Supreme Demon

Chapter 2768: The Lord is resurrected!


It has long been a dazzling universe, and has experienced many **** battles. The void in the void is full of sly power.


The charm here is not scattered, and it is not exhausted. It is due to the scent of the Shenwu continent, which has become the godland in people's hearts.

It can be said.

As long as the gods are willing to open the Tianfu, I am afraid that the day will be smashed. People are willing to spend a lot of resources to pay tribute to this land and are willing to spend resources to polish themselves.


Instead of opening up Tianfu, the anti-God did not open up the battle all over the past few days. The atmosphere was tense and slightly swaying. I was afraid that I would attack the past immediately. At this time, the Mozu should be low-key.

This is the anti-God!

Although they are not as good as the ancient world, they are more aggressive and greater than the ancient world.

To know.

The anti-God has experienced the storms to this day. Their artifacts are covered with the blood of their opponents. The power that comes out of the slaughter is full of blood, and the ancient heaven is too detached, so there is no rebellion against the attack. It’s terrible.

This day.

Tianfu squandered endless light rain, sprinkled with empty space, and rushed to the distance, falling in front of people.

The two forces of space and time complement each other in Tianfu, and outline the beautiful picture. The whole Tianfu is illuminated by these two kinds of light rain, and the mysterious material is scattered and extremely dazzling.

Ling Feng has a pair of eyes, standing on the sky and overlooking the square.

Butterfly, hidden gods and so on, the original things are vivid, when they can only be passively beaten, but at this moment, as long as the Mozu dare to step on this piece of land, they will wash the entire Mozu.

This is not empty talk!

The Mozu did not come, they really did not dare to come.

The anti-God is now too strong, there is a burning heaven to sit in the town, there is a strong leader of Lingfeng, even if the devil takes the initiative to use the magic domain, do their best to attack, I am afraid to return.

Ye Witch, Ling Qing and so on.


The illusion of light, the extraordinary power of Tianfu, the burning of the heavens to the hands of the hands, is to promote the power of time, the law of space is more turbulent, to recast the character of the Holy Mountain.

"I hope you can live!"

Ling Feng’s heart whispered.

The character of the holy mountain has an extraordinary meaning for him, not for strength, but for feelings.

Only when the Lord is alive can he be able to go all out to the star map without any scruples.


He wants to know the origins of the ban on the real water and the soul of the sea. It can make the characters in the golden sacred roads amazed, and the prohibition of serious treatment is quite terrible.

As for Ling Feng’s current speculation, the character is at least a supreme figure.

Time is in a hurry.

A full eight days.

Cui Mingfeng and other characters from the holy mountain came. Although they later built a holy mountain, the progress was not fast, even if there was help against it.

in fact.

Over the past few years, the storms have been too much, and the help of the holy mountain is very limited, and Cui Mingfeng does not want to owe too much wind, because he has only had contact with Ling Feng, can't talk about how deep the feelings, how can One

Let the help of God help each other?

Ling Feng did not force, and did what he wanted.


Today is different from the past, the anti-God is reversing the way, to resurrect the Lord, which is too important for Cui Mingfeng and other people in the Holy Mountain.


Cui Mingfeng is standing side by side with Ling Feng, and his face is full of grace. The Lord is not only the lord of the Holy Mountain, but also the symbol of the Holy Mountain.


They can't see hope, so they haven't been questioned yet, but now they can let them see hope, and they are afraid that it is a hope.

“Is it sure?” asked Cui Mingfeng.


Ling Feng looked at this former brother, and his heart was a bit lonely, but as long as they are alive.

"I thank you on behalf of the Lord!"

Cui Mingfeng respectfully bowed to Ling Feng, and he only did a small thing against the gods, but it was the top grace for the holy mountain.

Ling Feng did not dodge, accepting Cui Mingfeng's gratitude in a calm gesture, because he has no reason to dodge.

Do you want to tell Cui Mingfeng that he is actually his brother?

Is this reborn on the body of Ling Feng?

Does it fit?

Cui Mingfeng's letter?

If this is true, what will happen again?

Ling Feng didn't want to bother, but worried about Ling Qing's feelings.

Some things are buried in my heart.

"It should be faster." Ling Feng looked at Tianfu, he had the heart to help, but Xianli is still too overbearing, and the physique of the Lord is only unbearable, otherwise it should have been summoned.

Two days later.

The light rain in Tianfu is gradually spreading, and the breath is diffused.

A character walked out of the heavens, his footsteps were heavy, and his dark time and space laws were scattered, leaving the surrounding space to sway.


Ling Feng flew past a step, appeared in front of the Burning Supreme, and asked in a hurry. "How is the Lord?"

Cui Mingfeng didn't think that Ling Feng was more anxious than him. There was a kind of lingering wind that was the thought of the pro-child of the Lord, but he was not slow, but also appeared in front of the Burning Supreme, and asked with full concern. Seniors, how is the old man and his old man?"

