Supreme Demon

Chapter 2595: The wall is sealed!

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Inside the goose nest.

The double devil is in a critical situation.

The ancestors were forced into a dead end. If they could not immediately disintegrate the situation, then he would not have a way to live. The stars in the stars must die in the end until the ancestors killed themselves. and

What about Ling Feng?

He was very wounded and his face was pale. His blood was pouring out along the corner of his mouth. What's more important is that the two devils are pressing down strongly. They must be suppressed. If Lingfeng is a god, they must be seriously injured and dying.


The ancestor is very anxious, wanting Ling Feng to use the prohibition, and then forcing more Tianzun and demon to press over, he can be more relaxed. to

In the anger, it is not considered, Tianmen is more important, and the anger is seriously injured. In the face of Tianzun, demon, etc., I am afraid that it will be a fate on the spot, and his role in studying Tianmen is even greater.

"Good!" Ling

The wind also played a real fire, and the two devils were too deceiving. "

If you want to die, then I will send you to die! ”


Ling Feng opened the spiriting beads, and a star-shaped spring flew out of it, and flashed in the void, and it fell into the mouth of Lingfeng.


It is like drinking water. can


When Xingquan flooded into Lingfeng, a violent force appeared like a mountain. Although the light rain was very dark, it still appeared.

That is a handle! Virtual

Empty forbidden!

Unlike the emptiness of the blade in Lingfeng Dantian, this emptiness of the forbidden blade appears gray and fuzzy, and there is no real manifestation, but it is the emptiness of the blade, but it directly pushes the power of Lingfeng to Tianzun.


This extraordinary realm of Yang Wei in the sky has finally come out.

The Tao Emperor was very close to Tianzun, and Xingquan accelerated the whole process, let Ling Feng take that step, no Tianwei appeared, only the power is endless. One

Step by step! this

Engraved, he is a demon!


The mouth of the ancestors is straight and the face is shining with light. What kind of talent is this? Looking at the ages, Xiangu can't find such a personal thing.

Xianli is terrible enough, and now it has come out of the world, and asks one step at a time! what

Can people compare with it? thing

In fact. each

The big powers were frowning and their faces were heavy. At the time of the fierce battle in Shenwuxing, the nightmare was branded in the heart. Lingfeng borrowed the world's cliffs and used the prohibition to directly kill a demon. that

What about the moment? "

Today, I want to kill the devil! ”

Ling Feng's magical eyes were filled, and its terrible Tianwei suddenly exploded. The light and rain smashed, and the two hollowed-out blades flew together and directly shot to a demon statue. day

Wei boiling, no less than the power of any heaven. and

And. in

Between the two handles of the emptiness of the forbidden blade, a natural law burst out, carrying endless magic, let that power go one step further.


The demon is full of horror, this Tianwei is that he may not be able to play, and this is the terrible power brought by the Taoist priests. It is conceivable that if Lingfeng really asks for success, then the world It is really too little and too little to be able to suppress his characters. this

engraved. he

Everything is empty, the magic space is like a tidal wave, and it appears on the top of the head. It is a constellation. One

The stars are dotted with endless light and rain, making this constellation look old and mysterious. that

The magic constellation hit the Lingfeng and met the two empty shields. boom

The loud noise.

The whole sky collapsed, and the emptiness of the emptiness of the blade fell on the magic constellation. The cockroach shot an endless stream of cockroaches, slowly swaying out, and the space collapsed. "

Humph! ”

The demon screamed and slammed back, staring blankly at himself, and was even scarred on his shoulders. Although small, there were terrible divine powers. It is necessary to completely cut off its flesh and blood.

When he goes backwards, he immediately uses the magic space to suppress, and the gods can be forced out, otherwise he will be affected, and even dying. Ling

The wind did not recede, the magic eyes were cold and more powerful. where

Fear is to face the demon statue, he is not inferior, the magic space was smashed by the emptiness of the blade, flying to both sides, did not hurt Ling Feng.

"Kill!" Ling

The wind lightning forward, the emptiness of the blade flew out from the dantian, and another blade fell.

Sting! Virtual

The air collapsed directly, and the phantoms were heavy. In this hit, Ling Feng used a more terrible Tianwei, and he would kill the demon.


The face of the demon statue is dignified. It is really a headache for people like Lingfeng. When the emperor can be beautiful, he will not make them so tricky. Now they use the world to make them sigh.

At this time, Ling Feng is completely a demon statue.

He played a constellation, carrying the magic of the sky, appeared on the sky, and then a large net flew down from the void, and when the constellation was integrated into the magic net, the whole sky changed color. only


That is the magic net that is imprisoned! only

because. that

It is the magic net that crushes Tianzun!

Within the magic net, it is the world of magic, who can escape? but


When the Void Shield carries a tremolo that screams, the constellation automatically disintegrates, and the magic net is swayed out by the terrible air. boom

The loud noise.

