Supreme Demon

Chapter 2560: Death 1st!

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This is not a rather aggressive name.

But because of this name, the spirits of the Death Academy are actually crazy!

Its popularity is evident.

Even if it is a small fish, there is no such popularity?

Ling Feng once practiced in the Academy of Death, but he did not have any impression of Luo Yi. It seems that she has never seen her appear, but at this moment she can make the characters of the Death List roar. This person's origin is different.

There are only two people who have such popularity in the entire list of deaths.

One is a small fish!


Loy is not a small fish, it is another character.

"Death first?"

Ling Feng grinned and laughed. In Xiangu Xinghai, he was able to know that he did not come. The one in the East should be clear, so the Oriental Yingyu would appear in front of him, but that person would be more intelligent, like to be sure. Issues.

The other is a small fish.

Mo said that Ling Feng had practiced at the Institute of Death. Yu Xiaoyu knew that Ling Feng had entered the Xiangu Xinghai. Even though Ling Feng had never practiced in the Institute of Death, the **** of death could think of it.

"it's me!"

Luo Yi is not screaming, and his eyes are full of killing.

At the beginning, Ling Feng’s work in the School of Death, until now, also made the Emperor of the Death God, the Yuan Emperor resentful, when the Lingbi and Luo Yi were asking the king, there was no time to take care of Ling Feng, until later the coffin was born. .


What people didn't think of was that the coffin was actually paralyzed.

Oh, inexplicable!

Even the big men on the roster of death thought that the coffin was not successful enough. There were many problems in it and she was very disappointed.


They never thought that Ling Feng would ask for success at that time, and looked down on the coffin with the attitude of the peerless king, which led to the disintegration of the spirit of the spirit, and that the force hit her too much.

Needless to say.

It is because of the problem of the coffin that the big men of the roster of death have chosen Loy and feel that this is a reliable genius.

"You are waiting for me here?" Ling Feng asked with a smile.

"Yes, I am waiting for you here!"

Luo Yi’s forehead, full of glare, to tell the truth, since the small fish, Xiaoxun and other people asked for success, they should be here, but the tragedy of the coffin made Loyy vigilant.

in spite of.

The coffin didn't say anything, but Loyy could feel the difference.


She wants to try the Ling Feng, the first genius of the starry sky.

"She is really a personal thing!"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "In this way, the roster of death is still very hostile to me!"

The roster of death is the same as the oriental clan. The talents of the oriental Yingyu in terms of force are indeed terrible. The oriental poetry is weaker in this respect, but at the IQ level, the oriental poetry is full of oriental Yingyu.

The roster of death is the same.

Yu Xiaoyu is not as good as Luo Yi in force, but on the IQ level, he is completely ruined, which is why she can become a young master.

"She is indeed a personal thing!"

Luo Yi’s forehead, her infatuation is the Tao, there is no intention for the forces, and the small fish is her sister, she naturally hopes that the fish is better.

"Repression of my death list for many years, how many characters tragedy?"

"You like this, shouldn't my death list be hostile?"

Luo Yi asked: "Today, you actually want to suppress the characters who have detained my death list. If we are not bloody, can you let them bully?"

Luo Yi came forward and forced himself to kill.

The bloodyness of Ling Feng really stimulated the female emperor.

"Should you say that you are not good for me?" Ling Feng said with a sneer. "The list of death wants me to make a sharpening stone, and I will make a very hardening stone!"

"Then I have to sharpen the knife now!"

The sound of Loyy became cold. Before they felt that they could control the wind, they found that Ling Feng was out of control. Instead, they used the entire list of death as a sharpening stone. This is quite dangerous.


The small fish will let Luo Yi come over, the purpose is to get rid of the wind.

Between the forces and the forces, there are no friends, only interests.

When the interests of the Deathly Roster are damaged, they naturally have to tear their skins.

"It's still so poisonous."

Ling Feng said with a smile. "I am here, waiting for you to kill!"

"This female emperor is very dangerous!"

He was squinting, and he could feel the arrogance of Roy, and he felt the pressure and danger.

"She is terrible!"

The big white goose frowned and looked at Loy, saying, "Not weaker than that one!"

It is about the Oriental Yingyu.


What it doesn't understand is that Ling Feng's opponent is really quite a lot. It used to be the Emperor Dongfang. Now it is the female emperor, as if the characters in the world are his opponents.

"Can you speak?"

I was a little surprised when I knew the big white goose. I only heard the goose goose. I never saw it, but after a while he was stunned. A spirited white goose, it’s not surprising to speak. thing.

The big white goose rolled his eyes and did not take care of it.

That eye is like watching an idiot, so that the air is very hurt.


In the next moment, the big white goose will fly out. There is no such thing as a shot for Lingfeng. Can you use the same character as the oriental Yingyu?

