Supreme Demon

Chapter 2667: Too bully the goose!

The whole scene was quiet.

People look to the big white goose, full of sympathy, especially the cherished bamboo and the old Taoist, they are too clear that the wind is strong at the moment, it is a spike.

However, the empty sky and the big white goose do not know.

They always felt that Lingfeng did not recover, and this time they hid in the Taoist star and did not dare to return to the Wuxing. When the big white goose flew out, the air was stunned and completely unbelievable.

This is going to be a demon.

“What is the situation?” said the big empty eyes.

You must know that in the 50 years of the rebellion, he and the great white goose have successively asked for success. They stepped into the level of the Taoist emperor and could not find many opponents in the entire starry sky. The general Tianzun may not be able to suppress them, let alone one. Point your finger to fly.

They asked themselves that even if Ling Feng recovered, it would not be easy to deal with them.


The problem is that it is so abnormal.

More shocked is the big white goose, it is still ecstasy at the moment, finally found the opportunity to burst the wind, but the smile on the face just spread, and he flew.

The fly is inexplicable!


It climbed out of the mountains, his face was unbelievable, and he quickly flew over and looked straight at Ling Feng. "Are you recovering?"


Ling Feng said with a smile.

"How about that, I don't believe it!"

The big white goose sneered, didn't care. Just because it didn't recover from the Lingfeng injury, it didn't use all the power. At this time, there was no previous concern.

"I am playing!"

The big white goose screamed and the power was like the tide, directly rushing to Lingfeng.

The goose's palm collapsed, and the galaxy was opened. The whole world was destroyed by the dust of this palm. The sky was full of sorrow and breath.

The fierce strength, smashing everything, just appeared in front of Ling Feng.


Faced with such a goose, Ling Feng just raised his hand and pointed out a finger.

A loud noise.

The big white goose flew again, crushing more than a dozen mountains, and the wolverine fell into the dust. It didn't get up for a long time, and it spurted in the big mouth, and his face was ugly.

In the case of full force, it was actually spiked!

Empty and dumbfounded, as the Emperor of the Tao, I can't even understand the power of Ling Feng, and the flash of the sly, arrogant.

The strength of the big white goose is very strong, but in front of Ling Feng, there is so much difference?

What has Ling Feng experienced in the past 50 years?

"I don't believe it, why is it the same as the Tao Emperor, the gap between us will be so big?" The big white goose does not give up, gnashing his teeth. "The deity is born to be a god, not you can be juxtaposed!"


It quickly hits Lingfeng, and the three spaces appear together, carrying a violent storm and slamming down. The sturdy Tianwei has forced the old Taoist to retreat, and the empty space is also heavy.


The big white goose was forced to go crazy, using the top power and the heavenly power, to suppress the wind here.

In the goose's palm, three sharp knives fly out, and each razor blade shines with endless light rain. When it falls, the 10,000 roads collapse, the heavens sink, and the faint laws are born.

Such Tianwei, the attack is very terrible, and more importantly, this force can also detain the wind.

Detaining and attacking at the same time are actually very deadly.


Ling Feng’s face was filled with a smile, saying, “It’s very good, it’s been a great improvement in the past 50 years!”

"Of course!"

The big white goose said something arrogantly. It always wanted to suppress the wind. It has been working hard over the years to prevent the wind from coming back. They have to face the worst situation.

"Unfortunately, it is not enough!"


Ling Feng pointed out a finger. In an instant, the whole time and space seemed to stop. Only the finger was trembled. In the violent violent, it carried down the thunderous force and fell down on the three-handed blade. On the palm of the goose.


The earthquake trembled, and the white geese were blasted out by the giant force on the spot. The body was smashing in the air, and the red blood poured out from its mouth.

It flew three hundred miles, spurting blood, and his face became gray.

"How can this be?"

The big white goose was completely shocked. It was a miracle that the injury could be recovered. But Ling Feng did not stagnate, but went further and took a step on the Tao, but it was quite shocking.

Fifty years ago, it was a rival to Lingfeng.

Fifty years later, still not!

Tai Te hurts the goose!


Big white goose eyes are red, I feel that I am being bullied, it is too bad.

"You have improved, I am more advanced!"

Ling Feng said bluntly: "The injury at the beginning really made me a headache, but there is something wrong with it. By the hands of those characters, I can get more things."

"It turns out!"

"I still have a hit!"

The big white goose said seriously: "This hit belongs to the top scorpio in my swan family, and it can kill the gods."

"Or, just forget it?" Ling Feng euphemistically said.


