Supreme Demon

Chapter 2570: 诛 诛 祖!

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Devil ancestors!

Since the Lingfeng, the ancestors are the second person who dares to be enemies with the entire starry sky.

An endless gate has killed dozens of Tianzun. In front of the Devils, there is nothing in the history of Ling Feng. This is the real monk.

of course.

If the ancestor is placed in the position of Lingfeng, he can't really do the same level of Lingfeng, the level is different, the damage is naturally different. If Lingfeng is in the position of the ancestors, I am afraid that the characters present will not want to live. go away.

Not a question of strength.

It is an IQ problem.


The great powers of the heavenly lords are furious, and the killing of their hearts is like a swell of the sea. They look directly at the ancestors and have their raw hearts. But dozens of heavenly lords are so desperate to be born. These people don't know how many years it will take.

Like Wen Yuan is a character thousands of years ago!

Oriental rhyme is more ancient!

Even in the Xiangu period, I asked Tianzun to need a thousand years, and I need more time in the world. I asked the fastest one to be Lingfeng, but I only asked the Emperor Wu to spend two hundred years.

Not to mention other power figures.

There are no tens of thousands of heavenly stars in the star space.

The ancestors used the endless strange door to push the starry sky back thousands of years ago. How can such blood debts not let the major forces suffer?

"You are going to die!"

The three great people of Xianting are angry with each other. Although they have a lot of resources, they can compare with the three heavenly masters. It is really pitiful.


This is still a fake temple!

"Devil ancestor, you are too despicable, do not dare to face the decision, will you use the means of this three abuses?" An old man in Hongtian Tiandao flew, staring at the ancestors. "Today, I represent the whole floodplain with you, It’s not that you die, it’s me who died!”

"Devil ancestors, you are pushing the magical forces into the dead!"

The big men of the immortal road are full of cold, they are not too small, and they are destined to be two gods.

They guessed that the ancestors entered the Xiangu Xinghai hundreds of years ago. These centuries of progress should be quite large, and there is the possibility of asking the sky, but even if it is the strength of the step, it is still not enough to look at the entire starry sky.

The endless singularity of the door is abandoned, and the magical power is naturally pushed to the people.

For the power of the magic, all major forces will not be merciful.

call out!

At this time, the two bloods of the blood and the moon were killed in the hidden space. When several characters were seriously injured, the sword opened the void and squatted on the heads of the two characters.


The sorrowful sorrow sounded the people’s killing.

They are fighting against the sorcerer, but the magic figure has already given them a black hand. Are they still waiting?


"Make them up!"

Xianting, Hongyao Tiandao, Dianxiandao, Yaozu, etc. all angered and fell into the sky, killing the three magic demon statues.

Although, several major forces Tianzun was seriously injured by the endless singularity, but the twenty-something Tianzun pressed together, still let the three devils are quite strenuous, and even more worried about them is that the demon several devils are eyeing.

"Magic Lord?"

The ancestors looked cold in the distance. When the endless singularity broke out, the lord flew away and didn't want to touch it until the endless singularly dark.

"A killing, very good!"

The devil is light and laughs, the face is full of smog and can't see the true face, but the tone of the temperament can only be the devil.

"Is this complimenting?"

The eyes of the ancestors are very cold, and they are quite jealous of the Lord of the Lord. What is more taboo is the characters and forces behind the Lord.

"You can think so!" The Lord responded indifferently.

"I spent all my blood and arranged everything, but I didn't expect it to be seen by you. There were loopholes in the endless strange door, let them survive." The magic ancestor measured the laughter.. "But you could have stopped it, It’s really amazing to sit and watch the endlessly singularly ignited.


People do have some gratitude to the Lord, if it is not for him, I am afraid that they are now more miserable.


When the ancestors revealed the problems, their faces were gloomy. The real devils were actually demons, and they were still cannon fodder.


It is not them who save the Lord, but themselves and the Mozu.

Really let the endless doors ignite, they will all die here, by then only the devil and a few devils can suppress the ancestors?

Xian Gu Xinghai!

For hundreds of years of tempering, a pig has to go to heaven.

The devil is actually flustered.

He not only has to use the ancestors of the ancestors to remove dozens of Tianzun, but also to use the Starry Sky to remove the ancestors, which is quite sinister.

of course.

They do not hate the devil, the devil is the devil, they are human, everyone has different positions, and if there is an opportunity, they will also kill the devil.

"It's still a little worse!" said the Lord.



The devil pointed at the ancestor and said with a blank expression. "The devil is trying to build you, but you still bite us. You said you shouldn't die?"

"Oh, you are trying to build me, but I want to use me, I am just a knife in your hands!"

The ancestors said coldly. "I have performed a lot of tasks in the Mozu? Now I don't want to be controlled by you!"