It is only the spirit of the emperor!


It knows the power of Ling Feng, this character is not like a king at all.

"Ling Feng, the times are different. Today I will let you know that I will offend my death list!"

The Luoyi road is flying, the gas field is strong and strong, like the air current in the Bohai Sea, circling and emptying, so that the square is eclipsed.

Three spaces are juxtaposed.

One is like a cold light, one is like a flame, and the other is a space bursting.

Triple space!

Triple road!

She is the Taoist!

The eyes of the death gods are even more insane, looking directly at Loy, like the whole person has to sink into it, while other power figures have taken a chill, they did not expect to come to be a Taoist.

"Come on!"

Ling Feng was completely afraid, and his face was filled with smirk. If he had no such confidence before, he would not be so jealous after going to the East Yingyu.

But the Taoist!


Luo Yi opened, the power is like a raging river, and the rules of the triple space are heavily pressed against Ling Feng.

Tianwei is turbulent!


Stepping into the Tao Emperor, the power of Loy is not the well water, but the sea water, and will never dry up. This is the terrible place of the Tao.


After the three-space rule was crushed down, Ling Feng did not move, letting the rules of space fall on him. The magic road was unfolding at this time, bursting out a daunting force and restraining the rules of triple space.

Since the evolution of the magic road, the sky road and the anti-airway completely restrained other space rules.

Dongfang Yingyu has been restrained, let alone Luoyi.


The three-space rule screamed and disappeared in an instant, posing no threat to Ling Feng.

He is still volleyed and stands proud of the sky.

"Is this the Taoist?" Ling Feng said with a sneer. "If you only have this strength, I advise you to go home early to have a baby."

"court death!"

Luo Yi’s face sank, and a killing intention came out of her heart. The female emperor like her was the most hated child.

She is the heavenly emperor, why did she want to give others, milk children?


The female Emperor Loy was finally angry. The killing was like the submersion of the sea, and the strength of her body roared at this time. The rules of the triple space were undergoing qualitative changes, the color was deepened, and Luo Yi’s hand also had a sickle.

Death Scythe!

This is the unique weapon of the gods of the Death List, and it is their symbol.

Loy is the elite created by the roster of death, which is equivalent to the inheritance of death. The death sickle is completely different in her hands and in the hands of other characters.


The sickle is going to the world.

The female emperor was angry and her bones were like mountains.

Luo Yi took the death slasher and smashed it out, banned from the wind, the balance between speed and strength, let Luo Yi burst into an unparalleled Tianwei.


The void blew on the spot and collapsed from the middle.

Luo Yi is not the Oriental Ying Yu in the end. She has always believed that she is invincible. She has never put Ling Feng in her eyes, so she did not use her full strength.


Ling Feng also pointed to the knife, directly on the death of the sickle, and its fierce battle, at the same time, the intensive development of the cents, not weaker than Luo Yi, the two characters directly hit the Scorpio.

The double-knife blew and the force blew up.

The void is just dust!

Spirit is even more dusty!

In the confrontation of the Daoist level, it is not bad for Lingdi to see clearly.

Empty and empty backwards, his face was heavy, he did not think that this time Ling Feng would encounter the Emperor, he wants to help, but this power is really terrible, even if he is a king, in front of such a person, is not enough to see.

"Is he going to be dangerous?"

Instinctively, he used the white geese as the home geese of Lingfeng, and he was worried that the ally of Lingfeng would fall here.

Although the big white goose is not satisfied with the empty attitude, but this time is still a serious response. "No!"


The void blew, the space annihilated on the spot, and the scorpions were scared that the spirits were flying wildly, and the fear was affected by the confrontation between the two characters.

"You are such a king, rare in the world!"

In the battlefield, Luo Yi opened his mouth and paid more and more attention to Ling Feng. He was able to compete with the strength of the king and her, and only Ling Feng was able to do it in the world.


When Ling Feng enters the king, it will kill, otherwise the magical power and the roster of death are both raising the tiger.

"You can be a Taoist like you, you can't find a second one in the world!" Ling Feng said with a cold mockery.

He is saying that Loy is too weak, even his king can't suppress it.

"Oh, it’s really crazy!"

Loyson said coldly.. "As it was at the beginning!"

"But the king is the king, and it is never possible to fly to the branches and change the emperor!" Loyy scorned Ling Feng. Does this goods really feel that this is her strength?

next moment.

She flew out of the battlefield, did not play a life-and-death confrontation with Ling Feng, and the power of her body finally became different. The rules of the triple space were “melting”, the first heavy space flew to the second space, and then flew to the third space. .

It is like the tree's annual ring!

"What is the Taoist?"

Luo Yi cold to the sky, proud of the sky. (

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