Supreme Demon

Chapter 2782: Encourage yin and yang fish!

A lightning tears Tianyu.

Its power is so strong that it makes the gods frown, and when the yin and yang fish appear at the same time, the thunder storm is ignited, and the white side is dark and the two forces are not superimposed, but drastically changed.

When it is knocked down, it is that the birds and feathers of the gods are gray.

He flew out of the lightning, slammed his body off with gray hair, and his face was pale. The two Thunder yin and yang fish had extraordinary extraordinary power.

The creature born in Thunder.

The creature that was born out of the top temperament.

This has an extraordinary Tianwei.

Hey! The two arrows flew out of the air, bathed in lightning storms, appeared in the sky above everyone, overlooking the heavenly statues, even if they face the sky, they still perform as strong.

“Really want to be a creature?”

Ling Feng looked at the two creatures in the sky, and his face sparkled with joy.

Although the Thunder and the yin and yang are extraordinary, but after all, only the temperament evolved, not the real creatures, but the two Thunder yin and yang are different, they are born to be against the sky, bathed with thunder and born, this is the strength of today.

They really have to take off the body.

Karaoke! Two Thunder yin and yang can not talk nonsense, directly hit the gods, the terrible Thunder carries the violent wind and rain, pushes the force to the top of the fourth-class Tianzun, and it is made up of heavenly punishment, with a strong shackle taste, is the gods Have to be careful.

in fact.

Shen Lie is not afraid of two Thunder yin and yang, but he does not want to face himself. Such a storm is naturally not exclusive.

It's hard to share! He laughed very insidiously.

The next moment, he flew directly to Lingfeng, and the lightning hid on the shoulder of Ling Feng. This "boss" pitted him. He didn't mind pit "Boss" once.

"We don't want to make it difficult for you."

Ling Feng did not care, he was more concerned about two Thunder yin and yang fish.

"You are going to be a living creature."

Ling Feng said with a smile: "Maybe, I can help you."


The two Thunder yin and yang fish did not want to get help from Ling Feng. Their anger had already ignited, and the gods and sorrows touched their bottom line, and they could not help but speak more.

When the Thunder carried the heavy Tianwei, the sky was falling.

That is the question of heaven! That is the jade emperor is playing barbecue! "Do you have to solve it by force?"

Ling Feng said that there are some headaches. To tell the truth, these two Thunder yin and yang fish are not creatures, only the formation of qi, I am afraid that he will not talk nonsense at this time.

Because they are creatures, Ling Feng became hesitant.

They don't want to be a demon! After all, this is actually the "homeland" of the Thunder yin and yang fish, and their intention is to figure out the truth of the star map. It is more important that the two yin and yang fish are far from this.


Thunder yin and yang fish do not give him the opportunity to explain.

When the endless thunder came, Ling Feng had to raise his fists, and the surrounding Qimen radiated a demon light rain, falling down, the ancient temperament would ignite the Scorpio, the confinement space and Xianli carrying the unparalleled Tianwei It fell.

Face the Thunder! Face the wind and rain! It is invincible! A loud noise.

The Thunder yin and yang fish were like a flash of lightning and they flew out. They didn’t figure out what it was all about. Although the powerful force reached the level of the fourth class, the Thunder just pushed back and pushed them back. Crashed out.

There is no room for resistance! Simple and more overbearing.

And there are strange doors shining around, suppressing them bit by bit, trapping them in them.

Want to escape, it is a dream! Ling Feng was laid out from the beginning, and it was impossible to escape the two thunder yin and yang fish. Unfortunately, the two Thunder yin and yang fish were too confident, and felt that the strength could crush the audience. Later, it was discovered that any of the characters here were kings, and they It is bronze.

"So, can you listen to me seriously?"

Ling Feng blinked, human and animal harmless smile. "Sometimes talking about things is really troublesome, everyone is calm and not good?"

"" In fact, I don't really like violence to solve problems."

Ling Feng is very proud to say: "I am a peace-loving person."

"This time, the characters such as Ye Witch, Shen Lie and so on can't stand it anymore and turn their heads directly.

He said that he believed in it?

Don't like violence?


It seems that the violence against God is kicked off from this person.

He just likes the characters who make the violence artistic! Not to mention.

This time I really talked about it. The two Thunder yin and yang fish were a lot more honest. They were not as hot as before, they became docile, and they were low-eyed, and they looked at Ling Feng’s eyes full of fear.


This person will sacrifice Xianli, can they talk about it?

Do they dare not talk?

They are already in a weak position.

"We don't mean to you, but we don't mind the sacrifices that don't evolve into real creatures."

Ling Feng said: "But we want to know more about the star map. This is what happened here."

"Thunder and yin and yang fish look straight into the wind, sometimes the forehead, and sometimes shake their heads, swimming in front of Ling Feng.

"Do they understand this?"

