Supreme Demon

Chapter 2573: One person, one goose, picks up the audience!

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This Buddha's future Buddha is quite weak. He can walk the Emperor before the age of five hundred, and he can't find a few people in the entire starry sky. Therefore, the strength cannot be underestimated.

In Buddhism.

He is the real king, has he ever been questioned?

Why have you ever been run on?

Even if it is empty, the character who will become the Buddha of the future has been pushed down by his students. He is also highly valued by many high-ranking characters. When the empty master died, he was in the clouds of Buddhism, and no one dared to confront him.

as if.

He is the center of the entire starry sky.

He is the king of the whole world!


Just today, some people dare to despise his authority. They are even more indifferent to Buddhism’s grace, and they are not allowed to stay empty.

This makes the space quite uncomfortable!

His eyebrows were fierce, and he looked directly at Lingfeng. The emperor's gas field suddenly came out, and the momentum was shocked. The kings around him frowned and couldn't help but fly. They didn't want to be suppressed by this gas field, and they were still in the Buddhist temple. It is easy to puncture their minds, which is not good for the monastic practice.

Empty, big white goose face change, ugly.

The emperor's gas field was as high as the mountains, and it was difficult to breathe. The rules of space were affected, which made them feel very angry.

The difference is that the big white goose is only suppressed by the Tao emperor, but the empty space is more grief in the heart.

He worked hard for eight years, but he was still too weak in front of this character.

He is a tragedy.

At this moment, his heart gave birth to a self-satisfaction. What is the meaning of such a life and living?

“Is this the Buddhism Dojo?”

At this time, Ling Feng opened, with a faint sneer on his face, he said. "The gas field is unfolding, which can affect people's minds. It is indeed a rather weak field."

The sound is light, but there is endless power, like a thunder bang in the hollow hollow, let it come back on the spot, full of gray.


He was previously influenced by the Buddhism dojo, his mentality was out of balance, and he almost fell into an empty situation.

to be frank.

If it wasn’t for the sound of Ling Feng to collapse the Buddhism Dojo and completely separate its gas field, I’m afraid he would really squander himself. This is not an empty intention, but the grief and self-disappointment in his heart.


I was a little surprised and a little surprised.

The Bumen Daochang is different from the gas field, but it is a heavenly power. It integrates the gas field Tianwei into Tiangong, letting it break out the power that confuses people's minds. Don't say empty, big white goose, that is, the top kings will be affected.

You must know that this heavenly work has come out and has taken away the lives of many people.

Ling Feng is not obvious, the air is not clear about its strength, at least he did not see through, but he did not care, can appear in the Xiangu Xinghai, more or less have a ban on the body, can deceive the heavenly consciousness is not how much A horrible thing.


What surprised him was that Ling Feng was not affected, his eyes were empty, there was no confusion, but he was always laughing, and he was better than he laughed.

Moreover, Ling Feng can directly see through the Fodao Dojo and bluntly.

"You didn't enter my way?"

The empty frown asks, there are not many people in the world who can be affected by the influence of the Buddhism dojo, at least the top kings and the Tao.

"Sorry, let you down!"

Ling Feng said with a smile, he really did not take the Buddhism Dojo as a matter of course, the district dojo only, really want to explode, his gas field will kill the people.

"If you want to go back to Buddhism, you may wish to open a suitable condition."

The empty and calm mouth said that he did not want to stalemate with the wind.

"A thousand pieces of virtual copper!"

"I said it is appropriate!"

"This is my right!"

"The whole fairy **** star is afraid of not so much?"

"This is your problem!"

The two characters competed against each other and looked cold to each other, while the people around them were in a daze. This is where the monks came from. Zhangkou is a thousand pieces of virtual copper. Can you tell the Buddha, is the Xiangu Xinghai able to find it?

Want to get a thousand pieces of virtual copper, unless you return to Xiangu.

"How about the three thousand pieces of immortal gold?" The empty space was indulged for a moment, and it was a very suitable price in mind.

Ling Feng is laughing.


He is too idiotic to laugh.

"One thousand stars, this is my bottom line!"

To be honest, if there are too many people present, he wants to keep the image of Buddhism. At this time, Ling Feng’s smog has long since disappeared.


What if Ling Feng gets a thousand stars? Find a place where no one is, they will come back as much.

Ling Feng is still laughing.

"Do you disagree?" The air was laughed at by Ling Feng. How was the look like an idiot?

"Do you think he is worth a thousand pieces of virtual copper?" Ling Feng pointed out empty.

"not worth!"

The empty and elegant said that the biggest role of air is to die, he is just seeking peace of mind, and now the air is not qualified to threaten him.

No strength.

No background!

However, after all, empty space is the "future Buddha", and he still attaches great importance to this.

"But I think he is worth it!"

Ling Feng said: "I feel that one day, he can earn a thousand pieces of virtual copper and hand it to me!"

