that can't be talked about?"

"Return my resources!" Buddha

He is very sullen, he is the victim of the injury, but the wind is not willing to surrender Xiangu resources, then what should he talk to himself? First

Three looting? "

Too small family! Ling

The wind sighed and said: "Our current purpose is the Xiandian, which is the power figure. If you can do it, your little ancient resources, Xiaoye really can't see it!"

What do you mean? ”

When he was at a glance, the foot steps that were going through the air would stop and he couldn’t help but look at Ling Feng. "

This is a game, someone is fishing! Ling

The smile on the face of the wind disappeared and became more solemn and solemn. He explained: "The temple is not really true, but just a virtual image, an empty shell, and there is only one hand behind the scenes that controls this."


Foye was shocked, and the entire temple was a virtual image?

The entire starry sky has entered? Who

Do you dare to do this? "

Xiangu characters? Asked Foye, vigilantly.


Ling Feng signaled that Foye first calmed down and said: "He belongs to the world, but only came in for hundreds of years. We are here for him."

“Have you come in hundreds of years?”

Foye frowned, not quite convinced of Ling Feng's words, after all, Xian Gu Xinghai was only published in these two years. "

I did not lie to you! Ling

The wind said: "Xian Gu Xinghai was published hundreds of years ago, but only a few people were known at that time, and that person is one of them."

Who? ""

Devil ancestors! "Buddha

The man was indulging for a moment, his face was a bit ugly. If someone really came in for hundreds of years, it was quite dangerous. "

Xianfu resources have not disappeared, and the caves have no influence. Why is this? ”

Tea 盏 Kung Fu, Lord Buddha came back and asked. "You don't want to tell me the resources that I haven't found for hundreds of years. I have found it in a few months."

"To tell the truth, this is my previous doubt."

Ling Feng’s forehead said, “Normally, these resources should be in the hands of the character, but things are very abnormal.”

Later, I thoroughly investigated five Xianfu and found some problems. ”

"what is the problem?"

"First, those resources have been moved, but later they were released back. The number of clear springs is wrong. There is only one bowl left in a small pool of clear springs. What about the rest of the spring?"

"Third, I used Xianli and found that there are different flavors in the five emperors."

With that said, the five magpies have been touched by people. ""

It is! "Buddha

Grandpa’s face is really ugly. If it’s really like Ling Feng’s, then the problem is serious. The black hand behind the scenes wants to start with the entire starry sky.

"But what does this have to do with me?"

However, the Buddha’s Dao’s eyes flashed and sneered and said: “The ancestors are indeed extraordinary, dare to go to the whole starry sky, but I can leave first.”

"Do you think you can leave?" Ling Feng said with a smile. "

Grandpa! ”

Buddha is more angry, this feeling is not letting himself leave?

"That's the top Tianzun, that is, we do our best and it's just cannon fodder!" Buddha is not so idiotic, don't say that he is now only the Buddha, or asks for success, but in front of Tianzun is just cannon fodder.

As far as their strength is concerned, they still want to play the idea of ​​Tianzun. I really don’t know how to write the word "death".

"Do you think we are idiots?"

Ling Feng sneered and said: "The ancestors want to deal with the entire starry sky is not easy, the pay will be a lot, and only by his own strength, as long as the news is out, he will bleed."

Isn't this the problem that you can get the resources of Xiangu? ""

Our opponent is not him, but even Tianzun! ”

"Hmm?" Buddha

The loyalty of the Tao is suddenly bright, and Ling Feng’s opponent is not Tianzun, it is a heavenly figure. "

Even so, I am afraid it is not easy. "Fo Fu meditated for a moment, said: "The Xiangu Xinghai currently has seven Taoist emperors! ""

Seven? Ling

The wind and the big white goose are all stunned, they only know five. "

Starry sky is not your starry sky. Many things are more complicated than you think. In addition to the sixteen supreme stars, there are two major forces, Buddhism and Mohist. "Fo Ge’s face said quietly. "At present, both Buddhism and Mohist have born Tao Di. ”

"Hidden world?"

"Hidden world!"

Ling Feng has been indulging for a long time, and things have indeed become tricky. The five emperors are enough to cause headaches. Now there are seven Taoist emperors, and the situation is afraid that they will not be controlled by him.

"Promise you guys too!"

At this time, Foye was like a change of sex, said: "But I have a request!"

You said! ""

Kill someone for me! "Foan said in a desperate way."

Who? ""

Future Buddha! ”

"Future Buddha?"

