Supreme Demon

Chapter 2784: Violence against ancient trees!

Immortal land! Void confinement! At this moment, Ling Feng showed the strength of the world, and Xianli restrained the martial arts. The confinement space can despise the power of the law, and its strength really makes everyone look.

When it forms a terrible space.

The space is completely confined. Even if the ancient trees of the universe are extraordinary, they will be tied at this time. Their power will not be able to come out. The space around them will become strong and difficult to move, and thus will not detonate the star map frenzy.

The world is turbulent.

The momentum is endless.

But all within the star map, there is no undulation.

Ling Feng's face turned white a lot, cold sweat slammed down, mobilized this size of Xianli and confinement space, consumption is unprecedented, Ling Feng feels a little physically weak.

You know, that's a huge space of 50,000 miles.

Looking at Tianzun, even if it was originally burned, Tianzun was afraid that it would be difficult to achieve the level of Lingfeng. Only Xianli and confined space could do it.

Boom! The ancient branches of the universe are bombarded in the space of Xianli and confinement, creating a loud bang, and the intense light rain illuminates the branches and leaves of the ancient trees of the universe. It can be seen that each branch is trembled, as if It is convulsing in general, and some places are ignited and corroded.


Xianli and confinement space is to restrain the ancient trees of the universe. This is the ancient and mysterious power that cannot be touched.

This is even more powerful.

He suppressed the riots of the ancient trees in the universe with the power of Xianli and confinement, and did not let other people be alarmed.

at the same time.

The characters of Ye Witch, Ling Qing, Shen Lie and so on appear lightning and are suppressed around the ancient trees of the universe. Such things should not happen again. Their strength may not be as good as the wind, and it is very difficult to deal with the ancient trees of the universe, but the ancient trees want It’s not easy to be fierce.

"Suppress it!"

Ling Feng did not hesitate to speak directly, let the gods, Ye Witch, Ling Qing, etc., to suppress the ancient trees as soon as possible.

Here is not a long-term place, Ling Feng does not want to delay here for too long, he wants quick fix.

"No problem, give it to us!"

Ye Witch's forehead, she also knows the seriousness of the matter. If the ancient trees of the universe are prosperous and force the mountains and rivers, it is difficult to prevent other forces and characters from being disturbed. Then they will be in trouble.

The power of the ancient trees of the universe is massive.

Ling Feng can indeed suppress the ancient trees of the universe for a while, but for a long time, Ling Feng must not hold on.


They will suppress the ancient trees of the universe as soon as possible before they actually broke out.

"Hey, Laozi has long coveted the fruit on it!"

The sacred water of the sacred water, there is a fruit in the ancient trees of the universe, exudes spiritual color, and the top medicinal fragrance, is not a great medicine, but a special thing.

for example.

The seeds of the ancient trees of the universe.

Such as Kirin and so on.

These can only grow on the ancient trees of the universe.

What is the ancient tree of the universe?

It is the ancient tree that gave birth to everything in the universe. The unicorn can be born on it, and the phoenix can be born.


The ancient trees of the universe are rare in the world, and there is no one that can really mature. Even if there is no one in the ages and immortals, there is no such thing as an ancient tree in the world. Although this ancient tree is far away. Far from being mature, but just the prototype is crazy.

"Must get it!"

Ling Feng said in his heart that this ancient tree of the universe is too important. There are too many secrets in it. He needs this ancient tree to uncover the secret of the star map.


It is not easy to get the ancient trees of the universe. This is not as simple as surrendering the Thunder and Yin and Yang fish. Can he let the ancient trees surrender when he shows the fairy power?

Think more?


In the rumor, the ancient trees of the universe can breed the fairy power, and even the immortal creatures.

of course.

That is limited to legends, and it is the ability to fully mature the ancient trees of the universe. The current universe is too young, but it is only the level of heaven. It is already the limit, and not to mention the supreme. It is.

"call out!"

Shen Lie first rushed to the past, flashed a phoenix knife in his hand, carrying endless wind and rain, and hit the ancient tree of the universe, which eclipsed the shadow of the **** god, and looked mysterious and elegant.

at the same time.

The gods and spirits opened their eyes, and the double pupils were completely filled at this moment, forming a hurricane that hit the ancient trees of the universe.

Hu Bang! The entire sky has been blown up by this hurricane. The gods will be the best, and the power of the two sides will always be terrible. Even more terrible. When the gods step into the heavens, the eyes are even more extraordinary.


It is such a power that is not enough to see in front of the ancient trees of the universe. I saw that the ancient trees of the universe are waving giant branches and leaves, and the whole body blooms in red gold. It is very old. The bark on the top is mottled with the lines of the ripples. The door is sturdy and unmatched, pushing the mountains and rivers.

The bang was loud.

The gods were like a weak bird flying out, being directly blocked by the leaves, and being countered.

Even the strength of the gods is not as good as the branches and leaves of the ancient trees of the universe.

Needless to say.

