Supreme Demon

Chapter 2663: Still remember me?

Scorpio shudder!

God magic bowed!

A person came from the sky, carrying the weather, he was not fast, but only the rhythm made the magic hand burst out of cold sweat, I don't know why he was trembled.

as if.

It is a terrible devil that will be born.

A moment of hard work, the long image is like Jiusheng IX, Ye Kong is burning, full of madness, against the gods, do you know?

He is back!

Hunting neurotic laughs, even if it is dead at the moment, the man is not dead, he is now going to fight against the gods, revenge for those who died!

Who would have forgotten that the man had a knife and a knife in the sky above the gods!

That is to rebel against the gods!

Who would forget that he went out to die and blocked a knife for the reverse?

Because of this.

He was able to make the gods go crazy and let the gods go crazy. All they did was to wait for him to come back.

At the moment, he is coming!

at last.

At the end of the scorpion, shining with light rain, a black robe appeared, he carried his hands, stepped forward, could not see the face, his head covered with a cloak, the breath was not obvious, but enough to make people shudder.

Throughout the process, the demon did not have the courage to get rid of the **** of hunting, it was a strong intuition.

The old Taoist, Wen Xizhu frown, do not know who is in the end, can actually lead to such storms.


When the footsteps fall, the heavens and the earth naturally glow, and the arches are behind them, making them even more extraordinary.

"The person you are looking for is me!"

A clear voice blew in the void, calm and no waves, and could not hear who was the voice.

"I will ask how?"

"who are you?"

The Taoist depressed the inner wit and asked in a cold voice. "The head is exposed, dare not reveal the truth!"

"Do you want to see?" The voice sounded.


The Taoist sneer, said: "Is it really a personal thing? Even if the Taoist star is born, it will be useless!"

"Do you want to see?" the voice then asked.

"Are you a beautiful woman or a handsome guy?" The Taoist swears. "The deity is disdainful!"

"So, you still don't want to see it." The voice said with some disappointment.

"Three devils, a demon, want to come to the Taoist hole in the magic hole to bury the demon in the world?"

"who are you?"

The Tao of the Devil, the three devils are fighting in the space at this moment, the extremely hidden, that is, the two stars of the Tao Xing did not know beforehand, let alone the character in front of him.

"Look, you still want to see."

"Uncover the cloak!"

"Well, after fifty years, I am really afraid that you can't remember me."

The voice smiled and confronted the Taoist man. He said, "In the beginning, I met the Tao, and I met again today. Maybe this is fate!"


He took off his cloak and presented his true face to everyone.

Handsome and aggressive!

Every line is so beautiful, but full of power, the outline is a magnificent mountain river map.

The coolness of his smile!

He is so heroic!

He stood in the air and stood proud of the sky!

It is this moment!

He is coming back alive!

The old Taoist priests and the literary cherries lived in the house. Why didn’t they think that it was Ling Feng in front of them, and the morbid state was full of people who were recovering from the holy country of Yingdu!

The leaves and eyes are still so moist, and the hunting **** is crying.

Although the truth has been known before, it is one thing to know, and when Ling Feng really appears, it is another matter.

It was amazement and moving!

"Do you remember me?" Ling Feng smiled and looked at the demon.


The whole body of the Tao is frozen, his eyes are straight, his mouth is twisted, and the whole person is shrouded in a nightmare. Even if the time has passed for decades, the record of Ling Feng is still resounding.

Although Ye Kong is the first **** in the world, Ling Feng is the star of the sky!

There is no second person!

A few decades ago, Ling Feng in the fairy star of the sea, the Taoist demon, the town of the emperor, even killed a few Tianzun, demon statue, that is, the demon seeing this character is only afraid to tremble, let alone him.

For decades, they all felt that Ling Feng was dead, the smoke was gone, and the nightmare was lifted.


He did not think that this nightmare was resurrected, and he appeared in front of him, and he looked directly at him.

You said that the fried hair does not fry?

", how are you still alive?" asked the demon shudder, completely alive and sullen, which is more terrible than a scam.

To know.

Ling Feng is like a dog!

"Yeah, why am I still alive?" Ling Feng asked himself, Shen Qiang smiled for a moment. "Maybe this is fate!"


If the opposite person is a Ling Feng, the Taoist devil must swear, and you will not see you.

"For fifty years, I thought you couldn't remember me."

Ling Feng smiled and said, "You just broke into my life like this. Do you say this is a fate?"

Is it fate?

The Tao Mo feels that he is going to cry. If you know that you are here, you must come at least dozens of demon statues, and the devil mainly comes in person, otherwise who dares to face this demon king?