The big white goose sneered and said: "For so many years, I have never used it to others, just to keep it for you. Today you have to go on, and you don't have to go on!"

"You are forced!" Ling Feng grinned.

"Yes, I just want to force you, I want to kill you!" The white geese said excitedly, it felt that Lingfeng was jealous of the top Swan family!

"Actually, killing and killing is not my intention. I want to be pure!"


If the big white goose believes, it is a stupid goose.


A frenzy in the white geese turbulent, suddenly sprayed out, carrying an endless frenzy, appeared in front of the Lingfeng, the three spaces are blue, gold and pink, like blooming flowers, is in full bloom.

Flowers fall.


In the void, there seems to be endless pollen flying, that one pollen is a sharp weapon, sitting on the plate with a small white goose, quickly slamming down, stunned people feel scared.


The space collapsed on the spot, and the violent torrent flooded directly into the face of Ling Feng.

"Why?" Ling Feng sighed and said.

"Wandao space is in my hands, Lingfeng you are finished!" Dabaige said excitedly, the top scorpio is most afraid of being interrupted at the beginning, so there is no attack.


As long as it is completed, the nature is completely different, only because the pollen will spread into the air and be integrated into the space, so that the surrounding space completely listens to its command.

This is a battle with heaven!

In the face of such power, there are really not many characters who can survive. It must be said that the Swan family's Scorpio is indeed terrible.


Scorpio has completed the layout, and the white goose can control the heavenly space of a hundred miles. Even if the Tianzun character has to bow down at this time, it does not believe that Lingfeng can open such a scorpio.

"Why?" Ling Feng sighed and said.

"Crap, your goose brother wants to beat you!"

“Do you really want this?”

"Really like this!"

"Do you feel good?"



Ling Feng’s forehead, his expression was serious, he said. “I thought that after the arrogant bird was crying, no one had the courage to challenge me. Now I finally waited for you!”

next moment.

Lingfeng eyes fluttered, the whole person flew directly into the sky, and a violent power suddenly fell.

He pointed out two fingers.

Hey, hey!

Everything stops.

Ling Feng is still the Lingfeng. He is volleyed and there is no fluctuation. But the white geese are like a kind of lightning, flying to the distance. You can see the woods, the mountains and rivers collapse, and the surrounding space is dying at this moment.

The space that detained Ling Feng was disintegrated!

The power of the day was bowed at this moment!

The swan of the swan can’t be beaten like a fairy.

Just two fingers!

"Poor." The old Taoist priests shook his head without words. The big white goose is a good Taoist, but there is no need to challenge a terrible Tianzun?

Isn't this looking for death?

The Swan family is very powerful?

Wen Xizhu was shocked. She knew that Ling Feng was very powerful, but she did not think that Ling Feng was so powerful that the big white goose that Grandpa could not match was beaten into a dog bun at this moment.

What strength is this?

Is this the true face of the cosmic king?

Empty mouth opened his mouth, he did not dare to open, he was afraid that the big white goose ran over to play, this idiot, even Lingfeng is a level of people who did not figure out what to play?

When Ling Feng was in Taoist, he was able to press the big white goose, not to mention that he was Tianzun at this time.

Tragedy but big white goose!

"Tian Zun?"

The big white geese ran back for a long while, and it was ugly to look at the ugly face. "When you step into Tianzun, you don't say it early."

"You didn't ask." Ling Feng looked at his hands.


The big white goose felt a knife on the heart.

"Is it still playing?" Ling Feng asked with a smile. "Although I am Tianzun, but I did not despise what you mean, come on, I am ready."


The big white goose was already vomiting blood. Now the vomiting blood is more serious. It feels that the heart has been smashed.

"Come on, don't hesitate to be polite, even if you come attack!"

Ling Feng said seriously. "You let me follow me, I will never be vague!"


The heart of the big white goose was smashed by the third knife. At this time, when he thought of himself, the slightly expressive expression of the proud bird, finally everything understood.

Feelings, they have long known that this is the result.

"Why are you different from other gods?" asked the white goose.

"Every singer's character, the road will be different, not to mention that I have not used Xiangu resources, and it is naturally different because of my own tearing potential."

"When I step into Tianzun, come back to fight with you!" said the white goose.

"Well, I am waiting for you, no matter what state I entered at that time, I will fight you!"


Big white geese think that this day can't talk, this **** is too special to bully the goose.

However, one thing is certain.

Temporarily unable to do it, otherwise it is not a crackdown, but awkwardness, and the power of Lingfeng is too embarrassing, even if it is the heavenly space and the swan scorpio can not prevent it, this is not a general space law.

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