The ancestors used to be the minions in the hands of the Mozu. Because they were controlled by the Mozu, they were able to use the quest to get out of the Mozu control and create their own forces in the sky.

It was only became a ancestor because it brought together the magical figures of the sand in the sky.

"So you smashed the Mozu?"

The voice of the Lord is colder. At the beginning, the Mozu was controlled by the Mozu, and many of the Mozu characters were annihilated in the mission. Not only did the mission abort, but the loss of the Mozu was not small.

This makes the Mozu angry and wants to get rid of the ancestors.

However, the ancestors fled to the stars, and it was not so easy for the Mozu to get rid of the ancestors.


The demon ancestor used the magical power to directly ask the deity, which made the Mozu character even more difficult. Until now, the devil only found the opportunity.

"so what?"

Mozu said with a sneer. "They want to get rid of me, but they just didn't succeed!"

The winner is the ancestors.

"That would be a good idea for those who are dying today!"

The magic master is cold and the magic is sharp.

At the same time, other demons of the Mozu also appeared around the ancestors, and they must start with the ancestors.

"I'm afraid you don't have this ability!"

The ancestors are full of madness and self-confidence. In the centuries of the ancient sacred seas, the ancestors have long been different, even if there is no endless singularity, what is the rareness of a ten-day celestial being?


The Lord of the Lord has no nonsense, and directly speaks to let the five devils of the Mozu kill the Devil.

For a time.

The whole sky was exploding, and Wei Li ran out of the air from time to time. He shouted and cut the space. The horrible picture made many people frown.


The five devils are still not enough, or that the demon ancestors are really terrible, and they even force the five devils.

"Do you still have to watch it?"

"Know, if I wait for the commandment, you will die!"

The demon Lord looked at the heavenly lords in the Lord's Temple. At this moment, the ancestors were really jealous. The five devils couldn't hold back, and they lost. If the five devils couldn't hold on, the presence of the heavenly lord would have to fall. Blood mold.

The gods and the demons are hesitating and recovering.

They only experienced a **** battle, almost killed, now it is a matter of the Mozu, they do not need to help, but as the Lord said, if the Devils win, then they will be tragedy.

The shot is to be shot.

But don't worry about it.

Just as the Lord of the Lord had dealt with them, they also wanted to wait until the death of the five devils of the Mozu, and the serious injuries of the serious injuries, so that they have the value of the shot.


The big explosion of the void, the radiation is thousands of miles.

The whole world was hit by a black hole, and the ancestors held a knives with a knives, which could open the void and belong to the category of bans. It was no less than the open axe, and really surprised the five devils of the Mozu.

Not much time.

A demon respects the wound and flies out of the battlefield.

After a while.

The second Devil's semi-biased body was scrapped and further withdrawn from the battlefield.

After the third Mozun exited the battlefield, people's faces finally changed. The strength of the Devil's ancestors could be compared with the burning of the gods. Further, it is necessary to ask, and it is really not to be underestimated.

If they hesitate for a moment, and wait until the five devils are all seriously injured and dying, then they will endure the Tianwei of the Devil.

By then.

The price they pay is getting bigger.


A big man in Xianting couldn't sit still. Although the injury has not recovered, it is still possible for the people to join forces and suppress the Devil.


Tian Zun, who was in the wild, flew out and hit the magic ancestors.


More than a dozen Tianzun flies to suppress the ancestors together. After all, the ancestors got the resources of the Xiangu Xinghai. If they can suppress them, the Xiangu resources that can be divided will be an astronomical number.

"Do you still have to wait?"

A character of Xianting looked at the power of death list, the empty road, and the Guanghan Palace. They were so wounded that they might not be able to suppress the ancestors. But if the big characters such as the empty road at the height of the prime time, the situation would be completely different.

to be frank.

The characters such as the Void Road and the Guanghan Palace are hesitant, and the character of the Lord has never been used, making them quite taboo.

"We are dead, you don't want to live!"

The devils said coldly.

"Get started!"

Finally, the big man in the empty road can't help it. It is necessary to kill the ancestors first. This magical figure is really too dangerous.


They firmly believe that with the strength of the empty road and the grand palace, the Mozu wants to move them to seek death, and they don't do it. When they divide the resources, they don't have their share.

After weighing the pros and cons, they decided to start.

The roster of death is more direct. After hitting it, the magical forces actually want to get rid of them. The alliance suddenly collapses. They are quite uncomfortable with the magical forces. At this time, they naturally do not want the ancestors to live.


The three magical demons can't be underestimated, the lightning flies out, and they are on the opposite forces, using life to cover the attack.

"This body is still too weak!"

The ancestors coughed up blood, were blown out, and their faces were gray, and the body injuries did not fully recover.

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