Supreme Demon

Chapter 2626: Tianjiao came out!

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The universe is turbulent.

The world is eye-catching.

Sixteen Supreme Forces, Buddhism, and Mohist Schools have top-notch appearances. Unlike the previous ones, the geniuses that came out at the moment are all Tianjiao. It is the heroes of the top 18 forces who have made every effort to create them. Everyone can On the one hand, the strength is beyond doubt.


The forces such as the Mozu, the Magic Power, and the Death List are also involved, and the top 18 forces are not allowed to be beautiful.

What is this picture?

There are only six Tianjiao in Xianting, four gods in the empty road, four in Yaochi, and the number of the top 18 powers is quite terrible. Moreover, there are several other forces that are not weaker than Xianting and Void. The number is over one hundred.

of course.

In this, the Guanghan Palace is mysterious. People don't know the specific number of Tianjiao, and only one jade and one rabbit are known.


In the past years, at least three Tianjiao were born in the Guanghan Palace.

For a time, Yu is boiling and people are eye-catching. This is a prosperous arrogance. The overall strength is stronger than that of the previous world. People are full of expectations and hope to be born in this world.

Such as Chutian level figures.

Such as Ling Qing, Ye Witch level of Tianjiao!


No one would expect them to do what Lingfeng did, and no one expected them to be the next.


People are more expecting that the era of Lingfeng will come early. It is a nightmare. Until now, the major forces have not come out of the nightmare.

"Zhou Ye, where are you?"

A fairy priest in Xianting bluntly said: "I am the third day of Xianting, arrogant, waiting for you to fight!"

"Zhou Ye, when it was strong, didn't you dare to be born at this time?"

The Tianjiao of the immortality immediately echoed, expressing disdain and contempt for Zhou Ye, threatening that as long as Zhou Ye dared to come out, he immediately did not know his mother.

"Week, can you dare to fight?"

The wilderness and the heavens are more direct, and the old ancestors are coming back. Their strengths are not the same. They have the capital of the world. At this time, they are even less afraid of the surrounding areas.

"I look forward to a fierce battle with Zhou Ye!"

Someone on the face of the Mozu is open, and the voice is calm, but no one will be underestimated by such a demon.

To know.

The Mozu only came out with a Tianjiao, the number is not many, but the Mozu does not need a quantity, and the demon can push the entire sky.

This is the Mozu!

It seems that the whole universe is shouting Zhou Ye, expecting him to come out, which makes those geniuses who would have expected Zhou Ye to turn the tide and suppress the major forces to be misfiring, can only suppress the audience by Zhou Ye alone?

Zhou Ye is not a Ling Feng!

He can't do it!

"What is the meaning of the heavens and the earth gods?" People frown and meditate, wondering what Zhou Ye really meant before the retreat.


They still don't understand.

In this wave, the major forces of the arrogant flies into the distance, each pushing a universe, and they are eyeing the top genius of the major constellations, as long as the famous are suppressed, causing people to resent.

"Do you know to find us?"

A genius said with a sigh of relief: "Use us to make a name, really no one in the sky to clean up you?"

"Despicable, we don't want to fight!"

Some geniuses are discouraged and appear to be very weak. They are really not enough to watch in front of the top Tianjiao.

"Mountain village genius."

One of Xian Ting’s characters is quite cold, and he did not put these geniuses in his eyes. “The true genius will only come from the top forces!”

This is where people are powerless.

Resources, Tiangong, etc. are not as good as the top forces. Even if they are not weak, how can they compete with the top Tianjiao?


They are also very eager, eager to have individuals able to turn the tide, to suppress the heavens and the roads, to push the end of the world, let the top forces Tianjiao shut up.

"Reverse God?"

I don't know who shouted out, and the whole starry sky was noticed.

Hurry for decades.

At the beginning, the anti-God of the world was gray, and no top arrogance came out. A few years ago, they were despised and persecuted, but there was no genius to come out. This made people quite disappointed, but how did the forces of Xianting and Immortality put it? Have this opportunity?

Suppressing the gods, out of evil!

They want to destroy the nightmare of the heart.


"Can there be a message?"

A barren hill, a young man with deep eyes, like a cosmic starry sky.

"not yet!"

A young girl respectfully stood down and did not dare to look at the young man.

"No news?"

The young man's eyes became deeper, his fingers were faintly beaten, and he tapped on the other hand's hand. His whole person was quiet, as if he didn't ask the world.


The girl’s forehead, for a moment, said, “We guess there is another aspect.”