The Taoist demon, seriously looked at Ling Feng, asked for a long while. "You have no magic?"


"Your way has disappeared?" The demon forced himself to calm down, not because of the nonsense of Ling Feng, or because of this character.

He wants to maintain the dignity of the Tao!

"I didn't expect you to see it!" Ling Feng sighed. "The knife was too poisonous."

"Let's die!"

The demon suddenly went crazy, and the magic mountain directly hit Lingfeng. The vast three-space rule burst together, carrying the horror of Tianwei, appearing above Lingfeng’s head.


The Magic Mountain suddenly stopped when it was three feet away from Lingfeng. The power was crazy and the power of the Tao was exhausted. The Magic Mountain did not go any further.

"You, your way has not dissipated?"

The demon horrified eyes wide open, Ling Feng is a demon, once there is no magic is a mortal, but things seem completely different from what he imagined.

"My magic has dissipated."

Ling Feng said with a light and elegant smile. "But just to get out of the magic road."

"You... you are crazy!"

The demon quickly scared the urine. At that moment, he figured it out. Ling Feng’s “death” was too special. He simply wanted to use the hands of the major forces to get rid of the magic road and return to the right path.

This Nima is too enchanting!

Moreover, he can feel that the wind that has returned to the right path has become even more terrible, and his best effort has been blocked by such an easy, which is absolutely terrible.


Until now, Lingfeng has not returned to the gods, and the entire starry sky has been kept in the dark. What is he going to do?

At this time, the demon was scared. Ling Feng did not go back, but wanted to plot greater interests, the entire starry sky, or the Mozu?

Is it really good for the devil to confront this dead metamorphosis?

next moment.

He directly stopped the hunting god's throat, said coldly. "Let me go!"

Wen Xizhu, the old priests only feel that they have been scared, and the demon can be beaten by the king hunting gods, and they are scared to be threatened by Ling Feng.

Are you scaring us?

"You want to go?" Ling Feng asked.


"That's it!"

Ling Feng faint smile, but the Tao can not laugh, just because he suddenly felt that he could not move, let him do his best, but still can not get out, as if the space around is not space, but the world's strongest The way.


At this moment, he really wants to die!

Death is a relief, but it can fall in the hands of the gods. That is why life is not as good as death.


Ye Kong laughed and flew, and directly smashed the Taoist sorcerer, full of excitement, this is the king of the king, did not see hands, a Taoist demon was so detained.

Completely no solution!

Completely invincible!

Remove the magic road, the king of the people becomes more powerful than ever, what is Tianzun?

When the world comes, no one wants to get rid of the king!

"The few devils are in

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where? Ling Feng looked at the **** of hunting.

"In the space, that direction!"

Hunting quickly got up and responded respectfully.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng’s forehead said, “Take it to you here!”

"People, please let me fight with you!" Hunting God asked, although the Lord is horrible, but facing the sky, they are still not at ease.

"You are very hurt, don't be stubborn."

Ling Feng said with a smile. "The three devils are nothing, don't worry!"


He disappeared in front of people, even if the hunting **** did not know how Ling Feng left, then the speed of the world is still across space and time?

next moment.

There was a big wave in the void, a horrible light rain broke through the sky, and then a demon screamed with sorrow and screamed in a short time.


The second demon respects the commandment, and the whole process takes place too much, as if there is a magic hand in the sky.

In fact.

It is the two gates of Daomen and Lingyange who are not clear about the state. They only see a black shadow flashing, and a demon statue is directly smashed, and the skull is smashed by life.


Things didn't end like this. When the shadow appeared for the third time, the third demon was directly killed.

Blood and rain are flying.

At the end of a road war, the three devils died, the tragedy of the Tao, the two demon corps died, the Daomen, Lingyange and so on felt inexplicable, especially the two Tianzun.

There is a terrible character in the dark.

But this is not important!

The important thing is that they won!


Their faces are not good-looking, just because the magic hole is still there, will the Mozu let the magic hole like this?

If the Mozu come back, the situation will be even more dangerous. Therefore, the two Tianzun flew out of the Taoist Star for the first time, tearing the magical Dodge Gate on the Scorpio and sending the news to the major forces. Unfortunately, at this time, the major influencers have no time to distract themselves. .

They have to deal with the rain in the east!

However, if the Mozu wants to make a comeback, the price paid will be much heavier. After the death of the Mozu figure, the two great gods will immediately start the magic hole. Only when they are dug up can they break the thoughts of the Mozu. .

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