Ling Feng frowned, he is too sensitive to this title, can be called the future Buddha is the future Buddha, the same as the anti-God, if you kill this character, then wait for the entire Buddha to chase it.

At the beginning.

Why did Ling Feng not kill the Buddha, there are such concerns.

He is now besieged on all sides. If he is on the Buddhist temple, it will be difficult to move, and he does not know much about Buddhism. It is quite tricky to deal with such forces. "

Are you not a future Buddha? Asked Ling Feng.

It should have been! "Buddha

The glory of the glory is not explained, and some things are internal to Buddhism.

Ling Feng did not ask much, but looked directly at the eyes of Buddha. From the words of Buddha, he probably knew something. he

It should be the future Buddha, holding the relic. but

. he

It is not.

This means that there is a change inside the Buddhism, and Buddha is forced to leave. I am afraid that he is now being hostile to the future Buddha. As soon as he finds the opportunity, he will immediately kill him.

In essence, Foye and Ling Feng are the same people. he

They are all forced out of the power, they are all starry wicked people, they are homeless. with

Time. he

They are resentful and want to open the world and destroy the enemy. he

They are different. Ling

The wind is strong, only because the opponent is too right, it is so tricky, and the Buddha's opponent is only the future Buddha, but in terms of Xiangu resources, he is far from the future Buddha, and this is the end of this.


The two were ransacked. The Buddha lost more than just resources. What is more important is time. The future Buddha is already a Taoist Buddha. He wants to be alongside him. He doesn’t know what year and month.

In this way, Foye is pessimistic. he

I hope that I can remove the future Buddha by the power of Ling Feng.

"Don't do it!" Ling

The wind said quite simply. "Let me get rid of a future Buddha. Is this waiting for the death of the entire Buddhist family?"

Just Xianju resources, I want to pay such a big price? ”

Buddha sighed, why didn't he know?

"It is not necessary to let you start, as long as you can seriously hurt him, or drag him, it will be enough." Buddha said. "

Is there any difference? "Buddha

The lord was silent and his eyes were red. "

How about selling for you? "Half a mile, Buddha's heavy opening."

to be frank. Ling

The wind is very heart-warming. The character of Buddha is very extraordinary. It is not easy to go to this step. As long as he gives him time, it is really possible to step into the Taoist Buddha. It is not a problem to ask in the future, and even have the possibility of asking the sky. but


Weighed the pros and cons, Ling Feng still sighed, the entire Buddhist family.

“Why?” Ling Feng asked directly from the Buddha. he

The question is why Foye will fail in this matchup and let the future Buddha fall by.

What he asked was why Foye must remove the future Buddha. "

I am an orphan adopted by the Master. ”

Buddha is full of blood and said: "Master is dead!"

Ling Feng understood.

The only reliance of Buddha's Buddha in Buddhism is his master's respect. After his master's death, the Buddha's Lord lost his power. It is supposed that the Buddha of the future Buddha was also suppressed by the entire Buddhist family, and forced to go far. because

And, he hates that person!

Therefore, he hates Buddha! he

More hate yourself!

The teacher’s death is too embarrassing, and he is afraid of killing the hands of Buddhist figures. he

It is to improve themselves, but to avenge.

“How big is the Buddha?” Ling

The wind did not ask what the future Buddha is, but did not even agree to it, but really wanted to know how big the Buddha was. "

Not weaker than any Supreme Star! ”

"Do you have a sect in the Buddhist family?"


"If you are a future Buddha, can you be a future Buddha?"


Foye was silent for a moment and said: "But if it is possible to find out the truth of the death of the teacher, or to disintegrate the current situation of the Buddha, and to get back to the future Buddha, how easy is it?"

"If I can help you get it back?"

This time, Ling Feng became more serious than ever. "

what? "The Lord Foye is a little worried, is this a joke?"

If I help you get back the future Buddha! "Ling Feng solemnly asked."

Buddhism will not be your resistance, but your help! "Fo's face is awesome and swears to heaven."

"Remember what you said today!"

Ling Feng sneered and said: "Otherwise, I can make a future Buddha, and I can also make a second future Buddha!"

"And, I can assure you that even if you hide in a Buddhist house, you will die!"

"The whole Buddha will bleed!" Buddha

He frowned, but he did not say much. He could understand that if Ling Feng really did it, the price paid was too great. At that time, the Buddha’s family became a resistance. How did Ling Feng not kill him?

"How do you do it, just let us?"

"You don't have to worry about these, you just need to do yourself, and other things are naturally done by me..." Ling Feng said.

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