Supreme Demon

Chapter 2775: Fight now!

Snowy Country!

This is a great **** country on the fairy sky, but it is only limited to a place of glory.

The emperor of the snowy godland is an extraordinary person who is unwilling to be mediocre and wants to strengthen the kingdom of God.

The stolen door was born in the snow country.

When Bo Xue came home, he immediately informed his family, simply packed up his bags and immediately traveled because they knew that the stolen door was so powerful that some people had previously offended the stolen door. As a result, only one night, the family died.

No one is arrogant.

No one dares to argue.

They don't want to repeat the same mistakes and die here.

They are very poor, but they are more reluctant.

Bai Xue’s parents did not blame Bai Xue, but sighed with sighs. They were honored to educate this sensible child, but sadly Bai Xue’s honesty.

Because this will hurt him.


When Bai Xue’s parents finally looked at the old house, they immediately traveled far away, and every moment they waited for them to kill.


How can their speed be able to get rid of the door?

When they just walked out of the city, the characters who had stolen the door had already appeared.

"Dog hybrids, good deeds to dare bad grandfather."

An icy voice sounded, the character who had been forced back by the wind, the ordinary and ordinary face covered with haze.

He appeared in front of Bai Xue in one step, and the hazy eyes looked at Bai Xue coldly.

"Bai Xue walks with his sister!"

Bai Xue's parents rushed forward and stopped the brothers and sisters behind.

"I don't go, I can't go!"

Bai Xue’s eyes were red, and he didn’t think that the stolen door came so fast, and he rushed to kill.

"They want me!"

Bai Xue said sadly. "I am dead, you can live!"

"Don't be stupid." Bai Xue's father patted Bai Xue in a kindly manner. He had to say that this is a man who has a role to bear. Unfortunately, he is still too young.

"Leave my parents and sister, I can let you dispose of it." Bai Xue bypassed his father and came to everyone.


The ordinary stolen character sneered and said, "You all have to die today!"

Bai Xue was so angry that he was more aware of the situation.


Bai Xue’s parents know that they can’t wait, they have to leave as soon as possible, they can stop everyone for a moment, they are old, but Bai Xue and Bai Ling are still very young. [... Aiqi Literature. i7x.~ fastest update]

"My mother, I hurt you!"

Bai Xue burst into tears, and the tender shoulders could not bear his sorrow.

If he doesn't provoke theft, if he doesn't remind the two characters, maybe there won't be such a tragedy today?


Can time still go back?

"Kill, one does not stay!"

The stolen characters waved, and the three characters were like a lightning bolt, slashing Bai Xue’s parents and sister.

"I am fighting with you!"

In the hands of Bai Xue’s father, a large knife was blown out, and Wuling’s momentum broke out. It turned out to be a martial art, and the mother of Bai Xue also broke out of Wuling’s momentum. Although it was far from being stolen, it could indeed block it for a while.

A moment of three interest!

"I am also fighting with you!"

Bai Xue’s eyes are red,

It has already been driven crazy, and he has not cared so much at this time.

To die, you must die with your parents!


The four characters of the stolen door are laughing, don't say Wuling, that is, Wu Sheng is coming to die.


Just when they flew to the parents of Bai Xue, they could no longer fly, only because of that moment, the sky was full of light and momentum.


A voice sounded, and the audience was settled. A beautiful woman flew down from the air and landed between the Baixue family and the stolen characters.

She frowned slightly and had doubts on her face.


Her gaze fell on the dagger in the hands of Bai Xue.

"Where does this dagger come from?"

She appeared in front of Bai Xue in a step, and did not take the dagger, but asked seriously, as for the stolen characters, she was not in her eyes.


"To tell the truth, this can save you!" The beautiful woman whispered, and did not ask, but the words were filled with cold temperament.

"A big brother gave it to me!"

Bai Xue used all his strength to barely open his mouth.

"Can you show me?"

The beautiful woman asked.

"it is good!"

Perhaps the woman's tyrannical and gentle, let Bai Xue's mind loose, he promised to come down.

next moment.

Bai Xue still didn't know what it was all about. The dagger was in the hands of the beautiful woman. The tremble was a tremor. A tyrannical light rain sprang from the dagger. The unique temperament and strength were in the air. The dagger circling, the beast is bowing, and the sorrow is sinking.

A character is proud of the sky.

The word "Theft!" sounded from the mouth of the character, but he never looked back from beginning to end.


The beautiful woman stood in the middle of the road and worshipped the three worshippers. This was the first time, and when she raised her head, the light rain of the dagger was exhausted.