The empty road suddenly became a cold. At this moment, if he still doesn't understand the meaning of Ling Feng, it is really an idiot.

Ling Feng is going to take the lead in the air, paying attention to the air, and feel that the future of the air can lay a vast territory.

Ling Feng wants not a thousand pieces of virtual copper, but an empty figure.

"I am afraid that your wish will be lost." With an empty sigh, he has tried his best, but some people have no face to face.

Some people are always guilty!

"I believe my eyes!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

At this time.

The emptiness is not in words, talking to this madness, he feels that he is about to become a madman.

He took a step back and it was this step, but the meaning was completely different.

This is a signal.

Sure enough, when he stepped back, the two Buddhist monks and sorghums came out, indifferent to the wind, and went straight to the air, and the strength of the spirit level was eye-catching.


They have to be detained empty.

"I don't want to go back to Buddhism, no one wants to take me back!"

The empty airway was cold and cold, and the sorghum was cold.

"I am afraid that you are not allowed!"

After that, the two high-flying lightnings were shot to the air, and two Wei Li appeared from the left and right, and sealed the empty retreat.


A loud noise, not flying out, but the two Buddhas stilts, and the empty space just raised their hands and took two palms in the same way.

The momentum is bursting and rolling over thousands of roads.

At this moment, the strength of the air is full, he is the Lord of Buddha.

"The eight-year-old Buddha, very good!"

The empty road became cloudy, and the growth of the air was really fast. Exceeding his prediction, following this momentum, he could really threaten him.

"Empty, you are a Buddhist disciple, you should go back to filial piety with us!"

It is also the two Buddhist figures who walked out from the air and pressed directly into the air. They bite the "filial piety" and do not let go. At least the face of Buddhism needs to be maintained.

"Come on!"

The empty airway said blushingly that he was forced to go to the end of the mountain, but now he is not alone.

"as you wish!"

The two Buddhas directly hit the air, the strength is quite terrible, making the air look very difficult.

after all.

The air was just asked, and it was really bad for the two Buddhas.

Ling Feng looked at the battlefield, his eyes were light and rainy, and the empty space was not enough in the realm of the Lord Buddha. However, he was still able to withstand the two Buddhas. It was quite good, but at the moment it was really stretched and was being forced by the two Buddhas. The festival is retreating.

Ling Feng has no choice but to speak.


The big white goose flew directly. It used to see the Buddha's sorghum dissatisfied, especially the Buddha, but its strength is still not to be touched.


This does not mean that it does not dare to black out the other characters of Buddhism, at least the Buddha is not considered.

Never take a nap!

Especially the swan born of the gods!

"Where are the poultry?"


The big white geese fry the pot on the spot, saying, "Your father, I am a swan, juxtaposed with the sky, your dad will kill you and raise it in the backyard as a poultry!"

The two roads fly out, with all the storms.

The space is blasting, while the dark knife is in a hidden space to kill.

It is a spirit-level figure, but the strength of the big white goose is not weaker than a king. This is why Ling Feng reassured it.


A dark space flew out, carrying an endless dark knife, directly squatting on the body of a Buddha, letting him spurt blood on the spot, all the internal organs cracked open, and suddenly he was seriously injured.


The air was exploding, and the relics shot the endless light rain, hitting the seriously wounded Buddha, letting it fly three hundred feet, a blood hole appeared in the chest, blood rushed out, and could not climb for a short time. .

This makes people eclipse.

What is eclipsed is not the empty relic, but the big white goose.

It is not only the best swan, but also an extraordinary swan, which can hurt the Buddha. But the most powerful place for the white geese is the dark space, which contains a handle with a dark knife. Once exposed, it is easy. Being restrained, it is almost impossible to hurt the Buddha.

This is the role of surprise attacks.

If you miss a move, there will be no effect in the back.


It was this surprise that caused the Buddha to lose a Buddha, while the other Buddha was being smashed by the white geese and the air, and the situation was unfavorable.

"It's really not weak, but is it not enough?"

There was a faint smile, but the smile was freezing, but the voice was releasing the killing.

"Injury my Buddhist figure, die!"

In the next moment, many of the Emperor and the two Buddhas swooped over and let the big white goose vacate the blood.

Buddhism wants to face.

The future Buddha has to face more.

Moreover, Buddhism has never been bullied to this extent, they naturally want to roast the big white goose, oysters empty.


Big white goose, empty space is more terrible than they think, the relics burst, and an ancient sword appeared on the top of the big white goose. It was covered by light rain and could not see the true meaning, but it stirred up extraordinary momentum and crushed thousands of roads. The heart is moving, the blood is boiling, if it wasn’t for Ling Feng’s previous emphasis, the big white goose will sacrifice the old copper sword at the moment.

The next moment, one person and one goose overturned the audience.

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