"The gods have extraordinary powers, and you should pay attention to them in the future."

The burning of the Supreme did not immediately respond to the problem of Ling Feng, but solemnly handed the gods to the wind.

"If it is useful, give it to the Supreme." Ling Feng said with a smile.

The area is the **** of the heavens, far from the importance of the Lord.

"Silly boy."

Burning Heaven Supreme smiles.. "Do you think everyone can get its approval? You think about it, how long after you get it, how long does it fit into the body?"

"It is different."


The gods of the heavens are the top banters, that is, the Burning Supreme is highly respected for them, and the origins are even greater. At the same time, they are disguised as recognitions. They have not been recognized by the gods, which further demonstrates that Lingfeng’s talents are extraordinary.

Ling Feng did not have a false impression, but the gods of the heavens into the body.

"Go in, he's fine, but his body is still weak. Although he has come alive, it is not easy to heal." The Burning Supreme saw the urgency of the two men and said with a smile. "You are in this area." ratio

I am better at it. ”


Ling Feng has a heavy forehead, and he is doing the same thing to burn the sky to the top.


The two characters rushed into the heavens.

Within the Tianfu.

An old man sits quietly in a vast expanse of earth, where the spiritual power shines, not strong, and looks very thin, but it is suitable for the newly resurrected Lord.

Too strong spiritual power, star power, etc. will directly collapse the flesh and blood of the Lord.

Because this time the Lord is equivalent to a mortal, and has no strength.


Ling Feng saw this character, his eyes could not help but wet. He had been looking forward to it for many years. Before he was not strong enough, he never dared to go back. Because his body was too real, the prohibition involved too many secrets, he did not want Bring blood to the Holy Mountain.

Unfortunately, blood trouble still happened.

Cui Mingfeng has tears in his eyes, and Ling Feng needs to hide. He has no concerns in this regard.

"Is Mingfeng coming?"

The Lord is kind and kind, although there is still some worry, not completely returning to God, but it is also clear about what happened in these years, especially when he was taken away. Those characters forced him to ask for a real water and a ban, but he was hard and quite It’s down.

The blood is exhausted and it should have died.


He survived miraculously.

Burning the Supreme Supreme did not reveal too much content, fearing that the Lord could not accept it. Before and after his death and death, as well as the culprit, the Lord was clear. As for the Ling Feng who saved him back and the Supreme Heaven, he also heard it.

As for the anti-God, he is not clear.

I don't even know what the current Shenwu continent is.

"Lord, you are finally alive!"

Cui Mingfeng is full of sorrow, the Lord is dying for two hundred years, how sad are they in these junior hearts?

Heaven is poor, the Lord is alive.

"Yeah, I didn't think of it." The Lord said with great gratification.


His gaze fell on Ling Feng, and there was no breath at the moment, and the Lord could not feel it.

His eyes flashed and asked. "Are you a Lingfeng?"

"I am Ling Feng!"

Ling Feng smirked and smiled, Gong Dadao.. "Congratulations to the Lord to live!"

"The name is the same."

The Lord whispered that there was an emotion that was flashing.

"Unfortunately, not him!"

Cui Mingfeng sighed and his brother died in the holy mountain.

"Yeah, unfortunately not him!"

The Lord is also sighing.

Ling Feng was silent, and there was no indication, and then he retired and let Cui Mingfeng and the Lord recount.

at dusk.

Cui Mingfeng came out of Tianfu and said, "I want to take the Lord back to the Holy Mountain."

"I am afraid that it will not work now."

Ling Feng shook his head and said: "The Lord's injury is too heavy. At this time, leaving will only aggravate his injury. At that time, he really has to be unable to return to heaven. Let his old man be nursed in Tianfu, and wait until his injury is cured. It’s not too late to go back to the holy mountain."

"it is good!"

Cui Mingfeng’s forehead said, “It’s too much trouble for you!”

"What herbs do you need to feed the Lord? I try to send them." Cui Mingfeng said with some blushing. "The grace of the Lord is not a sign, and there is a need for the future, my holy mountain."

I will do my best. ”

"Cui Big Brother is serious."

Ling Feng smiled and said: "The Lord is suppressed by the Mozu, and it is better not to let go of it. We, the younger generations, do something for them, but it is just a little effort. As for the herbs, they are worthless."

Cui Mingfeng fixedly looked at Ling Feng, and his heart was moved.

It is not that the sacred mountain can be paid off by merely saving the Lord and resurrecting it. He does not believe in any worthless herbs.

The victim's injury is that he is currently at a loss, and the requirements for potency are extremely demanding. Only by asking the immortal and reversing the gods have such ability.

"Give us the Holy Lord, you can rest assured."

Ling Feng said with a smile. "If you can, those people with the holy mountain will come over, which will help the injury of the holy mountain."

"it is good!"

After Cui Mingfeng left, Ling Feng entered Tianfu.

He looked directly at the Lord, and the Lord did not speak at this time, looking directly at him.

End of this chapter) (

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