The demon lord flew back backwards, his footsteps were awkward, and the two emptiness of the forbidden blade actually smothered. Although the momentum was weak, he still forced him to face it. he

Raise your hand and shoot it directly, and punch it in the void. Boom


He punched another punch and hit another emptiness of the forbidden blade, which curbed the momentum of the Void. but

. on

When he felt that he was blocking the emptiness of the forbidden blade, there was a virtual shadow around him, suddenly falling down, hitting his body directly, letting him scream, directly flying back thirty miles, on the spot. Squirt a blood.

"Is this...the shadow is so powerful?"

The face of the demon face is ugly, and the vanishing blade has only two main blades. Who can say that there is no air blade? positive

It is this gas blade that hurts the demon statue. Although it is all small injuries, the small injury will cause a big disaster. The endless magic is infiltrating into his body and affecting his strength. "

get out! "he

Explosively, use the power to expel the magic.

"Don't entangle with him, kill as soon as possible!"

Another demon statue opened directly to the front, and urged another demon to press. In his opinion, Ling Feng was able to confront a demon statue, can he deal with two demon statues?


Ling Feng took out the Star Spring, Zhang used it orally, and the world was horrible, but the time was short. He wanted to maintain this level and needed to take Xingquan.

At this time he does not care about wasting. "

kill! "under

At one moment, Ling Feng killed the two demon statues. Tianwei was completely unfolded. He flew into the forbidden land of the magic road. He urged the emptiness to kill the former demon statue while concentrating on a guzheng with Xianli. Both hands fell on the guzheng. Ding


The brittle sound blasted like a thunder in the ground, horrifying the world. that

It is the prelude to the fairy! thorn

La! positive

The face of the demon who had been killed in the past suddenly changed, but it was still a slow step. The prelude of the immortal appeared beside him, and he even cut off his clothes, and his arm was hurt, and the flesh and blood were cut off. In the void, the smoke is gone.

Ling Feng, who stepped into the realm of Tianzun, used the prelude of the immortal, and his prestige was even more unpredictable. where

I am afraid that the devil must talk about the change.


The crisp sound is becoming fierce, from the prelude to the sigh of the fairy. "

Squeeze him together! "No.

The three devils quit the battlefield and hit the Lingfeng. This character is really too tricky. For the Mozu, Lingfeng is more jealous than the Devil.

"唉..." imitation

Some people are sighing, and when people find out that they don’t know when, there is a white fairy in the void, her face is covered with fairy light, she can’t see clearly, she can, but the sigh is spit out from her mouth. . true

Fairy! actually

It really came out! not

Undoubtedly. step

After entering the Tianzun level of Ling Feng, after playing the sigh of the fairy, you can really summon the true fairy, but people are not concerned about this problem, but that sound... sigh. boom

Rumble... nine

The sky collapsed and the sorrows screamed.

Just a sigh, let the first demon spurt the blood, directly flew back, flesh and blood blasted, hurt Dantian, that is, the magic space and the law in front of the sigh of sigh are just chickens and dogs.


The third flying magic demon defensive in time, holding the ancient shield, against the sigh of the fairy, broke out infinite power, but his face also became gray.

"Kill him, this person can't stay!" No

To say that the demon statue is that the demon statue and the heavenly deity are discolored, the sigh of the fairy is really terrible. If it really grows up, who can suppress it? Who

Don't bow? magic

The ancestors are very strong, but they have been tempered for hundreds of years and the Heavenly Palace. If the Heavenly Palace is taken, the Devils will be killed in front of them, but the Lingfeng is different. The Prelude of the Immortals and the Sigh of the Immortals have already been integrated into his blood. As long as he wants to play at any time, who can pick it up? he

Now it is only by means of the world's best, it is not the real demon statue. People like Ling Feng, once asked for success, will be ten times more terrible than this moment.

They have been working hard for thousands of years, not just asking them. you

Said that they are not chilly? Two

The demon statue flew out, and the three demon statues together suppressed Ling Feng, and the pressure on the face of the ancestors suddenly decreased, and his face suddenly looked good. He was deeply fortunate to be in alliance with Ling Feng, and at the same time deeply envious. This

Why did the talents not appear on him?

The sigh of the fairy, it is crazy to think about it. "

Waiting back to the stars, and then find a way to win! "The ancestors said in the heart."

then. he

Strongly hit the Heavenly Palace, banned from the previous poisonous demon, fulfilling his promise, to kill it.

Retreat! This

It is the choice of the demon, he does not want to die here, there is no way to live alone on the magic ancestors, and this is the moment when the ancestors and so on, he directly bombed this "gap", and the gods created The good situation is completely broken at this moment. "

Damn, he is scaring you! ”

The oriental rhythm of the straight jump, the ancestors are now the end of the strong, can really kill a demon statue?

Moreover, they are watching at the side, unless the ancestors really want to fight themselves, otherwise there is no time to kill the demon, but because of the demon timid, missed the best time to kill the ancestors.

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