The beautiful woman’s eyes became cold and cold, transmitting a breath of death.


Her eyes flashed, and the power bound to the four characters of the stolen door disappeared.

"who are you?"

The four characters who stole the door were so horrified that they couldn’t help but go backwards. It’s terrible to come, and they are imprisoned without any action.

"Look at the head of the thief to see me!"

The beautiful woman said in a cold voice. "I only give you a day!"

"who are you?"

The ordinary person said, "Do you know who the thief is?"

"You will know."

The beautiful woman sneered and said: "My name is Fengyun, you don't know, but I think the emperors of the snow country should know some!"


"You only have one day, and now it has passed."

The wind is indifferent, and there is no pain to kill, because Ling Feng wants not only the heads of these people, but also never wants to kill a few people, they want to maximize profits.

It is even more clear that there are no black hands behind.


The four characters who stole the door ran away, and they did not have the courage to face such a character.

"Sister, thank you.

Thank you for saving us! Said Bai Xue.

"The girl's life-saving grace will come to Japan!"

Bai Xue’s parents are going to kneel down.

"No more gifts!"

In front of the storm, several characters were lifted up and smiled. "He is honest and deserves to be rewarded."

"We owe you your kindness, and it is even more harmful for you to move your family."

Fengyun said: "But some things should not be solved like this, you are here for a day."


The Bai Xue family was shocked. Is this woman really crazy? Want to fight against the entire stolen door?

Bai Xue’s parents were about to speak, but the wind looked at Bai Xue, and said with a smile. “You are lucky to be a little guy. Some things will only be understood when you unveil it!”


Bai Xue's parents are anxious. I want to leave here immediately. The stolen door will be attacked at any time.


Just then, a voice fell in front of the storm.

Another beautiful woman.



Feng Yun’s forehead said, “Find out the stolen door and the snowy country!”


One character flew away and another figure flew down.

"Check the Quartet!"


The so-called quadrilateral domain is the region where the snow country is located. There are many gods in the world, and the snow country is just one of them. Obviously, it is not just to understand the snow country.

"Check out the fairy sky!"

Fengyun told the third person: "If you need to, please move your mind and ask the fairy!"

"Wings, what is this order?" The fourth person was a little surprised. He had to ask for the entire fairy star, that is, the wing god, because the movement was too big and the impact was too great.

"People in charge!" Fengyun said coldly. To be honest, she was a little excited. She did not expect the person to be here, and she was the first to execute the dear.


The face of the butterfly suddenly changed, knowing how serious the problem was, and the power of the whole person could be used.

This is to break the sky.

In today's universe, who can stop it against the gods?

The wind did not leave, but sat down and chatted with Bai Xue and his parents, so that they could not be safe, because the appearance of several butterflies did make the parents of Bai Xue feel a lot more comfortable, or they have not yet recovered from the shock.

The girl said that she would like to thoroughly investigate the fairy star?

What the hell?

What about the demon?

Bai Xue and his sister did not have so much thought, they still don't understand this.

A day is in a hurry.

Fengyun’s face became embarrassing, she already said it was very clear, but some people did not intend to compromise.

"If you have no fear, you must rely on it!"

The wind laughed and laughed very cold.

"Then wait for the news of the butterfly!"


The news came over, first of all, the first butterfly. It is relatively easy to check the stolen door without spending too much effort.


Fengyun took the booklet and his face was covered with clouds.


The second and third butterflies came back one after another. What was brought back was news about the stolen door and the snowy country. It was very detailed and did not let go.

What details, one by one.

"Do they want to open the situation from here?"

The sound of the wind became colder and said: "They still don't give up, then let's tell the truth."


"Ask the fairy, the sacred fairy, the casting fairy to fully act, hide the gods, and reverse the gods into the fighting state!"


"Notify the Lord, the Lord, this kind of thing is only qualified for them!"


"The butterfly sneaked with me, this is a big fight!"

The wind flew up and said to Bai Xue. "The characters against the gods will come soon. You can go with them with confidence. Give it to us here. We will give you the most satisfactory answer!"


She rushed to the sky.

"At the moment, go to war!"

When the voice fell, she banned from flying into the distance, and when Bai Xue and others looked up, they only saw thousands of butterflies vacating, and the world was astounding.

Cover the sky.

This sky has been covered by this beautiful scene, and until now, Bai Xue’s talents realized what kind of characters this is, and what forces they have.

End of this chapter) (

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