"We have not found those bans. On the one hand, these banters are only afraid of falling in the restricted area, and non-Tianren figures are not allowed to enter."

"What about the other side?"

"Those bans have not disappeared, and they are still where they should be."

The youth's eyes suddenly shine, like the flames of the glory, magnificent and picturesque.

"Try to find out the truth, I only need the truth." The youth said faintly. "We are born of him, more willing to die for him!"


The girl was obsessed with obscurity, and the love of the young man was not disguised, but the young man was light and light, as if he did not notice the burning eyes of the girl.

"Do we really want to find it out?"

Half awkward.

The girl asked slowly.

"Well? What do you want to say?"

The young man turned his eyes and there was a terrible light rain in the eyes of the gods. It was only that light rain that made the girl's body tremble.

"He is enchanted, if he finds..." The girl frowned, but still said.

"Into the magic?"

The young man was sneering and said: "Are you still skeptical until now? But we have never doubted it."

Young people look down on each other.

The eyes are full of light and rain.

"He paid, we all know!"

"The blood that he has flowed, we all know!"

"The flowers are full of flowers, and we are waiting for him to go home!"


The young man is walking towards the distance, completely ignoring the girl who is missing.

"You... want to come out?"

The girl looked at the direction of the young man, and was astonished, as if the young man was born, it was quite amazing.

"What a surprise thing?"

The young man stopped, his face was full of laughter, looking into the distance, burning flames in his eyes.


The girl said with a smile. "There is a lot of fun in Yune, I think it is enough to let them come out."

"not enough!"

The young man said coldly. "I want him to know, let the cosmic forces know that there is a kind of power called horizontal push!"


The youth strode away, and on this day, several geniuses flew directly out of this colorful land and appeared in the stars.

"He wants to push it!"

A young man said with a smile.

"That will push!"

A girl with a burgundy fringe smiled and said: "If we let him down, then he really has to come out!"

"Ah, he came out, then we still have a fart!"

Several other people said quite uncomfortably. "Isn't that dozens of dregs? It's pressed!"

"But what exactly is he doing?"

The girl in the fringed suit asked with a smile.


Several other figures are frowning. I don’t know why girls want to ask this question. Isn’t it necessary to push dozens of earth **** in the sky?

"Why didn't that person come back?" the girl asked.


"He wants to let that person see it, let him know."

The girl said something crazy. "The man made us proud and crazy, but we also did not let him down. At this moment, we have to take the attitude, raise the butcher knife, let the starry shut up, and welcome him back home in the prosperous world!"

"He is waiting to see!"

"He wants to see if we are strong enough!"

"He wants to know if we have let him down!"

In an instant.

The scene that was still in the lively scene suddenly became cold, and the eyes of a character were all red. For many years, the man was wandering in Yu, and his thin body was set off for a day.

He is sheltering from the wind!

How much blood did he give, how much tears did he flow?

He is also killed in the persecution of the endless heaven!

It is because he is walking in the wind and rain, because he is a towering tree, they have time to temper, only to have time to be strong.

just now.

That person has done his best, then what about them?

He paid so much, how did they let that person down?

If they don't have enough strength and no plump wings, how can he come back?

Is it full of sadness?

Still have to fight for life and death, to turn the tide?

They waited for decades, but they didn't want to wait for it. At the moment they wanted to see it, and he paid everything worth it!

He paid, they understand!

The warfare is like a flame burning, several characters are burning, more moist, the forces are crouching, but they do not have such resistance.


They want to let that person know, let the power know that they are already murderous!


Several characters flew directly to the front, there was no chanting, no more words, but no one in any force wanted to suppress the artifacts in their hands and the war in their hearts.

"Zhou Ye is retreating, but we are here!"

"We are from the same door, come to fight!"

On the same day, a voice sounded, a character flew directly into the sky, like a nine-day god, dispelling the gloom of the sky.

In an instant.

The noisy Yu Nei suddenly calmed down, and people looked at the distance with some surprise and expectation, and the eyes fell on that person.

"The gods of heaven and earth are in the four gods!"

He said faintly, but each word is like a sharp knife, to open the universe.

The gods of heaven and earth are in a desolate situation!

The gods of heaven and earth are in the ranks of the four gods!

At this time, he is using a powerful voice, straightforward and simple to tell people the true meaning of the words "the **** of heaven and earth".

This is not a force, not a single person.


The ranks of the world's top geniuses belong to their ranks, eight wild and four gods.

The last place of the Eight Wastes is Zhou Ye, and the last of the Four Gods is Fang Yu! (

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