Ling Feng asked inexplicably.


Ye witch said indefinitely.

"But we don't seem to understand the language of the fish?"

Ling Feng looked at the leaf witch and said.


"Would you like to change languages?"

Ling Feng smiled and looked at the Thunder and Yin Yang fish, squinting, waiting for an answer.

"" Thunder yin and yang fish smashed, eyes flashed, flew to Lingfeng, and sometimes nodded, sometimes swaying, Zhang Zhang mouth, but only spit out fish bubbles.

“Is it still not spoken?”

Ling Feng has some egg pains. Although the Thunder and Yin Yang fish have different strengths, they have extraordinary power, but they are limited to here. Once they have no massive charm and thunder, they will be returned to their original shape in an instant.

to be honest.

They are not real creatures, even if they are tyrannical, they are still non-physical.

"When the yin and yang ask the sky, all the roads are bowed."

Ling Feng stared at the road. "There is such a saying in the ancient world, but unfortunately you have not succeeded."

Thunder yin and yang fish force the first amount, indicating their attitude.

"The soul is not out of the sea, the charm is not successful, you are still only the charm and thunder."

Ling Feng sighed.

At this time, I have already understood that the Thunder and Yin Yang fish are far away from the yin and yang, and their questioning days are different from them.

“Do you need me to help you?”

Ling Feng tempted to ask. "Xian Li asked the sky is different."

Thunder and yin and yang fish are full of excitement, they sensed a very intimate atmosphere in Ling Feng, that is Xianli.

"If you agree, you will enter my body. There is a confinement space in the inside, which will allow you to get extraordinary creation."

Ling Feng then tempted.

Thunder and yin and yang fish eyes shine, hesitated for a moment, looking to the back.

At this moment, the two yin and yang fish flew over, the breath was weak, and it looked very young, just the two yin and yang fish.

"Reassure, we won't hurt you."

Ling Feng’s kindly smiled.. “But it’s more dangerous to have resources around me.”


He opened his chest and said, "If you are willing."

He waited for the response of the Thunder yin and yang fish, and their strong strength was not worth mentioning in front of Ling Feng.

"This is simply persecution."

The gods are very uncomfortable. The value of the thunder and yin and yang fish is extraordinary. Once they enter the body, not only will they get help, Lingfeng will also get help.

Get together with each other.

Help each other! The yin and yang are in harmony, and the million roads are bowed.


Thunder yin and yang fish can be immune to thunder, but it can also dispel the thunder, which is too beneficial for Lingfeng.


Thunder yin and yang fish did not hesitate, with two young yin and yang fish, directly rushed into the body of Lingfeng, into the blood, so that the wind and blood of the Lingfeng muscles have changed dramatically, a large Thunder burst out from the body Like a golden flame, burning in the void.

Magnificent and dazzling.

at the same time.

The fairy power and confinement space in the Lingfeng body are all shining slowly, pouring into the blood, letting the Thunder yin and yang fish ecstasy, but when the flame burning incense is integrated, the Thunder yin and yang fish will instantly smash, and they are nothing. Full of fear of Ling Feng.

"This is what you can get now, and what you can get later."

Ling Feng said with a smile: "In my body, you can truly become a living being."


Thunder yin and yang fish emit a thought, flowing in the blood of Lingfeng, let it be sensed.

If Xianli can make the Thunder yin and yang fish surrender, then the flame burning incense will make the Thunder yin and yang fish tremble.

Sometimes tremor is more useful than surrender.

"What kind of place is the star map?

What kind of change has occurred? ”

Ling Feng asked, Yin and Yang fish can communicate with them in the blood.

"We are not sure."

One of the yin and yang fish said: "After waking up from the ages, we were detained in this place, and only the charm is in the eyes."

The two yin and yang fish do not know much, and they are not clear about the dramatic changes in the star map.


There are terrible bans here that can detain them.

This is one of the reasons why they are willing to leave here with Ling Feng.

"What's in the depths?"

Ling Feng asked.

"There are more powerful creatures in front."

This is the response of the Thunder yin and yang fish.


Lingfeng’s forehead, no longer communicates with the Thunder and Yin and Yang fish, but lets them immerse themselves in the blood, be baptized by Xianli, watered in confinement space, and become a living creature as soon as possible.

"True pit!"

Shen Li said with a red eye. "Just fooled four yin and yang fish!"

"Oh, this is not cheating."

Ling Feng grinned. "Do you think the Thunder yin and yang fish are good to lie?

If I don't have strong strength to suppress them, if they are not detained here, would they agree if I don't have Xianli? ”

"This is mutual benefit!"

"I need their thunder and charm, they need my fairy power."

"It’s really hurt to chat with you!"

God sighed, Xianli had a fatal temptation for the Thunder yin and yang fish, only Ling Feng had such power, they naturally bowed.


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