The ancient trees of the universe have undergone transformation, and there are massive forces flowing in them, and this is where the gods are not as strong as the ancient trees of the universe.


The branches and leaves of the ancient trees of the universe are too strong, no less than the Tianzun class knife soldiers, so the knives have not been shaken, but have been collapsed.

"Ah, it hurts!"

God grinned, his mouth was straight and bloody, and it was twisted for a moment on the ground. This was able to get up. The power of the attack was really terrible.

"Be careful, it's too strong."

God reminded everyone, saying, "And, it is too big, there is a lot of charm in the body, once it bursts, no one can afford it."

The human body is too small.

The tree is too big! To expand the ancient tree of the universe, you can imagine how big it is, how much rhyme does it need to fill up?


It is not unusual for the ancient trees of the universe to have branches and leaves comparable to the top-class weapons.


When Ling Qing came forward, a sharp knife opened the cosmic **** and directly squatted on the tree body, causing the branches and leaves to sway, withered a few leaves, and the tree body also left a shallow wound, but did not hurt. To the roots of the ancient trees of the universe.

Hey! At that time, the ancient trees of the universe were irritated, and a branch of leaves and leaves came across the sky, and it was shot to Lingqing, and it was hit by a sharp knife in the hands of Ling Qing.

A loud noise.

Ling Qing is like a giant mountain, and it is shot by a slap, and the blood spurts out from its mouth, like rain.

She fell directly on the hillside and her face was pale. She was completely hurt by the ancient trees of the universe with only one blow.

Not that she is not strong enough.

But she is too weak.

The power of the ancient trees of the universe is not enough in quality, but when the number reaches a certain level, the degree of terror can be imagined, which is unparalleled.

A chopstick is not hard enough, but 10,000?

Man is a hard chopstick, while the ancient tree of the universe is a fragile 10,000 chopsticks.

Who is strong?

The ancient tree of the universe proves its terrible with strong strength.

"Attack it!"

Ye Witch, Du Gu Yuyue, Liu Shushu, etc. were unceremonious and directly killed. The power was like lightning, and the bombardment came down. Every force broke open the world and opened the world.

Karaoke! Ye Witch hit the end of the world, not seeing the horizon.

Carrying the mighty power of Thunder, bombarding thousands of ways, tearing the power of time.

The solitary rainy month is even more terrible. In the all-round attack, the solitary rainy moon is unsolvable. When the daoqin and the bloodqin are together, the ancient trees of the universe are injured, because this ancient tree is for the sound of the sky. In fact, it is also fearful.

Liu Shushu used the interception of the sky.

Sting! A trembling.

The ancient trees of the universe did not even stand up. They were torn apart by a scorpion, and a **** red blood poured out from it.


The ancient tree of the universe has really become a living being, and the liquid in the body has turned into a pale red blood.

But this is still not enough.

When the ancient trees of the universe blew out the branches and leaves, Liu Shushu flew out. The leaf witch spurted blood and flew for thirty miles. The dulcimer in front of the solitary rainy moon was shot by this force, and the solitary rain The month was even worse, and the body was almost torn apart by the leaves of the ancient trees of the universe.

They all bleed in the mouth.

In just one contact, several Tianzun were seriously injured, and only Lingfeng was in control of the situation.

At this time, Lingfeng was stimulated by the ancient trees of the universe, and he became jealous. This ancient tree was too overbearing. It made Ye witch and Ling Qing bleed.

Unforgivable! "Roar!"

Ling Feng made a roar, his eyes became sharp, and a strong force was spewing in his body, and then flew out of his eyes and evolved a storm.

"Flame burns the fairy!"

At that moment, Ling Feng did not hesitate to sacrifice the flames to burn the immortal, to use its power to deal with the ancient trees of the universe, only because this kind of power can suppress the ancient trees of the universe, otherwise he will fall with several other Tianzun End.

If he is not able to turn the tide, I am afraid that they will not want to leave alive today.

He sees that the ancient trees of the universe are not good, and their temperament is afraid that many of them come from the human race and the creatures.


The ancient powers awakened, and the power of the immortality opened up everything, formed a sharp sword, and turned to the ancient tree of the universe.

Karaoke! A loud noise, a branch of the ancient tree of the universe was smashed down, and the ancient tree of the universe also made a sigh of sorrow, and could not help but fly backwards, feeling a sense of heart.

Because it is a living being, it is more sensitive to taboo forces.

It sensed this power in Ling Feng.

It used to be Xianli, and confined space, but at this moment it is a more powerful flame burning incense. When this force first appeared, it made it tremble, and did not dare to contend, otherwise it would be torn by the flame seal. .

It is shuddering.

It is awkward.

Ling Feng is in the violence against the ancient trees of the universe.

To be ruined by their lives, let them surrender, and cut it for the Witch and others.

Sting! When Ling Feng knew that the flame burning incense could restrain the ancient trees of the universe and formed the sharpest knife, he smiled more on his face. At this moment, he had to beat the old tree and let him know who is the boss.


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